129 Anna

( Author note 18+ read with caution adult material )

Mu Yazhe kissed Anna slowly he deepened the kiss Anna's whole body was reacting her brain was stiff and her body has a mind of its own she stiffened suddenly she remembered that Amelia said let your body take over don't use your mind Anna soon relaxed and let her body guide her and boy was her hands were doing some wondering around the deeper the kiss the tight Anna want to grip on to something that only was Mu Yazhe neck she wrapped her self around him her legs wrapped around his waist even Mu Yazhe stop to look he couldn't believe it she had loosened her body normally she tenses up and forgets to breathe but today she was relaxed her breathing was steady relaxed deeply. He stops and looked at Anna who's eyes were closed normally there open looked shocked. He went back to kissing her he slowly moved down to her neck she let out some sounds showing how much she was enjoying her self that was music to Mu Yazhe ears he continued his hands we're rubbing her breasts she made more strange noises she responded to him and slowly he entered. Anna squealed he stopped and whispered " I'll stay still when it ready will I will move okay"

Anna relaxed and looked at Mu Yazhe and smiled. Mu Yazhe carried on kissing her breasts, neck and moved to her lips he asked "ready" Anna nodded her grip tighten around as he moved slowly, moved he kept his eyes on Anna to read her face he didn't want to hurt her he wants her to enjoy it as much he was. Anna relaxed she felt an amazing feeling but she wanted to feel more she felt that my taste needed to move faster. Out of nowhere, Anna blurted out what she was thinking " speed up old man is that all you got" Anna covered her mouth when the words left she couldn't believe what she had said.

Mu Yazhe looked at her in surprise and chuckled:" I'll teach you who is old don't complain later asking me to stop okay"

Anna didn't know where to hide her face she blushes so hard her cheeks burned bright red Mu Yazhe speed an up Anna felt she lost control of all her body and mind have become a puppet in his hands but it was these wildest feeling ever she didn't want it to stop she reached her climax she had gripped on to Mu Yazhe tightly she was panting and smiling with tears streaming down her face she looked at him and thought this was amazing I don't want it to stop.

Mu Yazhe face he was looking at her flushed face and smiling:" I am not done yet my dear little demon that was just warming up" he smirked.

Anna:" eh?...?....?Anna thought there's more she really liked it she didn't mind more as well little did she think she would regret to liken it later.

Anna doesn't know when it ended she was too exhausted to have a bath she remembers floating in the air feeling wet and then something warm something heavy on her she was too tired to open her eyes and see what was happening. She trusted Mu Yazhe so she knows nothing bad would happen but she was exhausted it was more intense than her training but the feeling was amazing she felt like she had touched the sky she felt it over and over again she had to admit her sister was right that you would feel it when you relaxed and you be reeled in hook line.

When finally Anna woke up it was she looked over she picked her phone up it was almost 6 am she looked at her body it felt like it and been training for a whole week there was bluey purple marks everywhere on her body this was the aftermath of crimes committed last night but even she had to admit last night was out of this world she really enjoyed it. But she wasn't going to tell Mu Yazhe that she wanted more of these nights but how does she tell Mu yazhe this? She didn't know whether he would be happy or angry at her.

Mu Yazhe watched from the sofa as Anna rolled around in the bed and giggling to her self as she was lost her own thoughts a bit the previous night Mu Yazhe spoke:" get up and shower and changed their new clothes in the bathroom and we will go for breakfast" he was smiling at Anna silly behaviour.

Anna nearly jumped out of her skin was he watching her all this time she glanced over at Mu Yazhe with the blanket drawn up to nose only her eyes showed she was embarrassed about all of her behaviour she thought was he okay with her craziness yesterday she looked on at Mu Yazhe was who was already dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt which made his body look sexy she lay there and just stared at him and thought he belongs to her only her she wouldn't let anybody steal him away she remembered last night and blushed heavily she hid inside her blanket. Mu Yazhe got up and walked over he realised what she was doing he found her so cute she was so naive which is what he loved about her the most.

Mu Yazhe:" little demon why are you looking at me like that and then hiding it is not good your tempting me should we go again" he smiled.

Anna took one look at him and thought I will break into two if we do it again she rolled over in her blanket straight of the bed Mu Yazhe hurt a thud he ran over and picked Anna up.

