Mother-in-law had invited father in laws best friend family over for dinner the rest of the family didn't want to be there Anna was stuck in the middle so decided threatening was the best option she told them "they had to attend dinner as well as to be on there best behaviour Mu yazhe tried to excuse himself but any told him that he's here everyday you're part of the furniture so he will have to be there too if you not here at evening dinner then you will do double training tomorrow if you turn up you can take the day off". They agreed without hesitation. Anna felt happy with herself she winked at her mother-in-law her mother in law laughed at her daughter antics.

In the evening the guests arrived Anna was shocked see grandpa Ning Yanks coming with grandma Ning Nei coming through the door. Anna just couldn't resist she ran forward to greet them she mange slip on and out of there body guards stood in front of grandad Ning like a obedient child and asked "Grandpa it's you" asked Anna. Grandpa looked at the young lady talking to him his eyes brighten up "Anna is it really you how are you dear child ,what are doing here"? Anna giggled like a little girl all her family looked on they never seen this side to Anna before. Grandma pulled Anna in for a hug and kissed her forehead "oh my dear child you've grown into such a beautiful young lady". From behind appeared a dashing young man he looked like a male super star if she thought the men in her life were good looking he was a sex bomb. Next to him appeared such a beautiful elegant lady who was holding the hunks hand they complement each other nicely next to them was another young man equally as handsome as his brother but he looked familiar "oh shit" Anna thought he's the one she beat when they had motorcycle race she hoped he wouldn't recognise her. Next to her brother stood a beautiful lady like her brothers equally elegant then from behind her appeared two children a little girl and boy they were older then the triplets. All the family looked like the lord took his time to create them. They all came in and greeted each other the boys didn't seem to happy to see the other children but little blessing smiled at them they also smiled back the adults were not any less it was like they were the alpha male trying to protect their territory. Anna looked there antics she give them a glare the boys give her a look to say what did we do. Grandpa introduced his family this is my oldest grandson Jain Hung and his wife Jain Shi my granddaughter Jain Liling these are her children Ju-Long, Laquan and my youngest grandson Jain Shen. Grandpa turned to "Anna do you remember Jain Hung when they visited you in England". Anna shook her head Jain Hung looked at and smirked Mu zain and Mu yazhe didn't Like the way he looked at Anna. May be you will remember if I remind you that you broke his nose. Anna looked wide eyed "oh my god it's him braces and spotty face wow the ugly duckling turned in to a handsome swan". "Oops sorry didn't think that through". Jain Hung and his wife glared at Anna while Mu zain and Mu yazhe were trying to hold in the laughter. But Jain Shen burst out laughing "oh bro man she's the one you tried to kiss so she broke your nose". Jain Hung cave his brother a look to say shut your face. Anna excuse her self went to the kitchen to check if food was ready and cool down the way Jain Hung wife glared at Anna she would kill her on the spot. Anna came in to call everyone for dinner they all said at the table and started to eat when grandpa tasted the chicken soup he closed his eyes and smiled he then nudged his wife to taste it. Grandma smiled and looked over at Anna did you make the soup sweat heart. Anna replies "yes grandma". The Jain sibling tasted it they were surprised it was delicious. Jain Shen asked "Grandma how do know that Anna made it?" while having second helpings. "Because we tasted while in England Anna's grand makes like this I learned it but it doesn't taste like this" answered grandma. Jain Shi tasted it and retorted "there is nothing special about it I'm sure the chefs can make this for you Grandma". Grandma just shook her head at Jain Shi attitude. After they all they moved to the lounge to drink tea have sweet grandpa put his hands on Anna's shoulder and said the food was delicious you have your grandmother's culinary skills. Anna smiled "thank you Grandpa". While they talked Anna took the triplets to bed they all settled down there was a knock on the door and Jain Laing came in with her two children "erm they here to apologise" said Jain Laing. Anna said come in" I think there are some need to apologise over here too". The children all apologise and became friends. Anna asked Jain Laing how old the children were to break the ice she told her daughter was 10 years old and son was 7 years old. Then they started to chat about this and that the atmosphere was rather pleasant children got along very well. Soon it was time to go home they exchanged numbers to stay in touch. The children also wanted to see each other again. As they left Anna bike had returned from the garage it was still in the drive. Jain Shen spotted it he recognised he wanted to know who it belong too. Jain Shen turned to Mu zain "nice ride it came out this year didn't it". "Yeah it was a present for Anna on her birthday" replied Mu zain. "Ah he lost to a girl" Jain Shen thought. As Jain Hung was leaving he asked Anna who was at the entrance she didn't hear the conversation Mu zain had with Jain Shen " do still knew how to fight if so I'd like a rematch". Anna looked dumbfounded "eh yeah okay" that's all she could answer she never been challenged before. Mu yazhe wasn't happy about what just happened he stood behind Anna and asked "why did you accept challenge". "I actually don't know that's what just came out I accepted didn't I" answer a still dazed Anna. She didn't turn but-spoke gently "Yazhe do people hold grudges for long period of time if so I think he still hasn't got over me breaking his nose". Mu replied "maybe". When they all came in Anna to her bedroom Mu yazhe and Mu zain went to the study Mu yazhe told Mu zain what just happened should we stop them she's going to kill him. They both looked at each other and said together "nah" Then laughed.

