Anna woke it was late afternoon Mu Yazhe was not next to her she didn't expect him to sleep so late she got out of bed when she stood up she felt she had a very intense work out well if you think about it was kind like an intense workout. She walked to the bathroom Anna looked at self in the mirror she looked at all the marks on he body she was marked like a target board Anna thought to her herself he is an animal I sure of it's marking his territory she chuckled to her self as she washed and cleaned her self when she came out there was a new set of clothes even her undergarments we're there even new sports socks she smiled everything was exactly as she would wear it.

Anna whispers:" its as though he knows me very well how sweet it makes me love you more I take it back your not an animal you're a precious furious lioness"

She smiled to her self at her silly thoughts.

After she dressed she came out of her room to find where the rest of them were. Anna phoned buzzed it was a message from her father[ hello sweetheart we are heading home I will see you in the evening]

Anna text back[hello papa okay I will see in the evening]

As she walked towards the room her shadow guards when she opens the door to see some of them were risen from their beds holding there head others we're still asleep she chuckled at the site. Anthony was sitting with a cup of coffee siping while reading the news and Adrian was sat there on the laptop finishing of his work while he watched the rest waking up.

Anna:" morning Uncles how have they been" she smiled she had a rough idea of what kinda night they would have had.

Adrian:" it was very eye-opening and the rest you don't want to know" he shook his head.

Anthony:" yeah what he said and they are banned from getting drunk ever again I am telling you they are a nightmare especially my niece she forgets I am her uncle I almost wanted to strangle her last night " he sighed.

They all looked over Jackie was tied to the bed her arms and legs. Anna looked:" okay I get the arms why the legs"?

Anthony sighed:" ah those I tied first when she kicked me a few times" I look at his niece he felt sorry for now but last night was pain full when Jackie launched her attack.

Anna chuckled she knew exactly where she had kicked for her to be tied up she had the same experience:" well shall I do the honour of waking them all up" she chuckled she was going to enjoy this.

Anna grabbed anything that made a noise she went to the bedroom where the boys were she banged the objects loudly"

Big James and little James both:" please don't our headache-no heads it's pounding go away" they were mourning.

Anna giggled:" well then who told you to get drunk then this is just a bit of what you put your big bros and Uncles through you put Uncles through" she banged louder.

Anna then walked in the girl's room and did the same she banged even louder the girls pulled the pillows and placed it in their heads they didn't want to get up they know that it was Anna she was the only one who punishes them like this.

Jackie:" Meimei babie please I don't feel good be good and don't make that noise love you baby"

Anna looked and thought is she still drunk only one way to find out:" hey babe who is the best looking in our house" she smiled.

Jackie opened one eye and looked at Anna and thought what kind of question is that:" Meimei how can I fancy anyone in the house they all grandpa's, daddy, Uncles, brothers, and nephews there is nobody apart from Li Jannan she is too shy I approach he runs away like I silly school girl" she smiled when she remembers him running.

Anna:" well maybe you should be the man in the relationship and tell him maybe his is really my brother that doesn't understand gestures and you have to be blunt"? Anna knew she wasn't drunk she would have come out with all sorts mostly funny.

Jackie:" yeah Meimei you right that's I will do I am going to ask him out on a date then" she smiled at her funny thought of how she would ask.

Anna looked at them she thought they don't have much fun anymore when did they become so serious people they always found ways to have fun so she made a mental note that when she goes back home she would change everything and put the fun in our schedule.

Anna walked out of the door she turned to her Uncles:" I am heading to the kitchens to make some hangover soup for them all" she smiled at them.

Adrian:" Missy since your making the hangover soup could you make some chicken noodle soup as well I haven't had in a while" he smiled gently.

Anna:" okay I will" she smiled.

Anthony spoke quickly:" I too don't forget me"

Anna:" how could I forget my foodie" she chuckled loudly.

Anna headed down to the kitchen the staff already knew Anna she had helped them make the menu for the hotel restaurant which was always so busy now not only used by the hotel guests but the public as well it was always fully booked. As she arrived she was greeted by all the kitchen staff.

