Mother-in-laws behaviour startled Mu shin. He turned and looked at father in law and Anna for explanations father in law asked him to come to the office so they can talk they left. Anna was still standing at the door her mother in law called her to come over Anna stood near the bed mother in law tapped her hand on the bed and asked to sit down Anna sat down mother in law grabbed her hand and said "I am so glad you came into my life I am sorry for the way I have treated can we start fresh from today new relationship of a mother and daughter "she smiled. Anna nodded her head was so happy that her mother was smiling. "Mother we can get through this one day at a time small steps okay "Anna mumbled. "Yeah but firstly I have to tell your dad what happened I worried how he will react will this be the end of our relationship will what my brother said come to be " asked, mother. Anna looked on with sympathy there was nothing she could do it was between husband and wife they had to resolve it them self's Anna hoped that her father in law was an understanding person who wouldn't be disappointed with his wife.

Anna was still deep in thought when it was interrupted by mothers sister coming charging in like a cyclone she looked at Anna sat on the bed she grunted at her" can you move from here I need to check on my sister". Anna was never rude to her elders she nodded and moved as she walked out of the door she turned and said "mother I will send tea up". Mother smiled and spoke gently" okay dear will you send up some cake too". My yazhe mother looks astonished at the duo and how they addressed each other. The minute Anna left Mu yan turned and asked her sister "why she had a change of heart". Mother explained that she misjudged Anna and when she needed somebody the most she was there she appeared like a guardian angel. Mu yan was very surprised but still a bit vary. She listened to her sister tell her what happens in shock and horror" how could brother be so cruel" Mu yan inquired. Anna's mother explained," that they were always manipulated by him but they never understood his true intentions were they believed him thinking that he was looking out for us but it was always about him".

Mu yan didn't always do as her brother told her to so he didn't bother her that much plus he had dealings with her elder son Mu yazhe when he tried to take over the CEO position so he cut ties with her and her family. Anna mother said to Mu yan "you were right to break ties with our brother or you would have ended up like me". Mu yan told Anna's mother that many times brother try to threaten me but I always told my husband who protected me and also told me to never to meet him alone". "I was foolish to believe brother wouldn't harm me I feel awful that morning I even quarrelled with my husband about meeting brother and look at what happened I think the lord punished me for all the wrong things I have helped our brother over the years" sobbed Anna mum. The door knocked the maid spoke and asked if she can come in she had tea and pastries on a tray placed in front of both madams and left.

Anna went to the office she had to finish the projects she completed the projects. Then headed to the kitchen to prepare for dinner she knew that there would be more family turning up so she had to explain to the kitchen staff what to cook for all of them. While Anna was in the kitchen assisting the chef to make the food. She heard from one of the maids that Mu zain and Mu yazhe and Mu Yanis had arrived. Soon followed by Mu zain and Mu yazhe grandparents had also arrived And lastly mothers parents had arrived. They all gathered in mothers bedroom they were all chatting about the awful events that had occurred. Anna send the maid to call everybody for dinner at the dining table everyone was present apart from mother. Anna sat in between the grandparents while they were trying to feed her Anna looked up Mu zain was looking at her trying to suss out whether Anna was angry or not Anna didn't respond she put her down to eat finely she excused her self from dining table saying she was taking mother some food Anna completely ignored Mu zain.

Anna arrived at her mother's room with the food she fed mother the food. Anna's mother asked Anna to sleep with her in the room mother felt too ashamed to share the bed with her husband she didn't know how she was going to face him. Anna said "she would ask dad if it was an okay mother there nothing to be ashamed of none of this is your fault" while she hugged mother tightly. Mu zain was leaned against the door listening to their conversation and he didn't know how to console his mommy but he needed to let her know that he was there if she wanted to talk to him at this moment in time Mummy needed Anna more. Mu zain slowly walked in he waved his hand at Mummy he didn't try to hug her because he heard earlier from Mu Yanis how Mummy reacted to his hug. Mu zain asked how "his Mummy was". Mummy told him" she was a lot better". Mu zain moved closer to where Anna was sitting he realised that she hadn't once looked in his direction he slowly put his hand on her shoulder and squeeze it but no response then he thought "shit you're in the dog house".

Anna told mother she was going to ask dad about sleeping in the mother's room. Downstairs every one started to leave. Only mothers parents remained in the lounge and father they were a deep discussion when Anna walked in they went quite then they excused themselves and departed. Anna turned to her father in law and asked" dad is everything alright". Father in law replied," yeah they just told me they have cut all ties with their only son they didn't condone his behaviour towards his sisters". Dad explained that mother in laws father loves the girls more. Anna then told dad "what mother has asked" dad said "it was okay" he knew there was more going on but he would wait patiently for his wife to confide in him. Anna went to the children room to tuck them in only to find Mu zain had already done it and also Uncle Yanis was telling them about of his missions. Anna kissed them walked out to her bedroom avoiding any eye contact with Mu zain he tried to grab her hand but he didn't reach in time she left Anna took a shower and ran to her mother's room before Mu zain came to the bedroom she was upset with him for shutting her out. She never thought that she would be shut out again she still felt the hurt and pain from back then when most of her family turned their back on her she had never felt so cold and lonely she was only 14 years old she was just a teenager who needed warmth of a hug to say it was going to be alright but she got the bitter cold and ends of the cliffs. The silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered that moment in her past there was a sharp pain in her heart like somebody stabbed it with a knife Anna held her chest she's and rubbed it until it calmed down. Anna gave mother all her medication they settle to slumber and soon both of them was asleep.

Mu zain and father looked at each other while they stood outside the bedroom sneakily open the door to glimpse at their two sleeping beauty's. Then they headed for their room it had been a long 48 hours for all the household. Anna was woken up by sounds of somebody whimpering she looked at her mother she was having a nightmare they were tears coming from her eyes she was shaking her head in between saying "please don't brother help me please I am your sister please please don't it hurts". Anna's heart was tightening up she wished they hadn't killed the gang leader quickly she could have tortured him slowly to pay for each pain inflicted by him her train of thought was interrupted by what her mother said next." brother you can't do this we are blood-related its wrong please stop brother don't let the other men near me please I beg you" she started crying out loud. Anna hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear it's over I'm here to help you mother I will protect you, Anna, patted her on her back like coaxing a little child eventually she calmed down settle back in her slumber.