Anna looked over her brothers Jun Ru and Jun Rong came and sat on the table the others all looked at them then at Anna you could tell they were related they looked so identical she was definitely one of the Kang's children Mu Yazhe introduced the boys to his friends they all, chatted away happily. As Anna observed the rest of the high society she watched them talking nicely to one person than with another person bitching behind there back this was the so-called high society they were good people among them but it was all about who had more money and who was the most influential person so they all flocked around like a moth to a flame to get their attention.

Only If they knew who Anna as she was part of three elite families they would suck up to her like she was royalty and when they were done they would dump her like she yesterday's trash what a world we live in. Anna was happy not knowing these fake people. Anna was happy with the family and friends she had they might the most dangerous people around but they were more genuine that these people with so many different faces.

All the men on the table took there wife's to dance Mu Yazhe turned to:" May I " he smiled he remembers that this is Anna first dance in public so he had to make it memorable.

Anna chuckled:" yeah sure" she took his hand gently went to the dance floor the music was for couples to dance. Mu Yazhe pulled Anna close to himself there was no gap between them. Anna giggled at her thoughts if it is possible to blend Anna inside his body Mu Yazhe would have done a long time ago. As they danced together then the music changed and they were changing partners while dancing Anna wasn't happy she was dancing with complete strangers. Anna found it creepy the way these men were all touching her she was sure they took advantage of her. If it was normal circumstances she would give them black eyes but she couldn't even do that.

Anna was frustrated with this situation she found herself in not all the men were creepy some of them were the real gentleman who places there hands-on where they were supposed to go. Anna wasn't paying attention to who she was dancing with her eyes were was looking around for Mu Yazhe she wanted to get off the dance floor but didn't know what to do. Anna instincts were kicking in the next creep to touch her she would break their hand. The strangers we're all trying to chat Anna up so they could get to know this beautiful woman. They all thought they might be in with a chance.

Finally, the music stop and Anna was surrounded by the group of men trying to talk to her Mu Yazhe manage to squeeze in and grabbed Anna hand-pulled close to him he surprised Anna when he kissed her on the lips in front of all the men that had surrounded them he was warning them to back off and walk back to their table all the men were left gutted that this beautiful woman was spoken for. And they wouldn't dare go against the Mu's.

Anna thanked that her lucky stars that Mu Yazhe came in time she was flustered. Anna sat and watched the wacky elite parents trying to find good matches for their children one of stupid elites parents approached the table where Anna was sat. The couple looked at all of them sitting there they were well aware of each person on the table and that the young Lady Anna had come with Mu Yazhe they still had the cheek to ask Anna about her marital status Mu Yazhe looked at them in shock they had the guts to asks his wife whether she would be interested in marrying their son. Did they have death wish written by Mu Yazhe hands?

Everyone on the table looked at Mu Yazhe including Anna they didn't what he was thinking neither did anyone want to he had murderous look on his face they all dreaded to think the fate of this couple would be would he destroy their business or just annihilate the entire family from existence. Mu Yazhe was about to growl something when his father Mu Yale and mother Mu Yan came over.

Mu Yale:" hey there you all are I have been searching for you two everywhere how is my beautiful daughter in law I heard there was a princess in the house so I had to come and see where my princess was " he could see his son was getting angry so he rushed over to calm things down. He knew that Mu Yazhe would have the couple dragged and God only knows how he would torture he would be inflicted on them.

Mu Yan:" my word you look so pretty dear when I heard from the mayor that Mu Yazhe had brought you along I couldn't believe it I thought I was dreaming I thought it might be my granddaughter that had come since you hate gathering because silly people start asking a stupid questions" she was hinting at the couple who still stood there like they didn't tell them that Anna was married to their son she even had children.

Anna:" hello mother hello father it's me grandpa asked me to come with them I couldn't say no" Anna stood and bowed she sighed she didn't want to be here but she was and now she endures all of today's dramas too.

Chen:" hello Auntie and Uncle how are you today" he smiled he stood and bowed.

