59 WIPEOUT (5)

Anna:" I going to kill that man"

Ed:" Gov. You okay

Anna:" yeah never better but I'll be great once I have dealt with that man today"

Anthony, " my baby girl is angry"

Anna:" angry me not at all I am going to release years of built-up frustration, sadness and anguish that's all"

Ed and Anthony:" okay you go"

They hadn't finished Anna flew across and landed a flying kick on Mu Beng face he landed on the floor a distance away he looked at Anna as he spat out blood from his mouth he smiled and blew her kiss. Anna came over she didn't give him chance to get off the floor she kicked him in the stomach Mu Beng chuckled:" I would like to see what feistiness you bring to the bed"

Anna punched him the face and kept on punching him everybody was fighting somebody but they were distracted by Anna the more he smiled the more she punched.

Mu Beng:" Little girl your just as feisty as your mum she was a bomb in bed I don't suppose you be the same"

Anna didn't speak she kicked him again with her knee she landed a blow in his face it was gushing blood out.

Mu Beng:" little girl wouldn't you like to know who helped me get to your mum in that hotel room that night that ruined her marriage to Kang Jun he was stupid to believe that she willing would come to me"

Anna had hold of his shirt she still didn't speak she punched him in the face she hated him she had seen what no child should have to see. She wanted to erase him from her memory.

Mu Beng:" Mu Yan and Mu Han they helped by drugging Jaden and bring her to the hotel where we made love all night long you know she is my first love but that bitch loved Kang Jun even when I threaten her she refused to accept me so I killed her in that fire that night I don't regret killing her if I couldn't have her anybody could she wasn't allowed to be anybody else after that women became toys for me to play and toss away"

Anna lost all sense of her rationality she pounded him she remembered that night when her mother pleaded with him not to do the things he was doing he told her he was punishing her and he was removing all, traces of any other man that had been near her. Anna hated this man the most he took away her mother from her and her sister they grew up without parents because of him he the reason Mu Zain is dead her mother in law was violated by him his own sister he was a disgusting human being. Anna kept punching him over and over. She killed him but she kept beating him.

Anthony ran over he pulled Anna off he hugged her tightly:" it's over baby girl it's over"

Anna didn't respond she looked around they were all still fight she pulled out of Anthony embraced and attacked each and every single enemy regardless if they pleaded for there life the whole team pulled back and watch Anna go demon mode they knew they couldn't stop her if they tried until they were no one left she was like a robot she kept going she had closed her self emotionally all she knew is she needed to go home she needs to see Mu Yazhe she doesn't know why she had all of those that were dear to here but she wanted to embrace him she wanted him to tell, her everything was finally over the night terrors we're gone she would sleep peacefully for once and not get pulled in the dark vortex.

Uncle came over he held Anna's hand and looked at her it's over my baby girl okay let's go home"

Anna tried to walk but lost her balance Uncle picked her up princess style and brought her home she didn't speak they all, tried but she didn't speak she showered packed her bag.

Anna:" jade can we go home please"

Amelia:" Blue Rose, of course, we can"

Anna:" let's go"

Amelia:" who is it that you need my beautiful Blue Rose

Anna:" Mu Yazhe"

She headed out she didn't speak she hugged her Uncle and her cousin Att and walked and sat on the car the Li Jannan, shadow guards Amelia followed her. Ed hugged Uncle and told him they would take care of Anna. Uncle felt bad that he lost touch with Anna that he couldn't even comfort her. He was the one she would go running to if there was something wrong.

They didn't know what happens to Anna there but they were all, worried they didn't know what they were going to do. Amelia rung Ting Ju and told him what happened and told him Anna hasn't spoken to anybody but she wants to see Mu Yazhe ask him to come to the private airport.

They all looked over at Anna nobody spoke they took victory but nobody was celebrating they were all busy in their own dilemmas Anna had stirred them to their cores she has woken up hidden demons in all of them they all needed there own space they all, headed there own ways.

When the plane landed everyone descended slowly Anna did as well she walked with her head down she sensed Mu Yazhe around she just thought that she wants to see him so badly that she felt him around her Anna walked into something hard she looked up and in front of her stood Mu Yazhe she looked at him without blinking was she having an illusion was he really in front her she lifted her hand and pinched his cheek he was really here in front of her she leapt into his arms and started crying she was loud she sounded like she was in a lot of pain Anna always cried silently she didn't make a sound but today she was hurting all the years of build-up pain and hurt came out.

