

Anna couldn't bring her self to look at them she was too ashamed she looked at the ground and said "don't blame yourself it's all my doing nobody can help me if you do you will also be condemned with me so it's best you let me resolve this on my own". Uncle Jack came over and hugged her she stood there lifeless Att came running hugging the two already hugging Amelia also joined them. Mu zain also wanted to join but knew he couldn't. "Anna we here who said you are on your own" they all chimed in together Anna released her self from her the hug she moved her self back they looked at her in astonishment Att spoke very gently like he was cajoling a child "Anna we are very sorry we weren't there we didn't know but now we do we find a solution". Anna moved another step back she looked at them with big beautiful blue eyes she didn't have her brown lenses in today tears began to run down like a waterfall they never saw her cry before not even her sister Anna spoke her voice was trembling "you all have to go back you can't here they will disown you as well I promised master Isaac I wouldn't involve any of you in all of this you all know what it means to be an outsider". "What " they all cried out. Uncle spoke" I will talk to father he can't do this". Att said "there has to be a mistake I will ask dad and mum to intervene I'm sure they can sort this out". Amelia spoke "if that is the case were ever my sister goes I'll go even if it is the edge of that cliff. Anna spoke gently " please don't get involved it has already been decided I can't take the burden of anybody else I love so please leave". Uncle retorted "Anna what do you mean who decided what exactly was said". Anna fell to the floor they all moved forward to pick her up she put her hand up to stop them from coming closer. She slowly spoke the words all muffled in her cries " Masters Isaac knows about me being pregnant so do the adults Master Isaac made thUncle didn't know what to say he was mortified. e final decision everybody objected to it but Master Isaac stood his ground he won't change his mind you all know that so it's best if you all go back".

Art, Amelia couldn't speak they were crying too much. Uncle Jack asked "what decision did dad take" he was fearing the answer he didn't want to hear but he had to ask. Anna looked at them and told them" Master Isaac said that I either find the father of the child and marry him then I have to leave not to return or if I can't then to end my life I couldn't have a child out of Wedlock if I did try and have this child out wedlock they would put a bounty on my life and you know what that means and also if I got anybody else involved they will also be outcast so please I beg of you go back take my sister please look after her I don't know if I'll see her in this lifetime again. Uncle Jack was mortified he couldn't find the words to comfort his niece he was in dilemma what can he do now. He had to think but his brain was numb. Behind them Mu zain listen carefully he was shocked that they were so strict he heard about them but he didn't think it was true. Mu zain spoke," you just said that if you find the father of the child then you get married you can live so can your child right? They all forgot he was in the room. Anna nodded Mu zain asked he doesn't have to be the child father it could be someone who will marry you? Anna nodded she was desperate at this moment in time any solution would do so long as it meant she could keep her baby. Mu zain spoke" could that man even be me". Anna nodded the other three just listen to the conversation. Uncle Jack spoke," Anna you just can't marry anybody sweetness". Anna looked at her uncle and asked "do you have any better ideas, Uncle Jack". Uncle shook his head in shame. Anna looked at this stranger and asked:" are you willing to marry me knowing that I am carrying someone else's child if so, what are you going to gain from doing this". Mu zain like how smart and straight to the point she was " it's better to start with an open and honest slate I am impotent I need you to save me you need me to help you it's like fate has brought us together you are the miracle I asked the Lord why else out of the places in the world I would end up here so will you marry me please". Anna looks into his eyes like she is reading his soul, in her heart she feels like she can trust him he did appear when she asked the Lord for a miracle. she replied "yes I will marry you". The three look on in amazement at what happening in the room they don't like it but it's the only thing they can do. The three went back after there fair wells leaving just the two alone in the room there is silent but not uncomfortable they sit and stare at each other Mu zain breaks the silence and asks are you hungry shall I order some food you've not eaten since last night it's not good for the baby she looks and replies "yeah a little bit" but secretly she was starving. Mu zain ordered their food she ate a lot Mu zain just looked on he liked the fact she was not shy about eating he found her to be cute. After they are Mu zain told her to rest he had to range a few things he had to speak to the priest about getting married he explained the circumstances surrounding them wanting to get married the priest agreed to do the wedding. The next day Mu zain father arrived at the hotel Mu zain told him what had happened. His father told him that Master Isaac has agreed to let them get married on the terms that she will only be allowed to return for weddings and funerals the family could attend the wedding service but Master Isaac will not be attending. When the Father and Son enter the room Anna was already waked she greeted her to be a father in law Mu zain explained what Master Isaac had said she replied:" it's best we said our piece that day I have nothing to say certainly not saying sorry because I am not ". They arrived at the church in smart clothes Anna was pregnant she didn't want to wear a wedding gown. The whole family was there apart from Masters Isaac grandma hugged tightly and said forgive your stubborn grandfather Anna wanted to answer but kept silent this was the last time she would see them she didn't want any bitter feelings. After the ceremony was over they said their goodbyes. Anna, Mu zain, father in law headed the airport. Anna was leaving where she was born grow up not under good circumstances she was going to miss all her family especially her sister they had never been separated before she was nervous about what lay ahead of her Mu zain was observing her here could understand her dilemma he held her hand whispered in her ears it's going to be okay I promise to be with you every step of the way. I will never let go of your hand I'll stand by side through everything okay just lean on me close your eyes the flight is long. Anna leaned and closed her eyes in no time she was asleep probably because she hadn't had a good night sleep on months. They arrive in Beijing, China it's a lot different to England it's so busy so many people she gazes in amazement outside she's quiet but taken in the atmosphere around her. They arrive outside a big house she thought the house in England was big this was huge their somebody to open the door they got out walked into the hallway they took their shoes off. Put slippers on walk in the house the living room is very elegant beautifully decorated both modern and old-style blend in well on the sofa there are already people sat as she walks in she greets them by bowing. They don't look so happy to see her. Although she saw these people before Mu zain still introduced them from left she's my Auntie Mu yan she is also my mum's sister her husband Mu yale their youngest son Mu Yanis their oldest son Mu yazhe. Uncle Zhao my dads younger brother his wife Auntie bai they're the you third son Zhao Chau their second son Zhao chin eldest son cheng. Mum's cousin uncle Ghuanyu his wife haung hua their eldest son Ghuanyu jie second son Ghuanyu Jin.