
Anna had some other commitments she had a few things she needed to do while she was here one was to get Mu Shinn and Jain Lining together other was to send the younger shadow guards on their first mission. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure whether to send Little Blessing although she said she was fine Anna was still anxious about if she could cope.

The first mission was easy Anna made sure but she was another of all, the little shadow guards she was going to worry no matter what. Mu Shinn and Jain Lining were put together for most tasks so they spent a lot of time together they got on really well. Anna knew they were made for each other. Jain Lining children got on well with Mu Shinn so that made them becoming a couple wasn't a problem.

Anna planned the last exercise from the start to finish every little aspect was calculated to the tiny detail she had to make sure they were ready before she sends them on their very first rescue mission. Anna put in the obstacle that they would encounter in reality and they would overcome working as a team. Anna had her weakness she never worked as a team she also strayed from her team which landed her in difficult situations she didn't want them to make those mistakes. After Anna finished with all the preparations. The younger shadow guards were giving their task at hand and told what was expected of them and were all loaded into the helicopter and had thrown out in the middle of the jungle they had to make it back them self's no technology was allowed just basic equipment that would help them survive and each other they have 10 hours to get back. Anna used the same route herself it took her 5 hours to make it back but they were already trained so it was easy for them the little shadow guards were always left in the middle of nowhere and told to make their way home in a certain amount of time or the consequences would be very severe. Anna wouldn't punish them but it meant that they weren't ready they will have to redo all the training again and work out where they went wrong so they wouldn't have any room for failure. Failure wasn't an option innocent lives would be at stake.

Anna had full confidence they were her kids after all she had trained them. Anna couldn't rest she wandered around the room the older shadow guards watched Anna they were all worried but they knew they would be alright.

Ed:" Hey Little Boss you will put a hole in the floor if keep going round and round. I feel dizzy watching you"

Anna:" I know but my stomach is fluttering and my hearts got a strange feeling to know they are all good they have their unique ability so they will bring out the best in each other they will be absolutely fine"

Anthony:" it's because the baby girl we just took the training wheels of their bikes and let them go free for the first time so you feeling a bit anxious that's all but your children are all grown they will be fine"

Older James:" don't worry Missy they will be fine we have to let our little ones go so they can become strong like you"

Anna:" I know you all right but it's just with Little Blessing nearly drowning I am just worried to have I done enough to toughen them up to detail with everything that the horrible underworld will throw at them"

Harry:" Meimei don't worry you know our little princess is a carbon copy of you she just her father's good looks but every other aspect she is like you she has trained harder than the boys I have watched her practice by her self just like you did at her age and she never cries when she is injured I even asked her once she said the if she wants to be the best like her Mummy she can't be seen crying at every little scratch and bump. And she needs to be tolerant to pain"

Anna:" was I harsh when teaching her I did make the girls train more than the boys it's just that I felt I don't want them to be vulnerable or get hurt the harder they trained the less pain they felt the more they could endure later on it's not easy out there and especially for a girl" she was extremely guilty.

Ed, " I knew boss and we did feel you picked on Little Blessing and the girls more we use to watch you and them practising and I think the boys were a little jealous we watched from our corners none had the courage to stop you even Mu Yazhe he had to held back by us because he couldn't tolerate the suffering of them we all know it's for their own good but it was little much sweetheart"

Anna:" I really feel horrible now I did everything that I said I wouldn't do that was done to me but you know when we found Jenny I knew that girls were very delicate and the world treated them harshly so that's when I pushed Little Blessing and the rest of the girls training up a few nudges"

Anthony:" that was few baby girl that was intense"

Anna:" uncles and bro and sis's I only did it for your goods because out there that not going to say hey it's alright don't touch her because her mother is the blue-eyed beast and their Uncles the shadow guards and their father is the big Ceo of the Mu hotels and Mu holdings"

Ed:" okay point made point taken boss we understand completely"

Anna:" okay guys I am going to my room and ring me if there's any news" she was feeling like a very cruel parent she knew she did it for the betterment of the girls they were more vulnerable. She didn't want ever find a girl in the state like she found Jenny and it broke her heart when she asked Anna to kill her to put her out of her misery it took a long time and extreme patience and therapy to get Jenny to be able live and do day to day activity's then she finally to trust the rest of the shadow guards the first time Anna seen Jenny dance and laugh with them she knew they had almost fixed her she knew they would never get 100% of her back this was more than the had expected it was more than enough for all of them.

