The car drives up to the house Anna looked out and smiled she is home she had to admit this time she didn't think she would come home but she was a stubborn resilient refused to perish. As Mu yazhe parked the car he came round and picked Anna princess style walked in the house only to be pounced on by his little brats they knocked him to the ground with Anna in his arm on top and all three brats on top of Anna. Mu Yazhe underneath the pile didn't know whether to laugh or scream it's like they say if you can't beat them join them he lay there and let the pile stay there he was smiling from ear to ear this was his family. He missed Zain at moments like these Zain always live and died for his family, his best friend and brother. Tears trickled down Mu Yazhe face even he didn't we're they happy or sad. Anna sat up with the triplets in her arms and Mu Yazhe sat behind her he had his arm around all of them.

Mu Yazhe:" hello my little preciouses that was one Wellcome"

Little Blessing:" Daddy Mummy we missed you so much please don't go away for a long time"

Anna:" I will never go for a long time ever my beautiful babies"

Little Rock:" Mummy you hurt your leg does it still hurt"

Anna:" not now baby it almost better"

Little Tiger signed:" Mummy how did you get injured"

Anna:" baby I got into an accident that's how but all better now"

Little Tiger signed:" Mummy I am not small any more I do know you go to fight bad people and I know my Mummy is the best fighter I have ever seen so something bad happened but I'm glad my Mummy is safe and come home Daddy didn't break his promise of bringing you home"

Anna:" when did my little baby boy grow so big"

Little Tiger signed:" I always been smart Mummy" as he puffed up his chest feeling very proud of himself.

Anna chuckled as she hugged her triplets she was so grateful to the Lord for them Mu Yazhe behind her hugged all off them. Mu Shinn walked out and saw them all sat on the floor. He smiled came over and joined in the hug. Mu Yazhe looked at the biggest baby them all he sighed. Mu Yanis who had been aboard studying had return came running over and joined in the hug. Amelia and Ting Jun came to see what the noise was about the minute Amelia saw Anna she came running over and joined the hug Ting Jun look at them not sure what to make of them all. Mu Yazhe Mum and Dad came out of the kitchen to see what the ruckus was about they looked shocked.

Mu Yale:" what on earth are you all doing on the floor we have sofas to sit on"

Mu Yan:" get Anna out from under there she is already injured"

Little Blessing:" grandma it's called a pile on you all hug together you want to join us"

Mu Yan:" no I still need all my bones intact you will break some bones under there"

Mu Yale:" come on get up all off you"

The shadow guards heard the commotion from the surveillance room and come out they saw Anna they all come running over and joined the pile the elders just looked at them in horror at all of them. Anna giggled underneath she was been held by Mu Yazhe he was afraid she would accumulate more injuries.

Mu Yazhe:" little Demon are you okay"

Anna chuckled:" absolutely fine this is crazy but lovely crazy I love it"

Mu Yazhe:" yeah definitely your kind of crazy's"

Anna:" are you okay you're at the bottom of the pile"

Mu Yazhe:" absolutely peachy next time a bit of warning would be good"

Anna giggled loudly they hadn't hurt Anna laugh so loud for a long time. Mu Yazhe heard Anna and was pleasantly surprised at what made Anna happy her family their love for her and this whatever it's supposed to be made his girl smile. He thought she is different she is in a league of her own unlike all the lady's who have chased him in the past she likes the simple things she not fussy she carefree she doesn't worry about people's opinions she is her self. When she laughed she made everybody laughs even his parents were laughing.

Mu Yale:" right everybody gets off Anna she needs to rest now we don't want her to end back in hospital again"

Slowly they all stood up one by one then Mu yazhe helped Anna up he picked her up and took her upstairs to rest it had been a long day the rest all followed them up. As he placed her on the bed everybody piled around her on the bed on the sofa and the floor they all had so much to share ask and tell they all talked for hours it was late the triplets was sent to bed after a lot of coaxing by Anna that she will be there in the morning. Then one by one they all back to their own rooms. Only Mu Yazhe and Anna were left in the room it was quite.

Mu Yazhe:" Anna you want something to eat before we get ready for bed"

Anna:" no I'm not hungry"

Mu Yazhe:" okay I'll get your clothes for bed then" he walked off into the walk-in closet to find nightwear for Anna.

Anna sat and looked around her room it was good to be back she missed her own bed this room was hers here are no more doctors and nurses walking in when they pleased. She lay on the bed and just closed her eyes she didn't realise when she had fallen asleep. Mu Yazhe walked in with her clothes to change in to found she had fallen asleep he looked at her and smiled he thought she looks so sweet when she is asleep. He walked over and changed her clothes as he did he looked at the scares she had all, over her body he sighed he slowly touch them carefully as not to wake her after he thought to himself if I could take all, if these away put them on my body I would do it in heartbeat. Mu Yazhe then slowly tucked her in the bed he kissed her on the forehead and quietly left the room.

Mu Yazhe came into the surveillance room where the shadow guards were working on different tasks that were assigned to them.

Mu Yazhe:" how're the investigations going found out who's behind fourth uncle and Auntie"

Ed:" Yeah actually it's the little brat that Anna save from the failong dragons ungrateful imp"

Mu Yazhe:" what's the deal why is he after Anna"

Anthony:" we went on a rescue mission roughly about 12 years ago there we met this little shit and his mum he was kidnapped because of he's the son of dragons his mother was badly injured and we didn't have much time his mum begged us to save him and take him back to his family we had to knock him out because he refused to leave his mum. He has blamed Anna for his mum's death.

Mu Shinn:" but the Little shits mum didn't die we rescued her she refused to back to her family she told us that they abused her every day of her life and she would rather die than be sent back so. Anna spread the rumour that she is dead and give her a new identity and send her aboard only Anna knew where she went she didn't say we never asked so only Anna can tell. I think Anna won't tell I don't know why the enter conversation was about but Anna said that it was the best for the lady otherwise they would kill her they don't deal betrayal very well so this is the lose-lose situation"

Mu Yazhe:" we still need to straighten this out can we arrange a meeting with the brat so we can have at least some communication and see what they say"

Ed:" we have the ungrateful imp only want to speak to Anna which I wouldn't let happen not after last time"

Mu Yazhe:" NO! Anna is not going anywhere near them"

Anthony:" my baby girl barely survived last time we can't take the risk"

Ed:" the little brat wants to set up a meeting on neutral territory we can choose the place"

Mu Yazhe:" can someone else not go"

Ed:" I will speak to them again"

Mu Yazhe:" I will speak to him my self if need be"

They all regret that they couldn't protect Anna they were feeling very guilty as it was. Each one had their own dilemma. They owed Anna bug time every time they were in trouble Anna would come and rescue them the one time she needs them to have her back they all let her down they talk big how there life belongs to Anna but the time came no one was there the ones that we're there they were too drugged to do anything.