Anna snatched the Mobile of Li Jannan and had him in a headlock covered his mouth with her hand it happens so fast it surprised Li Jannan so he couldn't tell Mu Yazhe that Anna had his phone he heard Mu Yazhe chuckling on the other side.

Mu Yazhe:" tell her I am busy I will deal with her later I am not sulking that women need to be put in her place she thinks I'm easy to deal with well I am not I will make her kneel and beg before me and say sorry and beg for me to make up with her" Mu Yazhe was proud of himself he was a cold-hearted Ceo everybody feared he swollen others businesses just because he could and he was a well-known bachelor his marriages still on the low key he liked to keep his private life personal. My Yazhe would he get proposal from elite families nearly every day. Women would throw their self at him thinking they could get him to look at them he sent flowers and expensive gifts every day. My Yazhe didn't like to throw expensive away some handed to his sectaries but told them not to think of it. But for him deep down there was only one who stirs his emotions who could waken his inner desires just by thinking about her. Mu Yazhe little demon had stolen his heart there wasn't anybody like her she was his bossy demon her smiles make his heart flutter like a teenage boy her touch sents an electric current in his body in front of her he was her puppet and he loved her so much.



Mu Yazhe remembers when his father sends him and Zain and Shinn to train with Master Isaac Anna the twelve-year-old Anna she was wearing her black track bottoms and black fitted t-shirt her body wasn't fully developed but her Plain self was beautiful no-makeup she was more a tomboy than a girl there was nothing girly about Anna but then he saw Amelia she was a girl even her track bottoms where pink her t-shirt was black with a pink print she was spitting image of Anna. Amelia had light make up on she was the girly girl but for some reason he wasn't attracted to Amelia, it was the rebel Anna that caught his eyes. Anna didn't even notice him she walked past him like he was the air as she passed him something in his heart stirred too.

Mu Yazhe remembers Anna walking to the training ground he was heading that way too so he followed only to find Anna was being punished for disobeying an order form Master Isaac she had to kneel down in the training ground the sunshine was bright it shone on her she looked mesmerizing she made his heart flutter. They watched as she was there the whole day and at night she was joined by her shadow guards and her cousin Att and sixth Uncle, his heart ached for her but he couldn't believe that there was a girl that could be that tough she endured that much then he they secretly watched her she did her punishment without a single teardrop after her punishment was over she had to train for the whole day she didn't have her breakfast she was amazing in her training he couldn't believe that a twelve-year-old could move the way Anna did she was so precise and she took down men twice her size triple the built he got to train with Anna she took him out in one move he was shocked she didn't even give him time to breathe he was on the floor he was very impressed that he was beaten by twelve-year-old on top of that she was a girl.

After training which Anna was sent in a mission she went with Bowie he just kept barking orders what made Mu Yazhe amused with her she put headphone in her ears and completely ignored him. Mu Yazhe and Mu Zain and Mu Shinn were there when Anna came back everybody was cheering and happy but Anna just walked off she was looking at Master Isaac who was completely ignoring her. Mu Yazhe followed her he wanted to see where she was going he went and sat on a rock and stared in to nowhere and stayed there for most of the night until she fell asleep her sixth Uncle came and picked her up princess style kissed on her forehead as he walked back. Mu Yazhe knew there was something up with this kid but couldn't put his finger on it. The next day he saw Anna it was as though the previous night didn't happen she smiled and greeted everybody she was so chirpy she spread the morning sunshine as she walked to the training ground it was job today to train with Mu Shinn he even teased him and he needs to stop being a girl and fight like a man she taught him a lot over the next couple of days before they settle and he could close to her it was time for them to return. Mu Yazhe chuckled to himself he didn't think he would see her again so bid their farewell.



My Yazhe still couldn't believe that after all these years she was still his first and only love but he wasn't telling a sole it was secret he would to his grave.

Anna was horrified at what Mu Yazhe said Anna was infuriated when she got home she was going to kill him no not kill him that would be being easy on him first she was going to beat him then she would make him kneel and apologize then beat him some more than headlock he makes him apologise then beat him some more than kill him she was imagining all sorts of ways of how she could torture him. Anna handed the phone back to Li Jannan and walked off she was not going to ring him at all she will deal with him when she got home but right now she needs to head to the training ground she had some anger to vent.

Li Jannan gulped down his saliva he know trouble was coming but how bad only time would tell.

Li Jannan:" boss I didn't have the phone Ma'am had it and she is angry she went to vent her anger in the training ground I feel sorry for whoever there"

Mu Yazhe:" what?..? I am so dead she is going to kill me oh boy I think I need to invest in body armour boy tell my kids I love them so much it was nice knowing all of you! Zain I will be seeing you soon"?

Li Jannan:"???... Wtf!. Boss is overreacting Ma'am isn't that bad she is a reasonable person.

Mu Yazhe put the phone down and rung Mu Shinn he need help?

Mu Shinn:" hey Little bro what's up to how is it going you missing use or are you enjoying the peace and quiet?

Mu Yazhe:" hey to you bro and I not well and not enjoying the peace and quiet I want my family back but I have a big problem Anna is going to kill me" he knew she would either not speak to him or she would beat him silly he didn't know what was worse,

Mu Shinn:" what did you do how did you annoy Meimei she is not even near you oh boy what did you say to her oh dear god how much did you piss her off do not love us any mare you know where we are right"?

Mu Yazhe felt worse now:" yeah I know I just realise it sorry love you bro but she overhead me saying some things to Li Jannan and know she has stormed off to the training ground" he was so glad he wasn't there although he felt sorry for the rest of them.

Mu Shinn:" you owe big time little bro I will go and check I hope she meets Master Isaac I think he is best to deal with her anger" he didn't want to check he didn't want to be the punch bag especially when she is angry.

Mu Yazhe, " your the best bro I love bro thanks" he knew how much his Big Bro hated him right know but who else could he send.

Mu Shinn cursed under his breath while walking to the training ground he so didn't want to be the punch bag for Anna to vent her anger: "please somebody help me it looks like I will seeing my mother and baby brother soon" he put a face like he was crying with no tears.

As he approached the training ground he saw Anna was training with Master Isaac they looked so good together they were in sync there moves where flawless and they moved so elegant it looked they had been training all their lives you couldn't tell that Anna and Master Issac had been apart for more 15 years they worked in beautiful harmony. He was secretly very happy because he wouldn't have to be Anna's punchbag he secretly recorded Anna training she was breathtaking he couldn't believe that his Meimei was so cool he had been on missions with her she rough around the edges.

He texts Mu Yazhe that he had sorted it he would send the video later. He knows he didn't do anything Master Isaac did all the work. My yazhe didn't need to know and plus he owed him a favour.