Grandma grabbed Anna and dragged her in for an old person she had a pretty strong grip. Anna looked over at Mu Yazhe who just shrugged his shoulder and followed Anna Grandma walked in the house she yelled for the rest of the family to come downstairs.

Anna looked up and an older gentleman came down the stairs he was spitting image of her father he also had blue eyes Anna knew now her eyes were inherited from her grandfather. When her grandfather saw Anna he froze he couldn't believe what he was seeing her he heard his wife describe his granddaughter but to actually see her was different she looked like her brothers"

Finally, he descended the stairs his eyes never left Anna he saw those eyes looking at him closely. As he got closer to her Anna's heart pounded so hard she thought it would jump out.

Grandpa:" well hello young lady"

Anna whispered:" Hello Grandpa"

Grandpa:" it's so nice to hear my granddaughter say, Grandpa"

Grandma:" oh you; she already called me Grandma so I beat you to it huh"

Grandpa:" The heavens are pleased with us to send me such a beautiful granddaughter"

He came closer and placed a kiss on Anna's forehead.

Grandpa:" welcome to your home, my sweet angel"

Anna:" my home Grandpa"

Grandpa:" of course your home sweet Angel come sit let Grandpa get a good look at you"

Anna was pulled by Grandpa to the lounge it was a grant room. She looked around like a little child seeing for the first time. Grandparents couldn't help but laugh at her.

Jun Ru:" look brother they've found there Angel they forgot about us were not important anymore look how they are doting on her"

Jun Rong:" you're right bro you just lost your value they still love me"

Grandpa:" shut up, you two you don't understand how first I longed for a daughter I don't have one then I longed for a granddaughter the Lord has blessed me with two granddaughters"

Grandma:" hum your right they are the first girls born into this family for over four generations we are truly blessed"

Anna just sat there listening to them with mixed emotion they are really nice people will my father be the same and mama will she ever remember us.

Grandpa:" my sweet Angel I am so sorry that we didn't know that you even born I would never leave you with the old goat Isaac I have a bone to pick with him when I ring him now he kept you two a secret from me"

Anna didn't know how to answer him even she doesn't know why Master Isaac kept them a secret. Who knows what goes on in that old man's head but he doesn't do anything without reason this much Anna knew.

Grandma:" was it hard growing up over there without your parents my heart hurts every time I think about it"

Anna looked at her grandparents this was the first time someone asked if they had a happy childhood how could she say it was not so bad only when getting punished from Master Isaac. Anna's eyes filled up with tears she was holding back they were threatening to come out this was more than she expected it was too much for her this is what it was like to have grandparents doting on her. Anna failed to hold her tears in she let go.

Grandpa took out his hankie and gave it to Anna seeing this re-tears came. Grandpa pulled her in his embrace he held her as he coaxed her and patted her shoulders. Anna couldn't stop her tears from rolling this is what it's like to be loved by your grandparent's will my father embrace me the same way. It felt so nice Anna felt like she was dreaming if it was she didn't want to wake up this was something beyond her imagination she was lost for words.

Jun Ru:" look what you did Grandpa we brought her home with great effort you made her cry"

Jun Rong:" wow Meimei you look beautiful crying too I never know my ninja sis was this soft"

The boys can closer and squeezed in between them and hugged there sis one wiped her tears and the other hugged her Anna tears were falling none stop this was too much love in one dose this was parental family. Mu Yazhe watched from the side he knew she was happy women he would never understand them they cry when not happy they cry when they happy he thought of confused.

Grandma: "it is late will you stay here my sweetheart"

Grandpa:" yes stay my Angel"

Jun Ru:" yeah Meimei, please

Jun Rong:" your right please stay"

Anna looked surprised then she looked at Mu Yazhe he smiled and nodded. That's when Grandpa notices Mu Yazhe.

Grandpa:" who is this his young man"

Anna:" Grandpa this my husband Mu Yazhe"

Mu Yazhe:" hello Grandpa hello Grandma"

Grandma:" Oh my I so sorry son I didn't realise I thought you one of the twin's friends"

Mu Yazhe chuckled:" it's alright Grandma"

Grandpa:" well it's settled you both will stay"

Anna and Mu Yazhe:" yes Grandpa"

Grandma called the maids and asked them to make the guest room. Anna phone rung she answered

Little blessing:" Mummy I missed you so much when are you coming to pick us up"

Anna:" Hello to you too soon baby girl Daddy and I will come and get you all okay"

Little Rock:" hello Mummy I miss you and I love you"

Anna:" I love you and miss you, my prince"

Anna placed the phone on video all so she could see them she had missed them so much.

Little Tiger:" Mummy I love so much I miss you come and take us home I want to hug you"

Anna:" I will tomorrow my beautiful baby boy"

Little Tiger:" really you're the best I love you Mummy gives the phone to Daddy"

Anna:" okay"

Anna passed the phone to Mu Yazhe he walked out with the phone while he chatted to the triplets then he told them a bedtime story they were busy.

Grandma:" My sweetheart are they your children "

Anna" yes Grandma my triplets"

Grandpa:" you mean I'm a great Grandpa wow I really have been blessed wait till I meet my friends I have a lot to brag about"

Grandma:" how many boys and girls"

Anna:" two boys and one girl"

Grandpa:" another Great-Granddaughter oh I feel like I sitting in the clouds"

Jun Ru:" did you hear I'm already an Uncle"

Jun Rong:" yeah I too can't wait to meet them this so cool sis"

Grandma:" you were signing with one of the kids"

Anna:" Grandma Little Tiger is born deaf so he mostly signs he can say some words but not clearly"

Grandpa:" he is definitely my great-grandson I deaf in one ear "

Grandma:" your Grand has selective hearing he only hears he wants the rest he just ignores and says he didn't hear"

Grandpa:" it's late to get ready for bed I heading up I see you in the morning goodnight my Angel" he places a kiss on Anna's forehead and headed upstairs," he thought escape before my wife let's more secrets.

Mu Yazhe walked back in he was smiling.

Grandma:" I will show you to your room"

The brothers:" night Meimei night bro in law"

Anna and Mu Yazhe:" goodnight"

Grandma showed them to there room and good night she placed a kiss on Anna's forehead Grandma gave them clothes to change into so they could sleep comfortably. When the door closed Anna leapt into Mu Yazhe put her arms around Mu Yazhe waste.

Anna:" pinch me am I dreaming"

Mu Yazhe:" no your not"

Mu Yazhe kissed her on the lips he slowly deepen the kiss he watched as he saw Anna lose control he had seen it every time he kissed her her body went limp and was easy to justify it to his will. this time he left her lips and kissed her cheeks then moved to the neck he slowly kissed her and what Anna wiggle in is arms he enjoyed teasing her but it didn't mean he was immune to it he felt his whole body on heat up he let go otherwise her lose control he didn't want to have his official night with his wife at his in-laws.

Anna looked at this hooligan he is always taken advantage of me whenever he gets the chance not that she didn't like it it was very fuzzy feeling all over her body she wanted more but of what she didn't know. Anna had watch movies before and she always thought it was real but Zain said that it was all fiction so don't think about stupid stuff. Anna gets her clothes and heads to the bathroom she showers and changes in the clothes that Grandma has left behind she smells them and the Fragrance is very familiar even if she hadn't smelled it in a long time she wouldn't forget it it was her mother Anna whispers "thank you, Grandma"

As she heads out Mu Yazhe heads in he showered and changed when he comes out he heads for the bed and gets in next to Anna she gets up abruptly.