
Anthony:" when did all this happen and you are telling me this now and a female answering his phone is no big deal is it really" he knew it was nothing Anna is missing him so she jumping to conclusions.

Anna:" I know Uncle but it was strange I got this horrible feeling in my gut something is not right no matter how hard I try I can't shift it I can't " she looked at her Uncle to see if he had the answer.

Anthony sat up and looked at his niece he knew when she said gut 99.99% per cent she would be right he didn't want to think of the consequences if she was right about whatever she had planted in her head:" baby girl what is it that you are thinking" he didn't want to know or he had a feeling he already knew what she was thinking.

Anna:" that I really don't know much about Yazhe yeah I know about his likes and dislikes and he is the father of my children and l can rely on him to a certain extent that's it really what kind of businessman he is what his hobbies are what he does when he is out with his friends what he does when he travels who is his friends are whether they are male or female how he interacts with them"

Anna looked at her Uncle with big puppies eyes to see whether he had the answers. Anna always felt that this Uncle always had the answers to all her dilemmas.

Anthony looked sympathetically at Anna:" sorry baby girl even I don't know him that we'll we always had dealings with regarding businesses not close kinship we've been out drinking with him even I don't know who all his mates are remembered he is born here his been school and he runs a business he is going to come across all walks of life some become acquainted some become friends so don't be too eager to judge and also we were closer to Zain so I don't know that much but he seems like a good guy you have to give him a chance to explain before jumping to conclusions, okay and he is always there for you remember I have seen him cry when your hurt" he could see her dilemma.

Anna:" yeah you probably right I will get to know about him slowly right so should I should give a chance right " who was she convincing her Uncle or her self.

Anthony, he almost burst out laughing his niece had a long way to go to learn about relationships but he could imagine her spying on her husband:" baby girl go back and ring him there is probably a perfectly good explanation for all of this okay" he smiled at Anna.

Anna:" okay I will ring him in the morning it's really late now" she was still unsettled at the moment she would be clear-headed in the morning.

Anthony:" good baby girl let's head back we have to send the tiny shadow guards off tomorrow" he stood up and grabbed Anna hand lifted her off the ground they walked back to the palace.

Anna waved her Uncle off and walked inside her room she sat on the bed waiting for sleep to attack but it wasn't appearing tonight in the morning they pep talk to the tiny shadow guards and send them on their first mission.

Anna was so busy she forgot about ringing Mu Yazhe she had a lot to prepare for their mission too she made her self busy she taught out of sight out of mind.

The tiny shadow guards set off they made it to the place where the hostages were been held everybody knew what there assigned task was so they split up they had their ear coms on. Little Blessing and Ju Longboy were paired together and Little Rock rock was with Li Jun and Benjamin was with Ash and Ramano was in the background with the laptop and other gadgets little Tiger and

Li Na she liked following him around it sometimes irritated him but she was feisty as well so he didn't mind her too much.

They each took a side of the old abandoned warehouse they entered and described to each other where they were and what they could see Little Blessing and Ju Longboy was the first to encounter the enemy they tackled with ease between them they took out six men they then proceed forward.

Little Rock and Li Jun were next to encounter the next lot of men they took the out without firing their weapons they moved forward as well.

Next, Benjamin and Ash, they took out the men with ease this what they had trained for and lastly Li Na and Little Tiger encounter the thugs they took them out what surprised the men was the little girl who looked so cute but was deadly when she attacked.

As Little Blessing and Ju Longboy moved forward they can to a corridor other we're rooms leading out to each side they checked them one by one the last room seem to have people in it as they peeked through the window what they saw was horrifying Ju Longboy put his hands over Little Blessing eyes it wasn't something that he wanted her to see. Little Blessing turned around and looked at Ju Longboy he looked at her and didn't know what to say. But he could see in her eyes there was pain that she felt seeing that it was something that couldn't be unseen again it would be engraved in her mind forever.

Little Blessing:" let's head in and end this woman suffering and blow these mother fuckers balls off"

Ju Longboy just looked at Little Blessing this was the first time he had heard such language coming from her mouth he wanted to reprimand her but right now wasn't the time or the place because she had already barged in her gun with the silencer on she aimed and fired in under she had shot all six

men in the to including the one top of the women Little Blessing walked over and pushed the man of the women she helped her up and took off her jacket gave it to her to wear her clothes were in tatters. Ju Longboy looked at his sweetheart in a different light he saw how she walked in and just took them out like she was at target practice they walked out of the room and told the team they had found a woman and they were taking her out of the building.

Then came Benjamin and Ash they encountered more men they took them easily they men didn't even know what had happened until they were knocked out by the boys they were quick and quiet. They saw a little girl tied to the chair with a sack to cover her head so she couldn't see Benjamin removed her sack and untied her the little girl was scared of him and she moved back Ash came forward she smiled and asked the girl to followed them out which she did. They told the team they had the little girl and they were heading out with her.

The next team came up they fought large build men but took them out with ease the head towards a room where they were more men they were interrogating a man tied to the chair he was beaten up badly he was also semi-conscious first they took out the men they rescued the man Little Rock put the man on his back and head out they told the team they had found a man they were coming out.

That left little Tiger, Li Na they could out few more men the went the end room as they open the door they were surprised at what they saw there 7 women and 6 children tied up and gaged they untied them all asked if there were any more people and they said no they headed out of the building as the reached the exit they seen 4 men coming towards them with guns Li Na took out

her gun and shot them without blinking they dropped like flys. They made it to the where everybody was gathered after they checked there were no hostages left behind then they blew the place up so there would be no evidence that who had escaped if there others members of this organizations came.

They had completed their mission with ease and rescued a few more than they were supposed to. They met Grandpa Ed who took the women and child and told them to take the rest back to the palace Anna and the rest could deal with it. So they all headed back as they walked in the heard everybody cheering for them they were happy with themselves. Anna was so proud of them they all came in for a group hug with their Mummy in the middle.

Anthony looked at what they had brought back with them he took them all gave them clothes asked them to wash and they gave them all food and then found out where they were all came from only to find they were sold by there family and they were being taken to sell on the black market in Dubai.

Anna and the rest looked on in horror they didn't want to go back to their families they would rather die than return to there horrible families who would only sell them again. They were all women and children Anna looked at her team and thought for a moment and said we will take them back with us and stay at the compound for now then they would settle them around depending on what capabilities they had Att army buddies watched with admiration at the way Anna and her shadow guards dealt with the whole situation. They were amazed at the group that had gone on the rescue mission especially Little Li Na.

They all told Att that they would like to join him permanently and train with him they wanted to do what these were all done. Att wasn't surprised he knew once they met all his family they would join and stay permanently secretly he wanted them to stay the trusted them as well so for him was a win-win.

Master Isaac and grandma and Master Chung watch everything in unfolding they couldn't be more proud of them all.

Master Chung:" all them years ago when she was born I told you she would be the one to be a true leader and she would win hearts and admiration of all the people she would come across" he smiled.

Master Isaac:" that's why I pushed her the most and was strict with the most because I believe what you told me she is truly amazing and she also my Granddaughter and can you see my great Granddaughter she is just like her mother" he smiled like a silly old fool.

Grandma looked at the silly pair and walked back to her room she was secretly smiling.

As Anna headed to her room she still had a few issues that had to be resolved and it was time for her to sort them out one by one. She thought about which she sort out first she was in a mood for a hunt so she thought and smiled the kind of smile that sends a shiver down her shadow guards if they could see her now.