
Mu Yazhe looked at the girl in anger Kim Ling froze where she was so scared of him but she was stubborn she stood her ground and smiled intently at Mu Yazhe. Mu Yazhe stepped aside he walked over to Anna he looked over Anna's head he was so close to Anna it looked like they were going to hug he looked at his children and asked:" what are you all doing here I didn't see you leave with your mum earlier " he wanted to know how they manage to sneak out of the house although he was at home and the security didn't even inform him his kids had left he was going to deal with them when he got home his whole house needed to be disciplined.

Little Blessing knew what her father was thinking:" Daddy they security doesn't know we're snuck out so don't say anything to them, please and we came because we wanted to shop with mum too" she smiled while lying knowing she had never lied to her father before she couldn't tell her father that they came because their mother was in a Mall brawl they would be punished severely.

Anna was surprised that Little Blessing lied she would deal with her when she got home. She looked up at Mu Yazhe he smiled at Anna and kissed her forehead:" what trouble is my little Demon causing here" he wants to kiss elsewhere but refrained for now.

Anna:" would you believe me if I said that it wasn't me that caused it but I would like to end it I am so hungry I could eat an elephant actually leave the poor elephant will devour the entire cake shop that we have spotted on the way here it looked so good"

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna in amazement she causes trouble then this trouble maker all she can think about is eating cakes what am I going to do with her:" well if you want to devour the cake shop then that means a lot of exercise in bed then shall we make a deal, deal" he smiled at her.

Anna looked up at him with a big grin on her face like a big kid:" really I can eat as much sweet as I want it's a deal okay" she was so happy she stood on her tiptoes and pecked Mu Yazhe's lips she was so happy she forgot they were people around.

Mu Yazhe liked this every much he liked the new Anna she was bold and learned to flirt with him without noticing he chuckled at her:" yeah really anything for you my little Demon"

Mu Yazhe turned to Jackie:" sis what happened here" he knew Jackie would explain this.

Jackie, " well bro it started at the lift when these little silly girls left it blocked so we used the stairs then we met them here we actually we're almost done we were going to pay and they started to call us COUNTRY BUMPKINS technically, actually, since we come from the Lake District it does make us hill billies. But then they called security to have us kick out then this Manger turned up didn't want to listen to us he wanted to kick us out and ban us from the mall" Jackie spoke in one breath she for the main points across she breathed.

She looked at everybody who was looking at her:" that all" burst out laughing she smiled sheepishly she did speak like she was reporting back didn't she.

The other party couldn't understand why they were so jolly and they were all laughing. Even Master Yazhe was laughing loudly Kim Ling was so infatuated with Mu Yazhe right know. Did Master Yazhe know these people is why he was so friendly with them?

The Manger Kim couldn't see or hear where he was stood so he didn't know what was going on he moved forward to his side across before this country bumpkins got their side across. He stood next to his daughter who was a little annoyed about been ignored by Mu Yazhe he walked over to the country bumpkins she had never been ignored before she could turn on the charms with both boys and men this was the first for her she knows that Little Rock and his brothers ignored her but she wasn't interested in them.

Kim Ling couldn't hold it in longer they were been completely ignored by Mu Yazhe:" Master Yazhe could we have a word with you about all of this drama please" she had to pitch her volume up she sounds desperate.

Mu Yazhe turned around his aura suddenly, changed it was cold the temperature in the room dropped the people in front gulped they knew he was cold but this cold they were seeing the first time they knew he was angry and by the looks of it it was based at them the staff knew what was good for them so they separated from the father and daughter duo they hurdle into a corner and silently watched the show.

Mu Yazhe:" oh please do tell me what Mrs Mu Yazhe has done" he smirked.