Every one around Anna also had tears in tears their eyes when they saw Anna as an emotional wreck Amelia husband had also come to collect her she leapt in his arm and cried Ting pick Amelia up princess style and took her to the car he was taking his wife home the shadow guards and Li Jannan stayed as they watch their dark knight release her inner emotion they never saw Anna like this ever she was warrior, a fighter, a soldier they realise today that she was hiding a lot inside of her they were upset with themself for not noticing how to hurt she really was.

Mu Yazhe whispered:" I'm here it's okay I've got you"

Anna:" I killed my nightmare"

Mu Yazhe:" Is that a good thing right"

Anna:" yeah but why I feel I still lost"

Mu Yazhe:" you didn't lose you won you just need to feel it"

Anna in between her sobs:" Yazhe you always come when I need you the most. You don't ask you just know what to do make it better will you hate me when you find out who I really am will you"

Mu Yazhe:" I will never hate I love you Anna and you if you let me in I won't go even if you kick me out"

Anna:" Really, really, really like forever"

Mu Yazhe:" really like forever my little demon"

Anna didn't speak after that she just held him tightly Mu Yazhe just stayed like that then he realised she gone extremely quite he looked down she was asleep he slowly lifted her princess style and brought her to the car they all headed home when they arrived he placed her on her bed kissed her on the forehead then slowly kissed her lips. He looked at her he was upset that she came back like this only he knows what he was feeling when Ting Ju told him. His whole body and brain stop functioning when he stood there for the plane to land he was an emotional wreck when Anna hugged him and burst out crying his heart hurt so much he wanted to take all the pain away he doesn't know when he fell in love with her was it what happened that night or the time he spent getting to know her and but he all, he knows is that she has taken over his heart and soul he couldn't imagine his life without her.

He left the room and came downstairs he went to the surveillance room and entered all the shadow guards and Li Jannan was there.

Mu Yazhe:" what happened out there why had Anna come back like this she goes on missions all the time she never like this"

Anthony was too emotional to speak he just grinds his teeth together as the tears flowed down his face Mu Yazhe knew from looking all there faces this time what they encountered didn't just affect Anna but all of them but he didn't know that what had affected them was their dark knight.

Ed:" she met her nightmare there.

Mu Yazhe:" I know she told me who or what was it.

Ed:" Mu Beng"

Mu Yazhe:" what the fuck how"

Ed:" Anna lost her self while she was there she went back to being a child she said that it was the man who did bad things to her mama"

Mu Yazhe:" what the hell as this woman been through and how do you know she went back into her memory"

Anthony:" she hasn't called me Uncle since we become the shadow guards my baby girl eyes held so much pain in them if she hadn't killed him I certainly have"

Mu Yazhe:" Uncle"

Ed:" yeah for that moment she felt like my little bunny when she called me Uncle too I felt warmth in my heart that I haven't felt in a long time"

Mu Yazhe was smiling inside these were her uncles I was getting jealous for no reason.

Anthony:" how's my baby girl now"

Mu Yazhe:" I don't know she is asleep when she wakes up we'll know better Li Jannan come to the office with me"

They headed to the office as they shut the door.

Mu Yazhe:" tell me in detail what happened"

Li Jannan told him everything regarding the mission and told him how Anna lost control when she was killing Mu Beng how Anthony had to pull her off then she went all ninja mode single-handed took out 30 grown men I never saw anybody fight like that before she was swift and elegant she looked like a Master. Li Jannan was leaving he membered the mobile he gave Mu Yazhe his mobile and said listen first and then watch the recordings. Mu Yazhe turns the recording on as he sat on the chair he listen to Anna tell her Uncle about her parents he contemplated it for a bit he needed Anna to be his wife before she met her parents he had his own selfish reason for it he was scared of losing her. He was just about to leave the office to check on Anna when he remembered there was a video he needed to watch he came back to watch he was speechless as chuckled at the all the antics he couldn't believe she was so childish and the silly things she still did but that's made her adorable.