The secretary mengi looked with disgust at the kid who was clinging to Mu yazhe when Mu yazhe kissed both her cheeks then her forehead then he rubbed his nose on little blessing nose and asked:" Is that enough or do you want some more". Little blessing giggle which made everybody else giggle Mu yazhe could see the look in Anna's eyes he remembers Mu zain telling him when she turned into beast mode she will kill this woman if she is here any longer Mu yazhe still remember when she beat the gangster up. Mu yazhe pulled Anna towards him and gives her the keys and asks her to bring the car around he will down in a minute gave Anna a nudge Anna sighed as she looked at Mu yazhe she rolled her eyes Anna didn't even why she listen to him. The secretary mengi saw Anna walking off she couldn't hold her disgust in any longer in her mind when she marries Mu yazhe they will have children who will be pure lineage. The secretary mengi speaks "how disgusting Master Mu yazhe how can you kiss this kid she is an illegitimate child you don't know what filthy lowly blood runs through her veins".

Mu yazhe looked up at the secretary mengi with a sharp very cold glare the room temperature dropped by a few degrees the people around could feel the atmosphere change. He says in his cold tone "don't you have work to do you get paid to stand around " they all scattered back I their places but their eyes were still watching what was about to happen. Mu yazhe looks back at the secretary mengi and asks her" who are to tell me that my daughters blood is filthy, if that the case that means my blood is filthy, if you had bothered taken a good look at me and my daughter you will see that she is formed from my DNA if you check her DNA with mine they will be 100% per cent match is there anything else I need to clarify with you if not go to the accounts department and settle your account you are fired I don't ever want to see or hear from ever again otherwise I don't what I will do to you count your blessings that Anna went down quietly". Secretary mengi stood rooted where she was after hearing all of that she was horrified.

Mu yazhe walked off he didn't even look at back with little blessing in his arms they got in the lift and headed towards the exits when they came out they were looking for the car little blessing pops a question that even catches Mu yazhe of guard " so because I look like you I have the same eyes as your my other Daddy" Mu yazhe is tongue-tied he has to think of answer quick he says "yea but it has to be our secret will you promise me you will not tell anyone" he looks nervously at little blessing. Little blessing looks like she contemplating about it she then puts her pinky finger out and says okay they both shake on it. My yazhe puts little blessing in the back seat of the car and belts her in he sits next to her. Anna was going to drive home there was silence in the car Anna looked in her mirror to check on little blessing she was worried that what happened earlier might affect her daughter but the little blessing was smiling looking at Mu yazhe he returned smiling back. Anna didn't think much of it. They drove past McDonald little blessing looked over then asked " Mummy can we go to McDonald please, please". Anna was just about to reply when Mu yazhe spoke:" let's take her she has a rough day it will be nice treat". Secretly he wanted to experience more moments with his daughter. He only spends time with the children as their Uncle but this little girl had changed his way of thinking by her little gestures little blessing had wormed her way in his heart where she had made a home for self. My yazhe thought to himself I need to make time for the boys as well they are mine too. As they pulled up outside the drive-thru Anna ordered little blessing happy meal. Mu yazhe fed little blessing while Anna drove them home.

When they reach the gate of the house Mu zain was already pulling in the drive Anna parked the car they all, got out at the same time Mu zain rushed over and picked the little blessing up kissed her and asked her" if she was alright". Little blessing giggled and told her father "she was fine because "Daddy Mu zain"! was there all three turned and looked at what little blessing said Mu zain asked "why she all of sudden called him Daddy" she explained "that at the shop, the lady asked you and Uncle were you, my fathers, you both said "yes" so now I have two Daddy's"! Anna looked at the two men and asked:" what is she talking about did the lady think you two were in a relationship". Anna couldn't help giggle to herself as she headed to the front door. Mu yazhe looked at Mu zain they both shrugged their shoulders" women" they sighed as they followed Anna in with little blessing. Anna took the little blessing upstairs to bath her get ready for bed while Mu zain and Mu yazhe headed to the study.

When they reached the study Mu zain asked Mu yazhe what happened Mu yazhe "told the whole truth even about the situation with the little blessing"! Mu zain was stunned by his cuz and his daughter he truly believe they shared the same genes. He knew his little girl was special but to be able to make space in his cuz's very icey cold heart she was the Angel sent as a gift from the heavens little blessing was the first female to be born in their clan in over four generations. Mu yazhe told Mu zain of the moment, she called him Daddy in the shop and pounced on him he felt a pull to his heart.

As they were talking the boys barged in they came to ask if they could buy a new game that had just come out. Mu musin spoke while Mu xuiji signed "please Daddy we will do anything you ask, please". Mu yazhe watch his boys with a loving gaze he never actually thought about them as his sons he always took on the role of an Uncle. But today he was seeing them in a different relationship. He looked at his older son Mu musin his features were well defined he face resembled his when he was that age he had blue eyes which he didn't who he inherited from because his eyes were green and Anna was brown he had an attitude like him cold and serious he had an aura that made him not approachable. On the other hand there was his younger son Mu xuiji he had the same features as his older brother they carbon copy of each other he also had blue eyes you could swap them around you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Mu xuiji attitude was warm his aura was more approachable he was born deaf he could sort of speak but chose not to. Mu zain agreed to buy them the game because he liked to play the game with the boys. All the boys in the family liked to play games and they were very competitive when they played against each other. The boys left the study very happy with their father because he agreed to buy the game and that didn't have to any odd jobs for it.

After Mu yazhe left Mu zain headed to the bedroom where he saw his girls sprawled out on the bed asleep he crept over so not to disturb them he covered them properly then he gazed at the duo with a loving gaze he felt so proud that these girls belong to him he was blessed to have them in his life. He headed towards the bathroom when his phone rang he took in the bathroom it was secretary Chang they greeted each other told him everything and said that by tomorrow morning secretary mengi family would face bankruptcy. Mu zain showered put his PJs on came out saw Anna had thrown the duvet off again he went over and covered her went and covered her then went to check on his boys he tucked them in properly. Then he headed back to his room. He took the blanket and lay on the couch went to sleep.