They all stood up and bowed at their elders the eyes of the entire hall were on them. They greeted and hugged each other.

Anna:" mother-father is Yanis not with you I haven't seen him in a while I heard he was back from the states" she was hinting again to the couple.

Mu Yan:" he came yesterday he is somewhere in the hall we lost him as soon as we entered the hall more like we old folk were cramping his style and he wanted to catch up with his buddies" Mu Yan chuckled.

Anna:" he will come over when he is finished with his friends I am sure or when he is hungry we will see him" she smiled at her mother in law.

Anna wants to see her naughty brother in law she had seen over four years he had stayed in the states to complete the doctoral degree he didn't want to join the family business he joined the army more like forced after he got into a bad crowd of people he was with the medical team he enjoyed it so he decided he would take the medical field as his profession. He was going to enrol back into the army medical team when he got his degree.

Suddenly, out of the crowd emerged a very handsome young man if you didn't look carefully you would mistake him for Mu Yazhe Anna had to take a double look it was definitely Mu Yanis but he no longer like the goofy teenager he was a sexy young man coming there way. All the eyes of the young lady's were on him all the high society parents were ogling him to see if he was a suitable candidate for a son in law he had taken the attention of his sis in law he had become the highlight of the crowds.

He walked over and hugged his brother tightly and then hugged Anna he whispered:" my sis in law looks so cute if you weren't my brother's wife I would steel you today" then he chuckled.

Anna chuckled:" say that loudly I dare you then see what your brother does to you cheeky mare just when I thought you'd grown up you open your mouth" she frowned and tapped his head.

The couple were still stood there they didn't see Anna come in so they still didn't know she was the daughter of the Kang's which was way out of there league to start with they didn't seem to know the man they had insulted with there comments just now was he was Anna husband. Kang Jun saw the commotion and he also walked over he greeted his old friend Mu Yale then he asked. He saw them all gathered so decided to join them.

Kang Jun:" Hello everybody everything alright here what is going on why is everybody is looking at Anna sweetheart are you okay" he smiled at his daughter he like addressing his daughter he really started liking the idea of having his daughters.

Anna smiled:" yes Papa everything is fine I am good I am with my husband and all my family it's nice " she hinted hoping the stupid couple would understand and walk away. And safe themselves further embarrassment.

The others all got up and bowed to Kang Jun they greeted him warmly now they could see the resemblance Anna had with her father you could so tell she was his daughter she looked spitting image of him. In the hall, all the people stop to look at them now gasped as they saw the father and daughter duo together. Form what they knew the Kangs didn't have any daughters but then again they hid their children well. Anna's Grandpa felt left out some wondered over.

Anna's Grandpa:" what's going on I'm missing out on the fun who is causing trouble for my granddaughter" he put emphasis on the word Granddaughter he loved saying those words he couldn't get enough of the word he wanted to shout it out to the world that he had

Granddaughters everybody gasped once again the people that had to know this family for years couldn't believe what they were hearing they thought one of the sons had an affair and now the granddaughter's they appeared but they to look like their brothers so could they be from a different mother so they were illegitimate children. They knew that the rich had mistresses outside and wife insides the houses so they summed that was the case here.

The couple that was asking earlier the lady spoke:" honey let's go she is an illegitimate child from a mistress we don't want anything to do with her. She won't have the same heir as the legitimate child"?

Behind the couple, the crowd started muttering you hear the comments:" she is a very pretty shame she is the is not from a pure lineage otherwise we considering her as our daughter in law"

The crowds whispered got louder:" I could have her as my mistress she can at least be that she looks good on my arm "

Another comment came:" We were worried that Master Yazhe had married her he was off the market but now it looks like she just the mistress so we still have a chance with the young Master who knew.

Another comment came: "she was just leeching trying to get money if she wants to climb in his bed she could climb my bed anytime I will satisfy her "

Then an another commented:" I will give her all of my money she can climb into my bed any time she wants she is still a sexy bomb "

Then Another:" I would still make her my wife she is pretty I wonder what her mother looks like I bet she is good looking too"

The comments got even ruder and dirty all the sleazes come out of the woodwork's thinking if they humiliated her enough Mu Yazhe would leave her and walk out she would be there's for the taking.