Mu Yazhe:" are you okay did hurt what we're you doing eh? Was she running from him? Looking like this he happy was at this new behaviour of Anna first she teased then she behaved like the innocent party he lifted her up wrapped in like a sausage.

Anna looked at him angrily:" running away from you that's where I was going put me down I don't want to do anything with you my body hurts all over I didn't this much worse than intense training " she was feeling sorry for her self her ego was hurt she was embarrassed she wanted to bite him on the more he smiled the more intense Anna got thinking he would try again.

Mu Yazhe:" sorry! little demon I won't do anything go and just take shower and get changed there is also cream to rub do you want me to do or are you alright on your own" he chuckled he walked to the bathroom he placed her down gently.

Anna ran away into the bathroom once in there she locked the door so he couldn't come in then she sighed "what the hell was that Anna what were you doing" she tapped her head as she walked into the shower after she showered she dried her self there was cream to rubbed over her body Anna smiled she looked over to the dressing table there were new clothes navy blue jeans with sky blue jumper hoodie he left underwear and bra for her she liked these clothes Yazhe had an understanding of her taste in clothes. She walked out Mu yazhe wasn't in the room she walked over and put her socks and trainers on she walked in the office he was there at his desk going through documents he watched as she walked over she smiled softly at him he was so handsome when he was busy working. She thought timber self men looked best when they are busy Amelia was right men look so sexy when busy concentrating especially this one.

Anna:" can we go to eat I am starving I want to eat cake and custard and pancakes and waffles I think I deserve I had a good work out last night you know the saying all play and no food makes Anna sad" she smiled cheekily as she held her hands together pleading like a little child.

Mu Yazhe leaned in his chair and looked at Anna and smiled:" okay today you deserve it but only today then healthy eating okay come on" he couldn't believe she was demanding her food but when was hungry she was very feisty and she would even growl at you so it was better to feed his little demon.

As they left they rung home and asked them all to meet them at the pancake hut it was a family establishment that Anna had helped the couple set up a long time ago it was a big establishment with the franchises all over the country now she was still a 40% shareholder she never told Mu Yazhe about these small-time investments she had made. At the time it was no big deal to help family and friends and sometimes complete strangers out who were down on their luck but now they were doing well she was a sure holder in their companies they were very great full to her for this opportunity but she never took credit for it because she was just the investor they did the hard work to make it what it was today.

As they entered they asked for a large private room and they enter they waited for everyone to come.

Anna:" do you like this establishment" she looked at face to read his every detail.

Mu Yazhe:" yeah they have come along way from the shabby hut they had I am impressed" she smiled.

Anna:" what if I told you I was a shareholder in this establishment " she smiled awkwardly.

Mu yazhe:" what, when wow little demon you got an eye for investments haven't you Zain taught you well"

Anna:" that he did well also I am fast learner well a long time it wasn't about an investment I was just helping an old couple and their families out it turn in to this by there hard work and perseverance" she was happy with her self.

Mu Yazhe:" so how many more investments do have my little demon made then" she smiled at his wifey she was very kind-hearted when she wants to be and savage when she wants to be.

Anna:" I think over now at least 2000 estimation" that's all she could remember of the top of her head. she means to look smug but she was.

Mu Yazhe smiled:" my my my you have been busy then well done give me a kiss then" he wanted to reward her but didn't know how she wasn't a materialistic girl so this was a good option.

Anna leaned over and kissed him on the lips which even surprised Mu yazhe but he didn't stop he deepen the kiss last night still lingered inside him he hadn't had enough he wanted more suddenly, the door burst open in walked his brutes and the rest they all greeted each other and ordered breakfast.

As they are eating breakfast Mu Yazhe looked over at all his family sat there some were blood-related other we're not but they're the family he had grown attached to each one of them he couldn't say who was blood-related or not for him they were, all the same, there was unique bond tieing them all together.

Mu Yazhe:" hay big bro I have spoken to the Jain's and they coming over tomorrow and we will discuss marriage arrangements the elders will be gathering I knew you blew the kitchen up so we will use the outhouse kitchen for now until we sort it out" his big brother needed a partner with him he had become close to Mu Shinn after his older brother died and they become even closer in their relationship after Mu Zhen died he deserved it to have the women he had waited for his whole life he has loved her since she was 10 years old and they first came to their house for granddaddy's birthday so it's only right they finally coming together.