Anna:" Yazhe remember when we got married I told you that there were things I need to tell you"

Mu Yazhe:" Mmmm

Anna:" if I tell you will you still be my husband or will you walk away"

Mu Yazhe:" remember I said I not going anywhere ever I am here for the long haul"

Anna:" really promises me then"

Mu Yazhe:" promises," he thought what is up today with does she want to tell me? Has she found out that my mother was involved in the destruction of her family.

Anna cleared her throat:" you know I have blue eyes and I use contacts to cover them the reason is the thing is that I am known as the Blue-Eyed Beast in the underworld I also have another title I am known as the Dark Knight in the Underworld I don't know what Zain has told you about me how much you already know my maternal family are also part of the great elders knows as The Chengdu's but since I found out who my there is he is also part of this group so basically I am the child of Chengdu I am sorry for telling you at the beginning but I thought the less you know the better for you but recently there has been a lots of movement in the underworld and I think this time we will be facing our own so as the Blue Eye Beast has been openly challenged it's an internal fight to power so I have to go"

Mu Yazhe:" hmmm! The thing is my Little Demon I already know all of this so would you like are you asking me or telling me"

Anna:" you really already knew and you didn't say anything"

Mu Yazhe:" you never asked so I never disclosed that my wifey is a Little Demon"

Anna:" would you have ever told me you knew"

Mu Yazhe shrugged his shoulders:" may be maybe not"

Anna walked over to Mu Yazhe he was winding her up what's with the attitude I tell him my biggest secret he's shaking his shoulders at me wtf Anna went over she grabbed Mu Yazhe by the arm through him over her shoulder he landed on the floor before he had time to react she had straddled him she was about to punch him when.

Mu Yazhe:" no hitting remember you promised" he was taken by complete surprise when he landed but having her straddle him as having its own effects he smiled mischievously at Anna but Anna was annoyed at him so she didn't even realise what she had done. Anna's hands were on either side of Mu Yazhe head he looked at Anna and grabbed her hands making her lose her balance he lips crashed on his he then kissed her Anna couldn't move her self back up due to Mu Yazhe still holding her hands. Anna didn't mind the kiss but she had a lot to say and little time she was headed into a battle that might be with her loved ones and if it was the case she would lose out on either end.

On another hand, Mu Yazhe could feel the heat from Anna's body on his stomach which was making him lose control he was just about holding on he let go of Anna and in his hoarse voice asked Anna to get off him Anna looked at his red face she jumped up.

Anna asked:" are you alright did I hurt you I sorry"

Mu Yazhe:" I am fine I am letting you off today but the next time I won't spare you okay"

Anna:"....?....?huh what did I do?

Mu Yazhe:" ah-hah LITTLE DEMON"

Anna looked more confused and she looks like an innocent bunny looking at its master blinking her big eyes. Mu Yazhe looked at her and shook his head his how can one be so innocent to these matters who doesn't even know her own body and it wants really was she even human he began to with.

Anna:" I will be heading out tonight that is I want to tell you and also"

She moved forward she hugged him tightly then placed her lips on his and pecked them.

Mu Yazhe wants to scream out she was torturing him with her teasing she really didn't know what she does to him he thought he when you come back it's time to make you pay for all this torturing while Mu Yazhe was busy with his thought Anna had walked out of the study into the surveillance room where everyone was ready Anna also got ready collect all, her gear and started to walk out.

Mu Yazhe:" Anna"

Anna turned around to look at Mu Yazhe her face was that if an innocent child he couldn't understand how would she look so adorable while going on a mission where she was going to annihilate people he came over and hugged her.

Mu Yazhe:" are you not going to meet the triplets"

Anna:" no you saw them last time I can't break their little hearts this time so best not to get them"

Mu Yazhe:" your right okay take care to be safe and most of all we are waiting for you"

Anna hugged Mu Yazhe and nodded but Anna's gut was telling her different that this was going to be a different kind of rescue but it's got to happen.

They all headed to the same place the other shadow guards had gone Anna and the others were on extra alert they paid attention to the surrounding as they found, the building it was an old warehouse that looked like it hadn't been used in while Anna looked at the whole building she was already aware of the layout and exit and entry points.

Anna:" okay let's do this"

Ed:" everybody in position"

All:" yes boss"

Ed:" keep your coms on at all times boss don't go in any alone if you feel something not right wait for back up" but he knew it was falling on deaf ears she going do it her way.

Anthony:" united we stand together we fight let's go and get our kids back"

Anna chuckled:" okay what was that "

Anthony:" I think it was rather good wasn't it oh baby girl in so hurt"

Anna chuckled:" keep working on it that was not good at all"

Ed:" both of you focus on the task at hand"

Anna and Anthony:" yes boss"

Anna headed to the roof it was her routine she started at top analyzed all around her before she attacked. She found a window space she either self in stood on the beams and walked to the middle and looked around from her bird's eye view of she could see where they were holding her shadow guards they were tied to each other with chains.

Anna:" hey I have visual on our kids I sending you the video link now James"

James:" Meimei can you see how many guards they are"

Anna:" I placed your little spy camera on the beam you can see all the warehouses from this angle"

James" yes thanks Meimei"

Anna:" any obstacles let me know okay"

James:" got you Meimei"

Ed:" are they all alright"

Anna:" I won't know until I get down"

Ed:" what you waiting for"

Anthony:" you need a push shall I come baby girl"

Anna:" what would you really! my heart hurts uncle is beening mean"

Ed:" will you two focus "

Anna and Anthony:" yes boss"

James:" coast is clear Meimei go"

Anna jumped she came down like a bat out hell she landed right in front of Li Jannan. Li Jannan jumped back in surprise he looked up at the distance Anna had jumped he was amazed. Li Jannan was happy but sad to see Anna he had failed mission this was a first for him. He also badly injured. All the shadow guards were injured they must put a good fight. Jade burst out crying when she saw Anna she was so happy to see her.

Anna:" hugged Jade hey little one my brave warrior it's okay I am here now everything is going to be alright"

Jade:" Meimei was sorry we failed"

Anna:" no you didn't I am sorry for sending you into a trap"

Jackie:" Meimei they are Forth Uncles people I recognise some of them"

Anna:" I already knew it made sense on why they asked for me"

Harry:" Meimei sorry"

Anna:" stop saying your sorry okay"

James:" can someone untie me I need a pee "

They all chuckled quietly Anna open their chains and then used the rope she tied on the beam before she leapt one by one they all climbed one by one they crossed over the beam and out of the window that Anna climbed in.

Anna:" The shadow guards are safe and out I'm going to see if I can locate the girl"

Ed:"okay be care full "

Anthony:" like baby girl listens you might as well talk to yourself"

Anna:" still here Uncle"

James:" Meimei you have four men to you left at 9.00 clock and 2 men at 12.00 clock and two men at 3.00 clock okay"

Anna:" got that "