
Anna held her uncle and smiled he had spoken with him a few times he was very nice and sweet:" Uncle tell me about yourself I want to know about all my family" she was trying to make conversation.

Second Uncle Kang Ming:" well where to start ehm I am your Uncle and I work in the same company as your father I have a degree in software engineering I have married my beautiful wife Kang Nuan who you rescued she is born mute but she makes up in other ways and I have two beautiful children Kang Meng and Kang Weng who you also rescued I owe their lives thank you for coming into our lives my wife wanted to adopt you girls I wouldn't mind either I think you are the blessing that we all needed"

Anna chuckled:" I didn't do anything special I was just passing by after I sunk out from my house, to be honest, they still don't know to this day I like to keep it this way I sneak out a lot to race my motorbike" she smiled brightly at the thought of the open road.

Second Uncle Kang Ming, " really I don't like motorbikes I like my cars the faster the better need for speed I still get in so much trouble of mother when she finds out I have been racing mother say I should act my age but when it comes to racing my age doesn't count" he chuckled.

Anna:" really you like racing to we need have a little competition keep it between us okay I get into loads of trouble too Yazhe says I should behave the wife of the Mu's but the heart wants what the heart wants" she smiled brightly.

Second Uncle Kang Ming:" oh yeah I would love too your on and our little secret okay" he winked at Anna chuckling.

Their dance came to an end and her third Uncle Kang Xin took her hand and they started to waltz.

Third Uncle Kang Xin:" hello sweetness shall we dance I will also do a slow dance I don't want to tire you out there's a bid for all that want to dance with you " he pointed towards all, of them, waiting.

All her shadow guards Uncles were waiting for her brother's and Mu Yazhe smiled at her gently he was would for his turn.

Anna smiled back:" it's going to be long night isn't it" she chuckled.

Third Uncle Kang Xin:" yeah that it is but I am glad you're the reason for it you came as a blessing to the family they said when you arrived our luck changed and 30 years ago it all changed we went from almost being bankrupt to where we stand today it's mum who went back to the fortune teller to say he was lying but he said that the blessing's had already arrived where they are he said look closer to home nobody know what he meant at that time I remember you married Mu Zhen and arrived in China at the time so you were closer to home in a sense" he chuckled.

Anna:" really we were lucky for you all we were told we were cursed because of everything that happened when we were younger" Anna sighed.

Anna remembered how they were told they were cursed because they father left before they were born and mama died when we were 5 years old the village where we lived all the other children were told not to play with us they would bring bad fortune on whoever crossed paths with them but Anna still felt blessed she had her sister they had each other and Uncle Jack and brother Att and Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Izzy and slowly the shadow guards came along she was never lonely but she always longed for her mama and papa at the time she thought she could never have those in this lifetime.

Third Uncle Kang Xin:" no you are the blessing this family wait for 4 generations there was originally a curse on our families and only a daughter been born could break and here you are you broke it you even manage to have a daughter of your own which means it curse is lifted well, and truly broken" she smiled gently.

Anna:" Uncle Xin could you tell me the story behind the curse please and can I ask you a question as well where is my First Uncle I have not seen him since I arrived," she asked.

Third Uncle Kang Xin:" you have asked today here don't mention him or ask about him from anyone he is a forbidden topic nobody is allowed to speak about him everybody gets really upset so remember in future okay sweetness and I will tell you but not here or in front of everybody " he smiled gently mot wanting to scare Anna.

Anna nodded her head she would ask her father in law he would know and he would tell her the person that was forbidden to talk about. With Anna still thinking the dance came to an end Uncle kissed Anna forehead and walked away.

Anna bothers both come barging over for there turn Anna giggled when she saw them coming. They placed their hand out together and Anna didn't know which one to take she didn't want to play favourites with them she liked both of them equally.

The older twin who had the green eyes like her mama spoke first:" I am older so I should go first little blue bean don't you think" he looked at the younger one.

The younger twin frowned at his older brother bullying, him:" sis you decide I am cute don't listen to green sprout he is bigger by fifteen minutes he behaves like he is fifteen years older than me sometimes I wonder if he got an old man soul in his body" he smiled cheekily.

Jaden was watching she knew they would be trouble with the boys so she walked over she took the little twins hand:" Ru baby you dance with mama and let Rong dance with Anna then we swap okay" she smiled gently and winked at Anna.