Head chef Kim Lung:" hello Anna what can we do for you today" he was so happy to see this young lady she was an inspiration to him.

Anna:" hi Uncle chef I need to make some hangover soup and some chicken noodle soup as well, please could you help me with the ingredients please" she smiled her best smile.

Head chef Kim Lung chuckled at the way she addressed him he really liked it:" of course come this way dear I will personally help you today. He had his own reason he wanted to know how this woman could make amazing food he has tried to copy her recipes but it's nice the restauranters like it very much but for him, it's not the same.

All the other staff looked at their Master Chef being nice he was very strict to see him being gently was weird for them but nice at the same time.

Anna told him all the ingredients she needed she prepared the hangover soup and ask one of the waiters to take to the room then she starting making the chicken noodle soup she used all fresh spice that she ground and use the Master chef stood and stared at how she was using the herbs and spices and all was full of nutrient she worked like a pro even the best chef in his kitchen wasn't as good.

While she was still cooking her phone rung and it was Anthony he wanted her to make a sweet dish too while she was there it had been a while since he had his little baby girls cooked food he loved her cooking.

The head chef looked at her he thought what does she want to make now she wants to see more of her culinary skills so he was eager to watch the whole kitchen had a stopped to watch. Only Anna didn't notice she was busy immersed in her cooking.

Anna thought about it and spoke:" chef Uncle Uncle Anthony likes fruit flan so that's what I will make" she told him all the ingredients she needs.

Head Chef:" Anna sweetheart could you make extra if I get you extra ingredients for you" he smiled at her.

Anna:" okay I will if you extra ingredients I will make some more," she thought how many does he want a few right.

He brought ingredients for at least 50 /60 Anna looked and smiled awkwardly:" Chef Uncle I am going to need all your staff they just have to follow my instructions okay" she looked at him for help.

Head Chef nodded in delight so they got cooking and in time that had made all the flans Anna left the kitchen with the cooked foods she had made a three-course meal when the chefs tasted the once they cooked they loved them they didn't want to serve them in the restaurant later.

As Anna bowed to the head chef and took her food and left the kitchen all the staff looked on with amazement at Anna skills and the way she handles the kitchen. Anna headed towards the lifts and went to the room where everyone apart from Anthony and Adrian was nursing their hangover she smiled at her Uncles as the food was placed on the table. Anthony and Adrian didn't wait on ceremony they dug in and the rest looked at each other but when they smelled the food the hangover had disappeared they all came running. As they are they complained about not having good food because Anna wasn't there.

Anna:" oh I see you only miss me for my food then" as she giggled while teasing them.

Anthony:" yeah I miss you my baby girl and your food but not the training " he chuckled too.

Adrian:" Missy you know we miss you as a whole the most" he chuckled too.

As they all started to chat about irrelevant things Anna phone rung it was Master Falong Anna looked at the screen and then at her shadow guards. Anna excused her self saying it was too noisy to take the call and walked out of the room.

Anna answered the call:" hello what do you want" she sighed.

Master Falong:" hello to you too wants with the sigh babe any way just to let you know the mission I want you to a company me with is tonight meet at the harbour xxxxxx at 9.00 pm don't be late okay" he chuckled and cut the phone.

Anna stared at the blank screen for a while and then thought I wonder what kind of mission he is taken me on the doesn't really need my help he can click his fingers his subordinates will come crawling out of every nook and cranny.

Anna looked at the time it was already 7.00 pm it would take her about 1 hour to reach the harbour and she needs to collect her gear too so it's best to set off now she didn't know whether she was going to coming home as well but if it meant she sacrifice her life to keep everyone safe then it was a risk she was ready to take. She headed into the room she bid everyone farewell she didn't hug anyone she didn't want to arouse suspicion. But then she walked out she ran back in and hugged all of them and Uncle Adrian she held on tightly. And Uncle Anthony this was not unusual for Anna to do this.

However, Anthony looked at the way she was looking at everyone before she closes the door he was feeling uneasy he knew Anna very well she was up to something and it was dangerous he walked out of the room without saying a word he would come back he was going to follow Anna to make sure she was okay.
