After breakfast father-in-law took the children to school. She went upstairs to get her work clothes on she wore a smart navy blue long jacket suit with a white shirt. She tied her hair up into a loose bun she didn't wear much makeup she's very pretty she has flawless skin men and women look at her they always take another look although she never thought she was pretty. Then on her feet she places her high tops she absolutely hated heels she didn't understand why women need to put themselves through so much pain. She came downstairs where her husband was waiting he kept looking at his watch holding his briefcase he didn't even glance at her she thought to her self I could walk around naked it wouldn't make a slight big difference. They walked out together manager Chang is waiting he grabs the briefcase of her her husband manger Chang opened the car door her husband got in first she got. Manger Chang jumped in the front with the driver they set of for the hotel they owned as well as other businesses. They had two cars behind them with 10 bodyguards in she turned and looked she asked her husband" do we need all of them " Mu zain smirked yeah if something happens who's going to save me from you" she blinked a few times at his reply "if I was to jump you now you know they wouldn't stop me especially when I started to peel your clothes off one by one" he looked amused then put his hands over his chest as to hide his chastity. This cute action made her giggle. In all there teasing that arrived at the hotel outside the staff were gathered to greet the CEO manger Chang opened the car door Mu zain got out he placed his hand in the vehicle she held his hand with smiled got out as they walked in like royalty all the staff bowed and greeted them as he Other their manager was there to tell about the days meetings.

The female staff all were envious of her they wanted to be stood where she was the male staff were no less wondering what it be like to have beauty in their beds. Mu zain offices were on the top floor they got in the lift went to the top floor they got out to be greeted by all the office staff they also lined up and bowed as they walked past the female staff were no less envious of her but the males showed more signs of respect. They enter the office her desk is in his office he had placed there when she first arrived he felt that she would be intimidated being so young but she managed to learn in the first year she learned the ins and out of the business world it was a dog eat dog world no different from her world where she comes from in this world they used different methods to kill but tactics were same.

She was very good at her work she has her own projects she works on. But she won't do any presentations she too shy to talk in front of people for somebody who could take out 20 men in 20 minutes was shy. But her argument was she didn't have to talk to the targets she was taken out. She didn't have to talk and say hello I'm here to kill you today have a happy afterlife in hell. Even Mu zain had to agree on that fact. Today she was waiting to hear back from one of the projects she had summited to the board of directors. But Mu zain cuz Mu yazhe had also put in for the project. She didn't like him at all she thought he was arrogant, egotistic, pompous self-centred. Busy in thoughts off ways she could torture Mu yazhe the phone rings her husband answers he said yeah a few times he smiles put the phone down he looks at her she looks cute, adorable waiting for her result he decided he'll tease her he says "sorry sweetheart better luck next time". She looked like she's about to cry" I worked so hard I did all the research thoroughly double no triple check everything we still didn't get it" she slumped in her seat like the air deflated out of her. He so amused with this look that he's never seen before "are you truly gutted we didn't get the project" a quiet reply "ahha ". He giggles and says "I was only joking we got it". She looks up with such an adorable face and asks "really really" Mu zain nods she gets up from the chair runs over to Mu zain jumps on him hugs him tightly for a minute she forgot their circumstances she remembers she quickly let's go.

"Sorry" she says while rubbing the top of the head. If it was any other man he would have welcomed the hug probably returned with a kiss but she wasn't going to get that from him. But she didn't mind because she was so grateful to him for coming barging into her life and saving her from that dreadful moment of madness. He's Prince Charming on a white horse that only happens in fairy tales. He gave a new reason for living not only for self but for unborn child. She wasn't going to waste a single moment of it. Although he always told her she was a Godsend for him she came into his life when he was at his lowest his family's reputation was on the line. His business was struggling she walked in everything turn around today they stand amongst all the top business elites of China.

As they stand there in their own thoughts the door knocks twice in walks Mu yazhe he looks smiles and says "congratulations on getting the project bro I read the project I'm really impressed with the whole layout it was not your usual work still impressive". He glances over congrats to you too. Mu yazhe couldn't bring himself to call her sister-in-law because he thought she wanted to be with his cousin for his money and how powerful Mu zain is."But you only here to look pretty it's not like you did any work, "Mu yazhe remarked. Mu zain was about to reply but she shakes her head she rather not anyone know that she is behind the project its good to stay behind the scenes and look dumb. She puts her hand on her heart and says " that hurt my heart not" and rolled her eyes. "Anyhow, you talk your business talk you don't want dumb little me here I am going to pick the children up" she sprinting to the door the longer she stays she end up doing something she'll regret. Mu yazhe turns and watches her leave turns back to Mu zain " she's coming out of shyness these days". Mu zain retorts " you should stop tease her now she still not passed your tests she's been here five years already she's family now accept her I know you only looking out for me cuz but she's a good girl we are the one who responsible for her okay". Mu yazhe looked at his cuz and thought to himself " I am the one who is to blame but still there's more to her than meets the eye little did he know that his cuz already knew who his little spark really was.

She was an elite fighter, assassin, spy, basically an all-rounder. Envied by many they didn't even know her identity if she was a man or woman some were jealous of her others wanted to be like her quick and swift leaving no trace behind. Anna's fighting skill we're next level she was trained by the best not all of her training was easy she had to endure a lot of hardships for a girl of her age. She always achieves the ultimate goal she never backed down when it got tough she preserved. Her Grandfather (Master Isaac) put her through a tough regime but she never once complain she endured all of it never once did she reveal her inner pain and turmoil in front of anyone. She never showed how hurt she was when her grandfather praised all the others for achievements put never once said "Anna good job".

At the age of 14 years she was sent on missions no matter what they were she completed them with no trace of evidence left behind. Anna had her own shadow guards assigned to her they were a team that we're trained with Anna since they were young they accompanied her on her mission in total there was 9 of them they were known as the blue-eyed beast shadows. They consist of 6 males 3 females their loyalty was bound by their oath they took to protect each other (fight together die together). When Anna came to China they all followed her she told them to go back but the reminded her of their oath they were here to protect her and her children. Anna told her husband about them Mu zain gave a place at the compound to stay out of everybody sight. They also accompanied her on missions. They are Anna extended family.