Mu yazhe just looked on in bewildered he had a little daughter and two sons in a matter of a couple of hours he went from being a bachelor to father of three he had helped create the little life's all three were so tiny they were the size of his hands they looked so fragile. The neonatologist and paediatrician had all three babies ready to take them to the special care unit the specialist explained to Mu yazhe in detail of what was happening why the babies were going the special care unit and what treatments they would be receiving. He watched as the doctors wheeled the children out of there he was still staring at the door when it closed in a daze. Mu yazhe was snapped out of his daze when he heard Anna grunted in pain he turn around and walked towards her he looked at her what was happening now the nurse then explained it just discomfort from removing the placenta Mu yazhe stared at the nurse "does she think I'm a doctor that I know what a placenta is and why is she removing it's not a body I ever heard of ". Anna smiled at Mu yazhe she could see the puzzled look on his face she lifted her hand gesturing him to come over. Mu yazhe thought that she was in pain so he came over and held her hand. Anna didn't move her hand way in away it felt warm and comfortable she then explained:" The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus and the baby's umbilical cord arises from it this provides nutrient and oxygen to the babies"!!! Mu yazhe looked at impressed with the explanation she give. Anna giggled I read it in the pregnancy book Mu zain brought for me. Then Anna asked "Yazhe what gender was the babies" Mu yazhe loved the way his name was pronounced from Anna with English accent." two boys and a girl" he replied, Anna asked are they all right? when can I see them? who do they look like?". "That's a lot of questions in one sentence firstly they are well they born prematurely so they have to the special care unit. "Secondly, when you clean your self up you need a hot shower". "Thirdly they sort of looked like scrunched up prunes Mu yazhe look at with a smirk". Anna looked at him did he just call my children scrunched prunes how hurtful.

Mu yazhe just remembered he needed to tell Mu zain he took out his mobile and walked out of labour room dail the number the call was connected on the first ring Mu zain suddenly, spoke "cuz everything alright Anna and the babies okay? did you make it to the hospital? we are almost there another hour "oh is she in labour"?. Mu yazhe laughed "what you duo play rapid question fire firstly and most importantly congratulations we've become proud father's of three little babies two boys and beautiful baby girl". There was complete silence on the other side Mu yazhe looked at his mobile to see if he didn't disconnect it was still connected "cuz answer cuz speak" yelled Mu yazhe then he heard a chuckle it got louder and louder everyone in the car was asking Mu zain "what's happening?" Mu zain said "I put you on the loudspeaker please repeat what you just said". Mu yazhe grinned "hello, everyone the thing is you all became grandparents of three children". They were all delighted in the car "congratulated each other". Mu zain spoke" could you tell the genders please "? Mu yazhe chuckled and replied "two boys and a little blessing". Altogether" little blessing" in the vehicle broke out into questions. Mu yazhe was called by the nurse he spoke:" I see when you get here drive safely bye".

Mu yazhe ended the call walked back into the room He looked at Anna who had fallen asleep. The nurse explained that they needed to move Anna into her VIP room and she needs to shower and change her clothes Mu yazhe looked puzzled why did he know this. The nurse looked at him "she smiled you her husband so can you help her". Just as he was about to correct the nurse ran away leaving a bewildered Mu yazhe wondering how did they assume everything he looked at the exhausted Anna he walked over and nudged her" hey Anna you have to get up and shower they need to move you to your room then you can sleep all you want". Anna opened sleepy eyes and nodded she sat herself up then turned to get off the bed she stood up only to feel her legs turn to jelly she slid to the floor and sat there Mu yazhe looked at her what was she doing. Anna looked at him and explained her situation he came over lifted her up took her inside the bathroom placed in the shower on the bench and told her" he would be outside waiting if she needed anything, just call".

Anna sat under the shower let it run she was too tired she sat there mulled over the day's events she thought to herself that her mother must have gone through the same with her and her sister. Anna whispered in her teary-eyed thank you, mama, she wished she could see her hug her right now she needed to wrap her arms around her mother and feel the warmth only that a mother could give. Somewhere in a remote part of Beijing, China a lady sat on rocking chair reading a book suddenly clenching her heart a gush of discomfort was felt her husband came rushing over "are you okay" he asked. She nodded am "I'm forgetting something," she thought to her self. Anna was tired and emotional the warmth in the bathroom she lost consciousness she collapsed the thud sound was heard outside Mu yazhe ran into the bathroom without thinking he saw her unconscious he grabbed a towel ran over he cover her pick her and brought her output her on the bed called the doctor he checked her he told Mu yazhe "she just fainted too tiredness she will be fine after a good rest".

The nurse dressed Anna then shifted to her VIP room Mu yazhe tucked her in then looked at sleeping beauty he moved a strand of hair that had fallen on her face he places a kiss on her lips and whispered "sorry and thank you" He then leaves the room. Mu yazhe heads towards the special care unit he needed to see his little babies. Mu yazhe stood and watched the triplets through the glass they were so fragile he could feel himself tear up but held back. He heard a lot of footsteps heading towards him he looked up and Mu zain was walking towards him with all the family behind they smiling from ear to ear. Mu zain grabbed his cuz and hugged him tightly, congrats bro he whispered in his ears. They all attached themselves to glass and a lot of uhh, ahhs, Koos came from all the grandparents the nurse had to remind them they were in a hospital keep the noise down. Mu zain pulled Mu yazhe to one side and asked:" how he was feeling"! Mu yazhe explained "he didn't have the words to describe the feeling but he lived it". They both decided it was best to talk later privately. In the most of there excitement, they all forgot about Anna not that it made a difference Anna was sleeping like a bear in hibernation.

Mu zain walked in the VIP room with roses in his hands to see his sleeping beauty he placed the flowers down walked over placed a kiss on her forehead and glanced at her with sympathy. He thought to himself she's been through a lot this past couple of months she had to endure more than her fair share while teenagers her age we're just beginning to explore their life's made to leave her family her home moved halfway across the world and become a mother of not one but triplets. Most of the troubles were caused by them on top of that she has to endure his mother wrath day in day out. Mu zain promised to look after her fulfil all her needs, wishes, desires forever. While still pondering in his thought there was knock on the door he spoke" come in "! In came Mu yazhe he looked tired he had dark circles around his eyes. He firstly been on a flight for 7 hours then been at the hospital but he wasn't complaining he saw the most amazing miracle happen. Both brothers looked at each other and at Anna, they didn't speak.

Mu yazhe then broke the silence" cuz can I ask you for something will you promise me you will grant it"? Mu zain glanced at his brother and answered with caution "within reason yeah"! Mu yazhe glanced at Anna then back at his brother "can I be first to hold the little blessing"? Mu zain looked at his brother with a puzzled look and inquired" bro are you alright"? Mu yazhe looked up and with tears in his eyes "we almost lost her my heart almost stopped beating bro I think my little blessing stole my heart if that makes any sense". Mu zain looked "what do you mean we nearly lost her". Mu yazhe explained about the whole situation both brothers had tears streaming down their faces Mu zain " she is definitely our little blessing she is going to be spoiled by everyone and she's going to have everyone wrapped around her fingers".