Couple of weeks past everyone busy in there own work. Mu zain phone rings he looks it's a unknown number he answers it it's Jain Hung he asks about the challenge" he says he free on the week end". Mu zain is shocked he's ringing me to challenge my wife" let me go home and ask Anna first " replied Mu zain angrily Mu zain was fuming he came home went to find Anna. Anna was in the kitchen making fish and chips when he saw flour in Anna cheeks he smiled all his anger disappeared. Mu zain came over and nibbled a few chips he looked at Anna told her about the call "Anna do you accept should I say yes"? Anna looked at him "is this guy is for real"? "Well you did say okay to him originally may you hurt male pride in-front of his wifey I still can't get over what you said you are careless and free with your words" replied Mu zain." Okay" "boss I will take up the challenge I've done my research he is part of the original Yakuza they are pretty rough I've come across a few of over they year's but then again I love the game of not knowing" giggled Anna. Mu zain shook his head he didn't know to be happy or worried with his beastie wife.

The weekend arrived quickly they were given an address where the fight would take place.Anna was wondering what Jain Hung was up to he was beginning to look like a interesting chappy but Anna chuckled to herself she was going to love today no matter what the outcome? Mu zain and Mu yazhe looked at Anna and shuttered they were glad they were not on the receiving end of what ever evil Anna was concocting in her head. Anna rung her shadow guards before she left briefed them on was going they all sighed poor guy "we'll pray for him".....". The arrived at the address they were given Mu zain and Mu yazhe looked at each other it was like a private military training camp they turned around and looked at Anna she had an extra large grin on her face "holy shit this is so fucking cool I want one". Mu zain stood next to Anna and said "if you're victorious I promise to build the compound into one okay"? "Really"" cool I will but let me have some fun first okay" winked Anna. Mu yazhe looked at her" better him than me I've still got bruises that have bruises thanks to you". "Ah but you've always gained a lot haven't you"! asked Anna? "Yeah if you say so my Master" chuckled Mu yazhe.

On entering the camp they we're greeted by Jain Hung ,his wife his brother Jain Shen they then escorted to the combat zone as they called it. Anna was excited inside but didn't show it she loved this place she wished she pack it up and place in her back yard. Jain Hung looked at Anna and said "she could warm up they would commence in 15 minutes". Anna nodded she didn't know why she but she felt like saluting him she giggled at herself she was like a little kid given present on Christmas. Anna looked Mu zain and then at Mu yazhe "wish me luck" they both patted her on the back Mu yazhe whispered "leave his important organs alone his wife needs them okay". Anna elbowed him in the belly and said "only you could think like that".