The next morning was like every other except Anna got to practice with Mu Shinn he was also an early riser. Mu Shinn loved to practice with Anna she really put him through his paces. After breakfast, everyone left Anna told Mu Zain she'd be going to the compound today. Anna hadn't ridden her motorcycle in while so she took it out she loved the ride. When she got to the compound the word had spread about her having a bullet so she stopped and asked how she was feeling continuously she was getting frustrated by this. She quickly escaped to the back the shadow guards weren't expecting her so when she walked in they were in most of the fierce competition in who could dance better. The rhythm was vibrating through Anna's body she hadn't danced in a while she loved to danced before she moved here she watched at first as they moved. Anna felt happy today may it because she found her parents or maybe because she talked about her nightmare for the first time she didn't know but she definitely felt her feet losing control she joined the end of the line since she already knew the moves she hadn't forgotten anything she let body do the talking Ed and

Anthony who was just watching was surprised to see Anna dance she had a big smile on her face that they had not seen in a long time.

When Anna smiled from her heart she could capture hearts both of men and women Jackie and harry had just walked in the room their jaws dropped when they seen Anna although they all grow up together they considered each other brothers and sisters when they see Anna dance they all loved her she moved her a body in such a way that left goosebumps on your skin. The boys thought back to the day when Anna did the slow sexy dance she nearly killed them.

The music stopped Anna let out a giggle they gathered around her to hug her.

Ed spoke "gov you scared so much".

Anthony butted in "hey baby girl you feeling a lot better your smile telling me your back".

Adrian: " yeah little missy you took my soul I like it back".

Jackie and Jenny teared up saying "don't ever do that again".

Jade hugged Anna "good to see girl".

Harry "Meimei good to see your well".

James 2 "Meimei we were all worried".

James 1 "you scared the life out of me don't ever

do that again you are my reason for me being alive you know, that".

Anna teared up hearing that she knew she was loved so what if they weren't blood-related they were more they had been there from day one they believed her without judging her they comforted her when she was upset they even came along when she was punished from her grandfather they followed her here they would give their life to save her their love was unconditional they had come together as misfits but fitted well with each other this was Anna family she loved each and every one.

Anthony came over hugged her hey baby girl, I know you look cute when you cry but we'd prefer to see you smile you light the world on fire. Anna punched Anthony and giggled "I'm happy silly I feel light form the first time in a long time"

She looked at Anthony holding her and then at all of her family and spoke softly "I love guys your my strength you always hold me up when I am down".

They all came in for a group hug now there were waterworks everywhere what had Anna started. Jenny went and turned the music on and they went wild dancing laughing this most fun Anna had since she came here. The sing play by Maria Kerry. I want to know what love is coming on you need a partner James 1 comes over puts his hand out to Anna shakes her head he pulls a sad face she giggles and agrees they slow dance it's beautiful the way they move so eloquently when they finish all the rest give them a round of applause. Anna tells them she had fun but she's got to go she see them later.

They all hug one bye one Anna giggles and says "when did you all become emotional fools". They reply "when we thought we nearly lost you".

In the office they all the men are gathered and the older ones are glaring at the younger ones. Mu Shinn says "it's no good glaring we know half of it already we need to know the rest so we can take the right steps to protect Anna".

Mu Yale and Mu Dachi look at each other they nod and start to explain " how their wife was involved firstly they had to tell them about all the five families. Mu's, Yales, Isaac 's, Kang's, Beng's.

They very close with each other we all had a business partner's with each other Bengs two daughter's s married to us while Isaac daughter married to Kang's son. But Beng Jing didn't like it he wanted to marry Isaac Jaden he wasn't concerned that she was already married he wanted them to separate. Together with your mums they drugged Isaac Jaden and made it like she was having an affair there was a big fight to where Kang Jun and Isaac Jaden separated. Isaac Jaden went back to England where she had the twins but nobody knew about them. In time we were aware that Beng Jing was trying his best to win over Isaac Jaden but with fail then we heard she died, in an explosion"

We were horrified when we learned that Anna was Kang Jun and Isaac Jaden daughter".

Mu Dachi spoke "I know you want to do right by Anna but we have to protect your mothers too they made a mistake in their immaturity". Mu Yazhe spoke, ".

They didn't make a mistake it was a sin in that only Anna and her family can forgive them for".

Mu Yale looked at his son who wouldn't hear anything about his mum was defending Anna instead he thought to himself he has fallen for that girl he prayed it wouldn't come between the two brothers like it did with Anna's mother.

Mu Dachi spoke again "don't misunderstand me I love that child like my own but I also love my wife your mother".

Mu Zain spoke," we should sweep it under the carpet like it never happened and say to Anna sorry we ruined your life Dad, Uncle before you make any decision I just like to say that I never felt so guilty in all my life as I do when I see Anna knowing we are responsible for her broken home she's the one who lost out love and got rejected from her mother's side and her father's side but what makes it worse every day she takes her rejection with a big smile on her face when inside she's shattering into pieces".

Mu Dachi and Mu take looked at each other they had always assumed Anna was okay they didn't realise how deep of an impact it had on Anna.

Anna stood at the door of the office listen to the last bit that Mu Zain spoke. Anna grunted to let her presence be known they all turned in her direction worried about what was heard.

Anna walked in and said "Zain I already told you to let bygones be bygones we can't change what is written in our destiny what will be it will come to pass. So let it go you can't miss something you never had".

If they weren't feeling guilty before they were definitely feeling it now seeing Anna smiling. Anna spoke "I've brought lunch for everybody let's eat I am famished".

They two elders looked at this remarkable girl in front of them if they could choose a daughter it would be her it was a shame her families can't see the diamond shining bright. After they ate Anna asked Mu Shinn to drop her home since the two elders we're collected the triplets and treating them. On the way home, Anna asked how his work she made small talk with.

Mu Shinn said: "spit it out what is it".

Anna replied I need to find someone I have the sketch at home I will show it to you but that was 18 years old, so using your technology could it be possible to check your database I would have it hacked in but I decided to get you to help. Okay, sure I will definitely help. As they reach home Anna runs upstairs she brings the sketch down and hands it to Mu Shinn. Mu Shinn doesn't look at straight away he places on his back pocket.

Mu Shinn spoke," Anna you know, you can always confide in me whenever you need I always here you know".

Anna replied:" I know bro you are here for me but seriously I am good the talk earlier cleared a lot of doubt I had and I can see clearly now I see my goal and my responsibilities I have my family right here we don't always see eye to eye but that's how families are supposed to be isn't. Plus where can beat them up using the excuse if training Bro she winked at him. Mu Shinn grinned and ruffled her hair.