53 LIE IN WAIT (2)

In the morning in the Mu mansion it was busy the shadow guards were there in and out Mu Shinn was on leave Mu Yazhe was staying even Little Mu Yanis was here so the dining table was busy Anna loved the atmosphere it kept her busy so she wasn't alone. The triplets barged in through the front door and let on Anna she did miss them even though they were gone for one night. Anna:" want breakfast". All three spoke and signed "we already ate thank you, Mummy". Amelia and Ting Ju walked in behind. Anna:" Morning want some breakfast how where they did they behave"? Amelia, " wow slow down jade no for breakfast they were a delight to have and no they were not a problem there well behaved ". Anna:" sorry". Ting Ju "hey Meimei don't be it was an experience I loved it but it's tiring hats off to you who does this every day". Anna:" em thank you". Ting Ju asked:" where my buddies". Anna:" I think they in the garden".

Ting Ju headed towards the garden. Amelia grabbed Anna's hand to the living room sit you need to rest for five minutes I need to speak to you. Anna:" oh ehm what about "? Amelia:" you of course who else". Anna looked confused with Amelia question and expression on her face. Amelia:" I had a long hearty chat with the triplets they had a lot to tell me". Anna, " stop talking in suspense mode and tell me what are talking about". Amelia looked at Anna with one eyebrow up and give her a stern look. Amelia:" tell me who the triplets father is"? Anna bit her bottom lip and said I, not 100% sure but I think it's"! The men walked in deep discussion about something Anna stop as she looked at Mu Yazhe but didn't speak. Amelia:" tell me later but you're not of the hook young lady". Anna gulped what else was there she knew that Amelia wanted to know more but what about what had her triplets told her really sold their own mother out.

Ting Ju:" hey Meimei why I'm not part of the plan I want in too tell them they always do this they leave me all the fun bits and pieces". Anna looked at Mu Yazhe and Mu Shinn what the hell guys we not on a picnic every last detail had to be accurately planned she didn't want anyone get hurt. Anna looked at Amelia and chilled like a kid:" well that depends on your fighting skills". Amelia shook her head at Anna she knew that her little scheming sister was going to beat her husband up. Ting Ju:" okay Meimei should we go in the garden their ill show you what skills I got" he spoke very confidently. Mu Shinn:" bro I don't recommend it why don't you fight with one of us". Ting Ju, " don't sweat it". Mu Yazhe:" don't say we didn't warn you". Ting Ju:" she's my Meimei she'll take it easy on me won't you" he gave her a pouting look it looked on a fully grown man. Anna:" of course I leave off the bits my sister needs the rest I can't guarantee". As they all headed to the garden. Mu Yazhe looked at grin Anna face she was going to torture him. Amelia said:" blue Rose please be gentle. Anna:" of course my dear sweet naive jade are they gentle when they attack you to kill, you"? Amelia gulped she knew that Anna in combat was anything but gentle.

In the garden, Ting Ju stood ready to battle he thought what are they afraid off she small and cute. The began Ting went in with attack Anna defended to see what skill he had. Anna:" not bad for a beginner bro". Ting Ju:" I took it easy on my Meimei I don't want hurt you". Anna:" okay bro now up the anti give it your best I need see your skills to see where the best place you. Ting Ju:" are you sure Meimei". Anna. Don't worry about me. Ting Ju came full force hard and fast Anna realised he's been training with jade there were some of her moves. Anna nodded she was going to enjoy this every move Ting Ju made Anna was and to defend her self she didn't attack. Mu Yazhe and Mu Shinn looked on they know Anna is holding back this was child plays for her.

The shadow guards also came out they watched they also knew Anna is playing. Ting Ju thought that this is going to easy he was winning streak. Anna:" bro is this all you are giving me my triplets can take you out". Ting Ju:" oh ehm what about this" he came in with twist and flying kick Anna ducked slid under the leg with ease. Ting Ju now knew something was a miss he never saw anyone dodge the way she did with such ease then he realised everything. That the way she dodges his every attack with such ease and then she glides is so elegant he realised she's playing with him he gulped he's been given it's all she's not attacked yet. Anna smiled she knew he had clicked on:" my turn my dear brother". In two moves she had him on the floor. Ting Ju didn't know what how it happened. Anna smiled and said:" had enough".

Ting Ju ego was hurt in front of his wife and friends. He stood up and went for round two back on the floor he went for the next couple of times he landed on his bum a good a few times. Amelia:" sweet stay down". Mu Yazhe and Mu Shinn both yelled:" stay down". Shadow guards all chimed in "stay down". Ting Ju was lying on the floor he was in pain even pain was in pain he took the advice to stay down. Amelia stepped in and said:" I take his place blue rose". Mu Yazhe and Mu Shinn and Ting Ju and shadow guards all yelled at the same time "no Amelia". Anna looked amused she put her hand out gesturing to help Ting Ju up "bro looks like you wifeys got her knights.

Anna walked in she went the kitchen to prepare lunch she was smiling to her self remembering that she always said:" she would be Amelia knight and always be there for her but now she had all of them. Anna prepared lunch for everyone the dining room was full they were noisy while they talked about this and that Anna's mobile rung she took it to the study and answered it, " hello Jain Hung". Jain Hung:" hey Anna how are you holding up remember what we discussed the other day all set you owe me big time. Anna:" thanks again Hung and I won't forget this". Hung:" I do need your help I need to find someone I been looking for six months no leads. Anna:" eh ih whom you looking for". Hung:" my brother in law I know he would not just leave my sister and something happened to him". Anna:" I can help with that but you'll have to come on your own and you can not tell anybody anything okay". Jain Hung:" oh my Little demon what's the deal". Anna:" oh ehm what about". Jain Hung:" Little demon".

Anna chuckled "I'll text you where to pick me up from". Jain Hung:" okay" he chuckled. Jain Hung knew that if Anna wasn't going to tell you she would run rings around you spin until you were dizzy. Ana walked back to the room where they were all busy talking Anna smiled she looked at them she sighed inside she missed Zain so much if he was here would he also like this I wonder. She texted Jain Hung then she walked over to Li Jannan tap his shoulder and walked out Li Jannan followed it didn't escape Mu Yazhe sight he followed too. Anna told Li Jannan that she needed to go somewhere would he drive her. He nodded as he went to bring the car around. Mu Yazhe caught up to Anna and asked:" where are you going"? Anna looked at him then she replied:" to the compound there a few things. I want to check and need to confirm". She wasn't lying but she wasn't also telling the whole truth. Anna asked:" can I go". Mu Yazhe:" do you need me to come with you". Anna:" no I'm taken my bodyguard with me and Anthony will come I'll be fine". Mu Yazhe:" okay ". But he looked at Anna he had a feeling that she was hiding something from him but he couldn't be sure. Anthony was walking over he only heard that Anna was going somewhere with him he nodded his head as yeah he was but had no clue he knew better than to just agree especially Anna but he couldn't say no to her either.