
Anna looked at Bowie he was still barking orders although he was gravely injured she knew he was fine his gob was still working. She knocks the two men out when she moved towards the girl she started sobbing and telling her that they made her do it she was forced but from Anna's judgment, she was faking as Bowie freed himself he came over and was sympathetic towards the girl he had a weakness it was couldn't see girls crying so he was listening to her. Anna went untie the boy he had a gag in his mouth as Anna took it out he was swearing his head off at the girl telling her that she betrayed him she brought him here on false pretences as he was still yelling the girl pulled a gun out of nowhere she aimed at the nearest person who was Bowie. As the boys stood there in shock that the girlfriend pulled a gun out of nowhere Anna wasn't surprised she did except something of the sort. Anna wasn't worried Bowie knew how to handle himself or so she thought.

Anna was getting ready to leave when the gun went off she turned around to take a look and Bowie lay on the floor with blood pouring out of his chest the girl had shot him. Anna froze she thought he was dead as she watched the blood pour out and cover the floor Bowie wasn't making any noise he lay there still the boy that they came to rescue tackled the gun he ended up shooting the girl dead. Anna came out of her shock ran over to Bowie she performed basic first aid tried to stop the bleeding least Bowie was still alive she a heave. A sigh of relief. Anna needed to get out of there fast with Bowie his breathing was shallow and his pulse was slowing down she places dimwit on her back started to walk back. Anna knew she should have gone with her instinct she had and pulled Bowie backs she thought about all the things she could have done she blamed her self for not paying attention. As she walked back the boy who they rescued behind her he started to talk.

Boy:" how old are you look really young" she looks so young hug she is amazing.

Anna:" you wouldn't believe me if I told you" I am only twelve but been doing this most of my life.

Boy, " you look around twelve" she is very pretty.

Anna:" you guessed right" wow clever.

Boy:" wow, I just took a wild guess and I am right where did you learn to fight like that your we're amazing I am going back learning self-defence at least I won't land my self in this kind of situation ever again" he memorised by her

Anna:" you shouldn't always trust people easily especially because you belong to such a prestigious family" he is dimwit he got a life lesson though.

Boy:" your right this, not the first time someone has tried to use me I have learned my lesson today they were going take the money and kill me I will never trust anyone again especially women" he was going stay clear of them.

Anna:" good Iyou can guess trust in me until I get out of this dense forest than don't trust anyone, not even your own shadow"

Anna was only winding him up little did she know that he would literary take her words seriously. Anna. Had cleared the forest and finely had access to internet she quickly dialled Ed and told them where they where. It didn't take them long to find them. Bowie was taken to the hospital he survived just about after they were both pestered by the boy's father to become his security guards. Anna kindly declined while Bowie took the offer and left the group. Form that day Anna became self-reliant she knew if she depended in anyone she would be killed or she would get someone killed that's why she always headstrong and goes in her self him if anything happens she has to rely on her self. Many a time this boy who had become a one of the most successful business was known for being so cold and brutal and notorious playboy would send Anna marriage proposals which she happily declined she knew she was the reason he became that playboy she didn't think that her words would have such a big impact on one person. Anna didn't know whether to be happy or angry but what's done is done.

End if past


Anthony looked at Anna she was daydreaming again he smiled and looked at his silly niece she was in love he never forgot what that was like he was never able to love another. There is nothing like your first love she was his childhood sweetheart they promised to send the rest of their lives until death does them part she left him first he broke from the inside-out. It for his many girls he wouldn't have made it she give purposes he lived for Anna and Amelia needed him when they took his big hand into their little hands gave him sunshine smile he felt alive again.

Ed looked at Anthony and then at Anna he gently tapped Anna on the head then whacked Anthony hard on the head to bring the pair back to reality.

Anthony:" bro what was that for seriously, you were born with hammer hands"

Ed smirked:" well don't daze out like a teenage girl and smile at your self you look very creepy"

Anthony pulled a sulky face and ignored Ed.

Anna laughed at the pair:" you Uncles are seriously funny I heard the local circus is missing two of its clowns, I wonder" she loved her silly Uncles they could be so childish some times.

Ed and Anthony:" hey young lady watch it:" they were surprised they smart-alec niece was making them into clowns.

Anna chuckled they all looked over it was nice to see Anna smile she made you smile just to see her dimples ever since she was small she just has this vibe she made everybody around her happy no matter how she broke inside she never let it show on her face she learns to hide her pain well.

Harry:" hey Missy how is your plan coming together for Mu Shinn"

Anna:" I have completed the first stage by getting Mu Shinn to train Ju Long so they have spent time together hopefully they get along then he needs to make friends with Luqaun and Mummy should be easy"

Harry:" wow you are crazy but neat Missy"

Anna:" well I had to do something otherwise two lovers would just pass in the night as strangers"

Anthony:" really baby girl where you learning this from don't tell me Yazhe teaches you this cheesy stuff"

Anna:" My sweet Uncle I have always this smart I will have you know" she was happy with her self.

Anthony:" more like cheesy," he thought we'll done my baby girl.

Anna:" your just jealous you don't have a brain like mine" he was reporting she enjoyed the bantering.

Anthony:" thank God I didn't inherit a brain like yours I wouldn't know where to untangle it from" he loved to tease her.

Anna sat on top of her Uncle and pulled his ears then his nose lastly his cheeks they were laughing like a big pair of kids Ed shook his head at the pair could you tell they where Uncle and niece they look like a brother and sister fighting.

Harry:" This is going to one entertaining journey if you can't beat them join them"

James:" have fun once we reach the valley and meet Master Chung fun is over he is more strict than Master Isaac"

Small James:" can you imagine Master Isaac and Master Chung in One place training us"

Anna stop what she was doing still sat on top of Anthony:" don't say that you gave me the jitters just thinking about it"

Anthony:" no that was the ice cube I put down your back"

Anna:" no that melted a while back but seriously I really broke out in a cold sweat just listen about it"

Ed:" I pray that day never comes"

They all sighed deeply in depression mode. They couldn't begin to imagine what future they would put them through in the kind of training. they imagined them been dragged off in stretchers.

Anna:" well we don't have to worry it's not like that is going to ever happen Grandpa is in England and Master Chung is in the valley so nightmares that we had while we were awake is just a bad thought"

Ed:" but we do need some serious training we are slacking over time hey boss did you just say, Grandpa"

Anna:" I don't know about you lot put in I need some serious workout because I still, got deal with that brat firstly we can't put off the inevitable it has to happen and soon I just hope we can settle it verbally and not get physical "yeah he deserves the title of Grandpa he finally hugged me and said well done"

Anthony:" yeah but we discuss this and you are not meeting with the crazy boy, baby girl"

Anna:" come on you lot when did I become this weak that you are protecting me like this"

Anthony hugged Anna his word came out choked:" since we nearly lost you, my baby, girl none of us ever want to experience that ever again"

Anna:" hey Uncles I am her to stay you won't get rid of me that easily"

Anna hugged her Uncle tightly as she felt awful what had she put them all through. Anna was very grateful, that her extended family was this concerns about her she felt blessed to have them all, in her life.