The little shadow guards were checking the background on Hazel and a lot of things didn't add up they were all sat huddled together deciding what they should do next.

Anna had met them in the morning and told them that she was staying with her parents and she had taken her other mobile if they needed to ring her for anything and not to the things said last night seriously everything was fine and to take care of their daddy and Uncles and Granddad.

Li Na was crying she dislike this woman she was causing trouble in her house she loved all her family she didn't anyone to leave:" bro's, Meimei, why don't we run a DNA on her she has a daughter and brother to compare to then we will know if this woman is Hazel then we need to know her agenda and stop her she is breaking our family I won't let her I hate her she made Mummy upset" she had tears coming down her face she was so angry.

Little blessing come over and hugged her baby sister:" don't worry everything is going to be alright we will get to the bottom of this don't cry my beautiful sister you will look ugly and you will never find your prince charming on a white horse"

Little Tiger and Little Rock, Ben, Ramano, Li Jun, Ash, Ju Longboy Laquan they all looked at Li Na they didn't like to see her cry they didn't like this Hazel lady especially when she tried to become friendly with them and tried to drill them with questions about by here mum and dad they knew she was up to no good especially the way she looked at their dad they all agreed that daddy belonged to Mummy only they avoided her so she started showing her cruel side by complaining to Grandpa Ed and they have been scolded by him a few times he had never scolded them they were more annoyed at this woman they knew if she stayed any longer there would definitely more trouble they were in agreement for the DNA they planned how to do it. So they get about they all headed in a different direction to gather the evidence they needed. In no time at all, they came together and then send the evidence to the lab they had to wait 24 hours before the results were back.

Anna arrived at her parent's place in the morning she was greeted warmly by everyone her uncles her brothers we're already their Meimei biggest fan they loved the sister from the moment they saw how she rescue them from the kidnappers. Fathers family seem to very nice she like them her father greeted her well too no sarcasm which was good but she knew why she was here but she had to wait for a few days for Amelia come so they could talk about what she wanted to do she would hold her father off until then her main reason for coming so she could arrange a meeting with Master Falong and try to come some of the agreement so he would leave them in peace.

Anna Grandparents had arranged a gathering where their close friends and family would be coming they wanted to show off the girls they were so proud of them but their father was trying to stop them he was outvoted the Uncles also wanted to show them off too they were so happy they finally had girls and had grandchildren as well.

Grandfather glared at Kang Jun and warned him to clam his behaviour towards his granddaughters, Anna thought not good her father will hate us more if he keeps getting scolded any more.

Anna:" it's okay grandpa I think what father is saying that there is a lot of bad people and he wants to hide his girls away from the world isn't papa" she smiled her best smile.

Kang Jun:" yes sweetheart is right that's what I meant " he smiled at the little girl she got him out of that one.

Jaden:" sweetheart would you like food you been here a while" she smiled dotingly at Anna.

Anna:" mama can you make your tangy lemon cake with custard please" she smiled like a little girl.

Jaden:" of course I have already made it I knew it's your and your fathers favourite and your younger brothers favourite so I made it" she smiled gently at her daughter.

Kang Jun:" she only made it because you were coming I have been begging for weeks and she said I need to go on a diet" he was telling over his wife.

Jaden kicked him and stared at him he was in the dog house for sure. They all laughed so much this was her parents this is what she had missed this was what it be like if she was living with her family she liked it but she missed her own crazy family they were like this too Anna missed Mu Yazhe the most. Anna spent most of the day getting to know her family then had dinner she was shown her room once he entered she locked the door she rung a number.

Anna:" hey brat I have arranged a meeting tomorrow at the xxxx and don't try anything funny okay" Anna had no emotion.

Master Falong was in a meet he had his cold icey look his subordinate were getting scolded for losing a project he was angry very angry somebody head was on the chopping block. The mobile rung they all froze they were dead whoever the person was Master Falong looked at his phone he saw the number and a smile appeared on his face his subordinate who we're holding their breath we're now in shock did they see it right this cold-hearted person smiled his personal secretary was more than shocked she had worked with him a long time she never saw him smile ever so want to be was it.

Master Falong:" hello to you too babe and I will meet you tomorrow looking forward to it" he was chuckling.

The subordinate looked even more puzzled who was that. He was laughing wow they mouths were left open. Master Falong turned to look at them and spoke:" you can all leave but I want this mistake fixed quickly" he waved his hand to see them off.

The subordinate praised the person on the phone they were so happy whoever they were it was their hero for saving them from their cruel tyrant. Today everyone kept their jobs.

After she finished the conversation with Master Falong she rang another number it was picked up on the first ring.

Mu Yazhe:" hello my little Demon how was your day did you miss me I missed you so much tell me about your day" he was so happy she rang him he thought she was going to ignore him she had been avoiding him since that day.

Anna:" hey hubby I am good I miss you very much and the day was very eventful and strange it's weird to see a family that you should have been brought up in but you see them together and remembered your own family more" she smiled.

Mu Yazhe:" you miss us come home now I will pick you up Little Demon" he was pleaded come home, honey.

Anna:" oh hubby, honey I am staying a few more days I do miss you and miss everyone but I do want to stay okay hubby I will talk to in the later hehe I love you " she chuckled nervously. This was the first time she had this kind of conversation with Mu Yazhe she could feel her face red her hands had become sweaty she thought what was happening to here her heart was beating so fast what was happening was she ill do I need to see the doctor. She quickly cut the phone.

On the other side Mu Yazhe looked at the phone he thought that was quick I wanted to talk some more I wanted to create her she cut me off don't worry little Demon you have to come home to me he smirked at his own thoughts it was going to be a long lonely night.

Anna had other things on her mind she needed to do before she could go home all things she didn't want her family to know about this was the best opportunity.

After finishing the conversations with her husband she rang her ghost shadows she needed them on board with this mission they didn't know what would happen she couldn't trust this young Master Falong.

Jimmy:" Hey babe what's up missed me" he chuckled.

Anna:" no I didn't miss you I rang to tell we arranged a meeting with Master Falong tomorrow at the xxxxxx restaurants at 3 pm because it is one we own I am not worried about security but I need you to all be alert as well in case he tries to pull anything then shot to kill ok" she was happy she made this second shadow guard team.

Jimmy:" Oh I'm so hurt you didn't miss me I told you before if you hadn't married no good Mu Yazhe I would have stolen you before you reprimand all you want but I stand by my words and don't worry I will implement the plan me we have everything covered babe" he chuckled loudly

Anna shook her head at his comments he knows how to flirt that was part of his charm and he hid his true feeling behind it all. little did she know most of the flirting he actually meant he really liked Anna he found her different from all the women he had dated they were after something for one reason or another but Anna helped him at his lowest when everyone turned away from him they shunned him his own parents tried to have him killed and Anna never asked for anything in return when he first told her he really liked her she said it was because she helped him that's why he was leaning towards her and the right lady was out there for him waiting for him and shrugged him off. He knew Anna is married with children he would never pursue her but for him, she was the perfect partner.

Anna after finishing she smiled she was finally going to settle this matter with Master Falong or so she thought?