Anna still understands what this nurse thought had happened to her. But she did know that Mu Yazhe has been taking extra care of her. He even puts the ointment on himself. Anna still blushes when she remembered he cleaned her down with a wet towel he was that considerate towards her he closed the light so she wouldn't feel embarrassed because she was feeling uncomfortable. Anna knew he was her husband this kind of intimacy happens but she still felt shy about it. Anna wasn't as innocent as Mu Yazhe thought she knew that obviously, that husband and wife intimacy happens but was she ready for it she doesn't know after what happened at the warehouse she was going not hold back runway she was going to embrace it. As.

Anna was still busy in her thoughts Mu Yazhe walked in he saw staring blankly at the wall she was in some sort of daze he walked over and lightly kissed her on the lips catching her by surprise and the nurse who didn't know they were this close the nurse blushed and walked out of the room. Anna looked at Mu Yazhe then touch her lips she thought he has such soft lips but why do they send ripples down her spine every time he kisses her and all her body tingles when he touches she really likes this feeling she is experiencing for the first time what was it who could she ask without feeling awkward it came to her Amelia she would be able to tell her she is married and she was comfortable talking to her about intimate matters. She was still deep in thought when she felt his lips again he had deepened the kiss this time and when she opened her mouth he invaded it she was getting used to this happening a lot. Anna wanted to ask Mu Yazhe but didn't know how to approach the topic she thought its best to get home first then she will ask either Amelia or Mu Yazhe if he wasn't going to tease her.

Mu Yazhe:" hey you were lost in thoughts "

Anna:" huh? I was just thinking about how to get out of here I want to go home, please!

Mu Yazhe:" you really hate it huh?

Anna:" I am bored I will go crazy if I have to lay here any longer please let's go home I missing by the triplets:"

Mu Yazhe:" okay I will ask the doctor and see what care you need at home and get it in place home okay"

Anna's eyes lit up she smiled with her dimples showing she hugged Mu Yazhe tightly and kissed him on the cheek which took him by surprise which made him very happy that she wasn't running away shying away from him it helped she was bed-bound he had some advantage of the situation. Mu Yazhe had an idea that could cure her boredom.

Mu Yazhe:" Little demon would help me with some projects I have fallen behind"

Anna:" yeah sure I would love to while I am here and I can't go anywhere so many training"

Mu Yazhe gave her some files he was working on explaining what the proposal for the projects there we're one proposal at the bottom had failed by the board because it was too risky and it needed more funding than the others but if it worked it would also triple the profits. Anna listened carefully and made notes. Anna was left to work on the projects. She was given a team she could work with that would do her leg work where it was needed some projects you had to go and look at the sites it was better to go out see it first hand you got more of the idea of what you were dealing with.

Mu Yazhe thought that Anna would be busy for the next couple of months. And it will distract her from other dangerous situations. Little did he knew that most of the proposals that Mu Zain had done always past we're done by Anna so she knew how to make sure she put all the relevant information into what she needed and alternative suggestions too. She met her team on a conference call and got to know her team there were 4 women and 5 men. They all introduced them self's and what their area of expertise was. Anna jotted down so she would know who to give what task to the right person the right task to carry out this way everything would get done in a shorter period of time. After she finishes her call she carries on with her work she is so busy she doesn't mean to ignores Mu Yazhe who watches her with diligence.

Mu Yazhe didn't know what he had done was a good idea or bad Anna was occupied but she was ignoring him. He had his own work to deal with so he left Anna to it. It took Anna less than a day to write out what she information was a needed who needed to go where what she needed them to do the next day she Anna did another conference call and allocated every one task to complete she wanted results in three days the team were surprised how efficient Anna was and quickly she picked up and allocated the task to the expertise of each individual. After three days Anna received the relevant information need to compile the proposal she put together the first proposal.

Anna didn't tell Mu Yazhe she had completed the first proposal she was given a month to do the first one which she took less than a week do complete she decides to complete the other proposal then hand them in all in one go. In no time at all, a month had passed Anna had completed 4 proposals and was looking into the failed proposal she needs a lot more information it was lacking at a lot of information she decides he would look into more when she got home. Mu Yazhe came in and looked at Anna who was staring out of the hospital window daydreaming again.

Mu Yazhe:" little demon good news you can go home tomorrow"

Anna:" really I can go home"

Anna leapt on Mu Yazhe hugged him tightly she was so happy she kissed him on the lips Mu Yazhe took full advantage of the kiss and deepen it until she was struggling to breathe.

Mu Yazhe after letting go of her:" hey have you completed the first proposal can I have look it doesn't matter if it is not completed I just want to see how far you've got"

Anna chuckled:" okay but promise me don't criticize too much okay the first promise"

Mu Yazhe:" Okay, okay I promise "

Mu Yazhe raised his right hand as he made the gesture but it made him think that was it that bad that Anna made him promise.

She handed the completed proposal over and Mu Yazhe looked in surprise she had actually completed it he then sat down to read the proposal he didn't speak a word he even ignored his phone while he read from the first page to the last page. Anna looked worried because he hadn't spoken for a full thirty minutes.

Mu Yazhe:" Little demon who helped you with this Zain but he is not hear did he teach you this how! when I don't understand"

Anna looked confused:" what do mean you have lost me you making no sense "

Mu Yazhe:" these proposals are exactly like Zains did you know he didn't have one proposal turned down he continuously had a record of bringing the most proposals and getting them past by the board. The staff at the office I pay them the high salary they sometimes get their proposals rejected and they come from well-educated backgrounds University degrees"

Anna smiled:" so it's all good then" she was a bit surprised that he didn't know that she also had a degree in business studies it was from a prestige university but a degree none the less and she had completed her Masters.

Mu Yazhe:" it's not good it's fantastic" he stood up and kissed Anna on the cheeks then the lips and then deepened the kiss he moved away and placed his forehead on Anna's and panted.

Mu Yazhe:" my little demon you are full of surprises"

Anna just looked on she didn't know what she did that was so great just completed the proposal like Zain had taught her to she put in every detail so there was no room for the rejection she backed her information with solid evidence there was no they could dispute it which the board like to do she had seen first hand how they like to tease for fun not knowing how much effort goes into preparing a proposal for any kind of project big or small in their case talking about billions how much research goes into it. The old potbelly board members were awkward they nitpicked at everything they could just to give everybody a hard time. Anna realised they were given Mu Yazhe a hard time and testing his patients to the way he was describing the situation.

Anna:" Yazhe could you bring all the proposals that haven't been passed I would like to see what was missing I think I going to give all old potbelly's something that will hurt their brains"

Anna had thought how she was going give them farts a headache, no a migraine she would redo the proposals and give them a new look as if they were new and then see what the dumb arses thought oh she was going to enjoy this a lot.

Mu Yazhe:" my little demon is not just little ninja she is a brainstorming beauty too"

Anna:" what was that you complimenting me you just called me beauty brainstorm ninja demon in one sentence really huh?

Mu Yazhe:" all compliment my little demon"

Mu Yazhe spoke pulled her towards him and hugs her tightly pecked her lips, again and again, he couldn't believe that his wifey was so talented he learned something new every day that surprised him he was happy she belonged to him all his but he chuckled to himself if Anna knew what he was thinking she would say she belongs to her self.

Anna:" well if you think that is good I got something better you wanna see"

Mu Yazhe:" yeah, of course, you bet ya" he couldn't wait to see what she would sunrise him with now.