Kim Ling didn't hear what he said so she started to blabber on and on she called his family some names to but what she didn't realise is the atmosphere was dropping into minus Mu Yazhe was getting impatient and angry her father notice he pulled his daughter back he felt something was off it still didn't register to him then he just said "Mrs Mu Yazhe" the staff all, heard it clearly they looked at Anna and then at the rest of them and realised what just happened they had insulted the owner of the mall, they were worried about their jobs now they had to really grovel for there jobs they had families that relied on them. They couldn't afford to lose the jobs they had bills and families to feed.

Kim Ling finely finished the speech she looked at Mu Yazhe with her puppy eyes hoping he would fall for them.

Mu Yazhe couldn't believe there were stupid people in this world he clearly said Mrs Mu Yazhe but she still managed to insult his wife in front of him. He looked at her father wasn't the responsibility to teach his daughter some manners but clearly, he failed Mu Yazhe wouldn't ever want his children to behave like this child ever he would reprimand them severely.

The Manger realised that Mu Yazhe was not happy with them. He moved forward and stood in front of his daughter he didn't want her to receive Mu Yazhe wrath:" sorry about that she doesn't know when to stop she is just excited to meet that's all she really likes you a lot that's why when she is nervous she talks to much so sorry Master Yazhe"

Little Blessing heard Kim Ling likes her father a lot she looked at Kim Ling she had her puppy eyes out at her father what did that mean she was ogling her father OH she just didn't. Little Blessing was not having any of it her father belongs to her mother she wasn't letting anyone come in between them. Little Blessing stepped forward and grabbed her father's hand then she smiled at the people in front you tell by one look that she was his daughter the resembled each other they even had the same green eyes. She looked up at her father and smiled at her father looked at her and smiled back he knew that his daughter had understood the situation, and she was showing her stance he didn't mind she was a baby girl after all.

Little Blessing spoke:" Daddy could you sort this out quickly I am hungry and tired and want to go home" she smiled her best smile at her father.

Mu Yazhe:" okay baby girl just bare with it a little longer and we can go home okay" he patted her head.

All the staff were not stupid they could see that they were father and daughters they hurdles even further back they knew they were in big trouble now they would really lucky if they kept their jobs they could only pray to the lord he would save them. But the arrogant Kim Ling still didn't see what was clearly in front she was so engrossed in her self that she didn't even hear Little Blessing calling her Daddy. All she saw was Little Blessing hold Mu Yazhe hands and her anger appeared because she was so spoiled she could get away with anything she walked towards Little Blessing and pushed her way from Mu Yazhe because Little Blessing wasn't expecting it she fell back luckily there were plenty of hands to catch her.

Little Blessing fell into Ed's arms she looked up and giggled:" hey grandpa how you doing isn't grandma suppose to fall into your arms like this but I don't mind you're my hero indeed" she was giggling loudly.

Ed chuckled at his granddaughter who was giggling like a fool:" hey Little Blessing are you okay did you bang somewhere is that why your goggling now"

Mu Yazhe panicked when he saw her fall but when he heard her laughing he knew somebody had caught her everybody in the boutique including the Manger was holding their breath when she fell they breathe a sigh of relief when she landed in Ed's arms.

Kim Ling tried to hold on to Mu Yazhe hand and smiled at him if Little Blessing the slut can hold Mu Yazhe hand so why couldn't she but before she even raised her hand Mu Yazhe bodyguards stepped forward prevented her from touching Mu Yazhe they pushed her back into her father's arms.

Mu Yazhe finally spoke:" Manager Kim what is going on you think my mall is your back yard where you can conduct your self as you please and who are you to decide whether they can shop here or not and what's this country bumpkin will about who are you to decide whether who and who can't stop here even if they're from the remotes parts of the world if they have the money they may shop I don't remember setting a dress code to shop in any of my malls and why did you and your daughter turn my mall in a fish market " he was holding all his anger in his baby girl almost got injured and his wife was insulted. Mu Yazhe staff looked scared they could feel his cold aura. If this been not a public place this duo would have been dead there being too many witnesses around so they could only talk but he was going to teach his whole family a lesson they would not forget ever since they left from this place.