Anna's face grew bright red at the comments she had heard the elite society was cruel to what extend she was seeing her self without proof she has condemned Anna looked down upon. Anna looked at her parents her eyes had thousands of questions.

Anna looked at her father his heart was like it had been stabbed with thousands of knives she didn't speak but her eyes said it all her Grandparents were met with the same eyes they felt the same pain Anna Aunties and Uncle felt the same pain after all they were the only daughters of their house they had grown fond of Anna and Amelia they were their nieces they all moved forward through the crowd as they stood on Anna side the view for the crowd was strange the whole of Kang's and Mu's stood next to Anna the comments died down quickly.

Anna had heard comments like these most of her life after five when she started school she and her sister was bullied about not having a father or mother Anna was the feisty one so they would always break out in to fight Amelia was always trying to pull her away Att would come to the rescue but for some reason whenever she saw her brother she felt weak and would hug him and cry at first Anna did think that they might have been born out of wedlock and her parents didn't want them she even started hating her father slowly she started feeling that her mother mustn't have wanted them either but later found out that her parents were married but she still hated these remarks about here being born out of wedlock and being a bastard she thought people had moved on from this were we living in the 21st century, now but they still had this kind of thinking like the ancient times. But we always get pulled back centuries ago you can't change the way people think.

Anna stood up Mu Yazhe stood up next to her he was worried about what she might do Anna yelled:" I am not illegitimate I have never been illegitment my birth parents are stood there and they have also married my father has no mistresses he only loves his wife and I am their daughter I have a mum and dad I really do really " her voice faded away as she pointed her finger at her parents. Anna sounded like a child in a playground justifying her self. Anna mother and father walked towards Anna and stood behind her so everybody could see them Anna father pulled her into his embrace his little baby girl was hurting. Kang Jun thought has always experienced this is this why she said what she did his heart hurt to think his daughters had to justify that they were illegitimate Anna looked up at them then she looked at Mu Yazhe she was almost at the brink of tears. She wants to hide in Mu Yazhe chest. Mu Yazhe knew what she wanted.

Mu Yazhe was angry had reached the boiling point he walked over and pulled Anna into his embraced and hugs her tightly:" it's okay don't say anything else we are not here to tell them whom you are all you need to know is you are my wife and the daughter of Kang Jun and Jaden Isaac and I love you only you anybody got anything to say better be prepared for the consequences " he glared at the crowd. How dare they make dirty remarks towards his wife.

Anna looked at her husband she was happy inside this was the first time that she felt good she had the people she loved around her so she didn't need to worry. Anna hit her face in Mu Yazhe chest she didn't want to see the face that looked at her with disgust. Even if I was nobody's child I am still human with feeling, emotion, and shouldn't have to justify myself.

Mu Yazhe knew why Anna hated coming to these gatherings she has never experienced anything good from them the second event and the same ridicule as the first gathering he remembered each face that made the comments he was going to destroy them come morning they won't know what hit them they would wake up worse than beggars than that he wanted to kill them.

Secretary Chang knew exactly what Mu Yazhe want he took his mobile out and walked away he had already begun the process of making them go bankrupt. Mu Yazhe tighten the grip around Anna as she looked at him with her rosy cheeks she didn't speak but her eyes said it all Mu Yazhe kissed her forehead and whispered:" I got you to hold me tight I got you little Demon I love you okay" he smiled at her to make her feel at ease.

Anna didn't realise her eyes were doing a lot of people sad she was just shocked at the comments she was of pure lineage but did she needed to belongs to a married couple even if she didn't belong to the elites she was still a human being she had felt it hurt hearing how nasty people we're and what's this you have to be pure linage it was the child fault where they were born they should be judged by the parents but for themself, as an individual, she pities these horrible people and their thinking she was just happy thinking about her family they we're not all blood-related but they loved each other unconditionally that's what love is all about not what this society sees.