Anna smiled at her mama she knew her boys best before she could answer Kang Rong had spun her around and had her dancing on the dance floor the music was sped up to so they were moving faster he was spinning Anna round. Anna thought to her self it was a good job they learned how to dance from Auntie Izzy otherwise her brother would spin straight into the wall she was feeling a little dizzy about now any more spinning she would poke out her breakfast and lunch.

Anna:" hey little brother could you stop spinning me I think I ready to puke the mixed cocktail that we have just made in my stomach" she smiled at her brother.

Kang Rong:" sorry Meimei I got carried away you are a brilliant dancer I well impressed hey tell me about the latest mission you been on I have been in touch with my Nephew's and niece's they amaze me on how far they come papa won't let us do anything dangerous when I finish my degree I am coming to you and you have to take me on a mission okay I love to see what you all get up too" he smiled.

Anna looked at her none talkative brother talked so much she smiled:" of course I will teach you but don't complain afterwards that Meimei is mean okay and the mission are matter of life and death it's not easy you have to make a judgment on the spot and sometimes it can be the wrong one too you are responsible for the life of your whole team as well so I tell you to want you going back to America I will tell Uncle Jack he will take you on few missions so you will have a rough idea if it's your cup of tea" she looked at him seriously as they talked.

Kang Rong:" I don't mind if I can be half as good as my nieces and nephews I will be happy even little pudding beats my arse" he chuckled. He was remembering Li Na beating him because he called her a little Pudding but she is so cute he couldn't help it.

Anna:" my little pudding is pretty amazing isn't she" Anna smiled at the thought of her little baby girls.

Kang Rong:" I heard she wasn't well I am done with my first-year intern at the heart specialist I will definitely take care of both of you did you know you were my case studies and it intrigued the doctors they ordered your file to look at from China they would like to have you until the doctor said you refused otherwise you would have become their little gunnie pig" he chuckled allowed all the Kang's looked at him they hadn't heard him laugh ever his sister had made that happen. They were amazed at what could they be talking about.

Anna:" well I should consider myself lucky then eh" she chuckled too.

The danced came to and end Kang Rong spun his Meimei to Kang Ru who caught her swiftly and then he looked over at his brother as wtf!

Anna grabbed her brother Kang Ru and looked at Kang Rong wtf.

Kang Rong looked this brother and sister duo couldn't believe how similar they were even their facial expression was the same he smiled at both of them then shook his head as he headed to his mother for their dance.

Kang Rong:" Mama look how they look spitting images of each other even there face expression are the same they taste in food is the same and there dress sense match they should be the twins shouldn't they"?

Jaden:" well that is partly true but then only the lord knows why he made it like this I always think that it's like the sun and the moon in and yang that's why you have to complement each other if there's two of Ru that's a hand full in its self" she smiled as she also takes a got look at her children.

Anna looked at this brother:" could we do a slow the dance I think I might puke everything out" she smiled gently.

Anna looked at this brother it was like looking at the mirror he really did look a lot like her she was amazed.

Kang Ru:" of course Meimei I can excuse my ruthless brother he isn't a talker but he is pretty good with his hands he is always bully me and puts stop to all that is fun" he chuckled.

Anna:" I think our older sibling a lot similar in that sense they quite but deadly" she chuckled.

Kang Ru:" you right Meimei well described so tell me more about yourself what are likes and dislikes let's start with your favourite food, colour than the rest"?

Anna smiled at this brother he was sure cute:" I like all kinds of sweet dishes and my favourites mama lemon cake it's so tasty and my favourite colour is blue any shade of blue"

Kang Ru:" hey mine too I like blue okay what about food any kind of sweet especially mama's lemon cake it's to die for I even sneak in the middle of the night to snack on it" he smiled.

Anna:" that's a no brainer definitely I would do the same if I lived with you guys " she smiled at the thought sweet cakes she was imagining. Anna had saliva ready to dribble down her mouth she had to control her craving she would definitely ask Mu Yazhe to take her for some cakes later.

Kang Ru:" they're papa and grandma too cool what about vehicles bikes or cars"? he was smiled a lot now.

Anna:" definitely motorbike they have their own pleasure and love racing too although I get into so much trouble when I get found out" she frowned.

Kang Ru:" wow Meimei mine too and I know where we can go race our bikes I will take you there okay" he was so happy to have a partner in his crimes he also couldn't believe how they like and dislikes were the same he should have had Anna as his twin they would have so much fun unlike the party pooper brother of his.