Uncle smiled:" oh okay is it okay to talk about my sister how was she when you saw her"

Anna looked at her Uncle she realised he was happy to know his sister is alive he's always lived with the guilt of not being able to protect his sister so Anna decide to talk about it although it pains her deeply

Anna:" well I have first seen at the hospital when I when my grandma took us to meet them because Amelia was going donate blood and Grandma wanted us to meet her family but we didn't know who they were at the time. When I seen them time stood still I couldn't believe my eyes that what I dreamed of all my life was before me mama looked as beautiful as I remember her she was like the summer breeze soothing all the pain in my heart I could feel my heart slowing down I thought if I died at that moment it would not be in regret of not seeing my parents the Lord had granted me this wish too. I looked at my father and I see my self even his deep blue eyes were mine it was though I stole his identity and put it female form.

And the next time I see them as I rescued my father and brother I wanted to leap into my father's arms to feel the heartbeat of my father I want to know whether the beating of his heart would as soothing as my mothers I wanted to be daddy's little girl for only a minute. As I returned with my brother to the house and watched my mother run over to hug my brother I so wished it could have been me I wanted so badly wanted to feel all that love my mother was showering on my brother I was so envious of him I wanted to live all the moments of not be able to hug her and receive her warmth-loving hugs and kisses in that one moment time stood still as I watched them embrace.

My heart cried out silently as I left I drove past my father I so wanted to leap in his arms and complain about my mother not hugging me but I couldn't stop I knew if I did I break and I didn't know if there was anybody to pick up, the pieces for me there I went to find Mu Zain I knew he would mot let me down"

Anna had cried in her Uncle embraced she had wet all his shirt with tears and snot she looked up and her uncle was crying too.

What Anna didn't realise that they were all listening Li jannan was listening. He recorded the conversation he didn't know how to report this back she moved this heart of stone to tears he wants to take her pain away and comfort her he looked at everybody in the room there wasn't a dry eye in the room she had fully grown men in tears.

This was his dark knight she fought with a passion she loved with the same passion if she made somebody her own she would stand by them with that same passion but if you made an enemy of her she would destroy you in the same passion as he had seen her prepare it was it was his honour to be working for her.

Anna looked at the room to see everyone there her sister ran over and hugged her the shadow guards also joined in Li jannan thought can't beat them join them he came over to Uncle yelled underneath them:" I'm suffocating under here "as he laughed at the pile on it was like old times.

Anna laughed openly for the first time in over six months. Anthony looked at Uncle and smiled "she's back thank you"

Uncle, "no need to thank me it's also my duty to see my baby girl always smile"

Anthony:" hey she's my baby girl"

Uncle: "no she's mine"

Anthony:" no way she's mine"

Uncle:" no mo she's mine"

Anna:" I don't belong to anyone I belong to me"

Everybody:" no you belong to us"

They laughed at the same time. They all sat and reminisced about old times all the crazy's they had pulled Anna and Amelia never drunk they had never tasted it the smell always made them puke up but the rest had their moments of bleeding drunk and Anna and Amelia sneaking them back if they got caught they were punished severely Anna always ended up getting the worst of it. Anna fell asleep in between Uncle and Anthony she leaned her head on Anthony he looked and smiled:" sweet dreams my baby girl"

Uncle looked over and Anthony was quick to point out Anna's head on his shoulder:" I told she's my baby girl"

uncle frowned he then got up and lift up princess style took her to the bedroom placed her bed covered her with the blanket kissed her forehead Amelia had followed Uncle up he tucked her in and kissed her forehead:" I so sorry for not being for you I promise that I will never abandon you ever again sweet dreams my baby girls"

Amelia smiled as she hugged her sister and drifted off to sleep.

Uncle came out of the room Ed and Anthony were outside he looked at them:" let's talk"

They followed the uncle to his bedroom. They closed the door and sat on the sofa in the room uncle:" tell me who's seen Jaden any off you seen her is it her really her she's lineman I can't believe it why didn't you tell me"

Ed: " I've seen her but I'm still trying to confirm if it's really her she doesn't remember any of us I understand she doesn't remember Anna and Amelia because they've grown up but she didn't even acknowledge me so I know there was more but I don't know the details yet"

Uncle:" oh I see man sorry for jumping down your throats"

Ed:" it's okay man it's you I let you off" He chuckled.

Uncle:" Anna been she suffering a lot I thought you said she was happy but she is on an emotional roller coaster"

Anthony:" up until baby girl seen her parents she was settled she still had her nightmares she unleashed her built up anguish, I'm living proof of it but most of it is taken out on Mu Yazhe he always seems to be her prey "

Uncle:" speaking of Mu Yazhe did you do the DNA is your suspicion that he is the father of the triplets Amelia rung me and said you don't need to do DNA Little Blessing is the walking DNA that he's the father"

Anthony:" it's confirmed the DNA results do confirm he is the biological father of the triplets the children also call him, Daddy I think that they know he's the father and Little Blessing is the walking proof he is the father"

Uncle:" oh really what about Anna has she ever mention it "

Ed:" Anna is the only one I asked her she doesn't know or she doesn't want to she's happy being there, mother"

Uncle:" okay well you know the next step we've got to get Mu Yazhe to marry Anna to keep them together and it will also keep Anna save from all the vultures out there you know Anna was safe because she was married to Mu Zain. She's become an open target now"

Ed and Anthony:" We know we will do our best to get them married"

Anthony left to sleep, Ed and Uncle were left in the room. Ed:" how have you been "

Uncle:" okay man take it day by day but seeing my baby girls today give a boast I needed I realised they are what I needed all along I thought staying away from them would be the right for all of us but who was fooling they are the reason I never went insane when I lost my girlfriend and my unborn child"

Ed:" you need to get your self a partner to get out of your past"

Uncle:" you'll be alright with it she was your sister after all"

Ed:" that was a long time ago let it go, man"

Uncle:" You lost your wife that night too man could say the same for you too"

Ed:" I believe you can only love once she was my one and only I couldn't give my self to anyone else". Uncle:" well said you got my answer in their too"

Ed:" that night took a lot from us"

Uncle:" how's Anthony he keeps everything tight hidden in the chest he lost his sister that night too in a matter of 30 minutes our whole world was ripped apart

Ed:" every time I close my eyes that's all I see the explosion the screams they rip me apart. I will tear that person from limp to limp when I find them "

Uncle:" we're supposed to be the best but we can't find the culprits.

Ed:" unless we enlist Anna's help she is very good at tracking people once she completes this mission"

Uncle:" hum..."....!