Although their every move was seen on the large screen was recorded for later research they could look, progress and their strength and their weaknesses and if they need help or they were in any danger.

Anna went back to her room and contemplated on what her uncles we're telling her she was so confused was she to harsh and cold towards her queen she never wanted her daughter or little princess to feel that they weren't good enough. Anna was always proud of Little Blessing she was her only princess after all she had her two princes but the other girls were no less they were all princess she treated them, all the same, they were loved equally. Anna didn't want her princesses to grow up, always looking over their shoulder but unfortunately, Little Blessing was born into this life you couldn't get away from it no matter how far you ran. She did feel sorry for the kids all of them when others were out in the shopping mall or at the cinemas or clubbing her lot we're training at the compound and learning how to use different types of weapons and other skills they needed to know a few languages, and also knew how the company and the hotels and other business that their families had built over time their business legally and illegally and whom they were dealing with weren't ordinary people everyday run of the mill they were devious clever and manipulative you always had to be couple steps ahead of them if you wanted to survive.

Anna was grateful that her children weren't rebels always did as they were told they never question any decisions made by there parents other consenting adults in the house. They knew how to respect their elders and sit and talk to them interact with them. They were liked by all who met them even though we're only 15 years old there were proposals we're coming for them to wed the elite families sons and daughters but Anna had a strict rule that whoever they would wed would be their choice and not forced on them. Anna wanted them to find love if it was possible and have all the normal things people have to experience who fall in love have even if it meant having they were heartbroken as well it was part of a life lesson. As Anna was contemplating her thoughts the door knocked.

Ed:" boss is there can I come in" he knew Anna would be worried some came to check.

Anna:" yeah Uncle come in" she needed a distraction.

Ed:" boss are you okay I know your worried but they will be fine" he was right she was worried.

Anna:" I know Uncle they have to have this experience in order to able to complete their missions"

Ed:" I still remember your solo mission my heart was in your mouth until you returned" he nearly had a heart attack.

Anna:" I thought you said you weren't worried" so you were worried.

Ed:" yeah I know I lied" he smiled guiltily.

Anna:" Uncle you did have difficulty expressing your love didn't you" she found him to get stiff when he had to express love.

Ed:" it was hard to say I cared I didn't want to lose anybody else" he still couldn't forget that horrible night.

Anna:" Uncle you know you mumble a lot when you're asleep so I knew most of what happened" it broke Anna's heart to listen to him.

Ed:" why did you never say" he looked at her in shock.

Anna:" it was never my place to say but when you drunk you said it all that's why I never said it was too pain full to listen to I had to hold you while you sobbed your heart out I felt your pain each time I heard but I was just listening to you but you lived it" Anna felt so much for Uncle he was a great person and he would have made someone a good husband and a good dad.

Ed had tears rolling down his face while listening to Anna. Anna hugged Ed and least he sobs it still was too painful for him when he remembered it.

Ed sobbed:" I just watch while they violated pregnant women, not any pregnant women my women I was helplessly tied to the pole she just looking at me her eyes still hound me when I sleep they pleaded for me to help her but I couldn't after I got to loose I killed each and every one of them but she had run out of there I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her later I heard her she had killed her self I was the most useless human being ever to walk this earth who couldn't even protect my women and unborn child" he fell to his knees and held Anna's waist as he sobbed his heart out it was the first time in a long time he had spoken of the incident.

Anna:" I'm so sorry Uncle too I wish was old enough to help that day we all lost a lot didn't we" she still remembers when they brought Her Uncle Ed back he was like a corpse if he eyes didn't move she really thought he was dead he was in the bed next to hers.

Ed:" yeah my little sweet boss" she was in the bed next to his even though she was injured she still cane and wipe his tears away and hugged him and said that the reason they were gone is that the Lord loves them more and need them.

He held Anna for a long time until the turbulence in his heart has calm down. They sat there didn't speak just sat there in their own thought the door knocked Jackie walked in.

Jackie:" hey Meimei just to let you know the other crossed the first checkpoint with no problems" she could see that there was something going on.

Anna:" thanks sweetheart"

Jackie:" you welcome my one and only blue-eyed babe"

Anna:" you really something sweetheart"

Jackie:" only for you blue-eyed babe"

Anna chuckled and hugged. Jackie as she did the chain that Jackie wore hung out of her top. Ed was, looking at it he had to do a double-take to look before he walked over to Jackie.