167/168 ANNA GOES AWOL (3)


Master Falong looked over he realised she took the blindfold off she shook his head:" why did you take it off I told I would tell you when we arrive really, babe" he smirked as he spoke he thought she is on high alert he didn't blame her he only tried to kill her a couple of times u til he learned that his mother was alive and Anna hid them from his family because they were the ones trying to kill his mum, not Anna. He wanted to say sorry but he didn't know where to start from so for him was the next best solution.

Anna wanted to hit him really hard in the nose it was his fault that we are here in the first place they could have travel by land or air why was he being awkward, she didn't speak she was silent because her fear was building her hands broke out into cold sweat although they were in a room. Anna could still feel the motion of the water beneath her she also didn't want to show her fear in front of a stranger she still didn't know to what his hidden motive was the quicker we they were on land the better for Anna or the air would also do at this moment in time. Anna didn't know how long she could hold on and there was nobody there that she calls her own to cling on to so she gripped the seat under her. Anna was wishing that somebody anybody would do she looked at Master and thought about embracing him since he was the only one around but then thought not a good idea she didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Master Falong watched her carefully he remembers leaving the boat and the men telling him she dives in with her Uncle did something happen than to make like this he was sorry now he only wanted to tease her he knew she was very good and she would survive. He only saw her on the landing pad as he waved at her he watched crouch on the floor he thought she was angry he didn't catch him little did he know it was a different situation. master Falong didn't stay that time to find out.

But from his men, they found out they took her to the hospital Anna let go of Master Falong and moved the edge of the helicopter.

Anna started out and wonder which country they would be sneaked into this was not the normal way Master Falong did things Anna had researched this young man and she knew he came with a bang and left the same way he wanted people he had been and done what he had had to do so what was this new side to this Master Falong she was seeing.

In what seemed like forever they arrived at the middle of the ocean Anna had no idea where she was now she was worried one she was on the water two in the middle of nowhere she was regretting her decision now of coming but she had decided she wasn't going down without a fight and if she did die today it would be a good time as any to leave this world. In the midst of her thoughts, she heard a helicopter maybe this Young Master wasn't lying but what the hell was he up to?

Master Falong came over he tied the cloth on Anna's eyes and lift her up princess style to Anna's surprise. He carried her into the helicopter he placed her down he whispered:" leave the blindfold on until we see land then I will tell you and you can remove it" What Anna didn't realise that in her fear she had gripped on to Master Falong tightly not that he didn't mind he liked it very much this was the closets he would get to this beautiful woman. He let her hold him he at least owed her this?

When the helicopter landed there were two motorbikes waiting they took the bikes. Anna needed to take a rest her legs were still jelly she could barely stand she ran to the corner of the wall were she puked her dinner out she felt a lot better now once she cleared her stomach. It had been churning since they got on the boat.

Master Falong patted her back and then give her a handkerchief to wipe her mouth then give a bottle of water he asked:" are you alright should we rest first then continue on with the mission" he looked at her sympathetically now. This was a new side to Anna he was seeing and it made him love her more and want to protect her.

Anna looked at him shook her head:" give me a few minutes I will be fine let's get this over and done with" she tried to smile but it didn't come. Anna wanted to complete this and head home into the warmth of Mu Yazhe arms.

Anna followed him they arrived what looked like a village with very nice houses they were like this village belong to some very rich people. Where we're they who's property was this where they were going to enter?

As they got closer to one of the larger property. They stop their motorbikes and walked to the side of the building. Anna figured it is a point that they would not be welcome and it was definitely enemy territory.

Master Falong:" babe I want you to listen to me very carefully before you go there okay" he looked at seriously.

Anna:" okay what do you need from"? she wants to in and out and never sees this man again.

Master Falong pointed to a window up on the fourth floor Anna looked up she was busy looking around how she could climb the building without being noticed. Then he dropped a big bomb. Is Left Anna mouth wide open?

Master Falong:" in that room, there is a little girl she is 5 years old I need you to rescue her please" he smiled awkwardly.

Anna:" wtf?? I am not going to kidnap someone child you sick psycho you dragged me here for that you are one twisted individual you know"?? as she yelled at him she back towards her bike she was having no part of this he was crazy.

Master Falong grabbed Anna arm and pulled her in form behind in to back hug so she wouldn't move. He whispered in her ears:" I promise you on my mother's life I am not here to kidnap anyone's child I am here to take my child she is my baby girl please help me only you can help please don't say no I can't let anyone know about her she will become a target that's why asked you for your help if you help mem I owe my life for the second time please don't say no" he was literally begging Anna.

The proximity was too close for comfort Anna pulled her self out of his hug to look at his face he had a look to say he wasn't lying Anna was confused she didn't want to help kidnap someone's child but if it his then it would be really different Anna was struggling to make a decision. He sounded panicked it wasn't like this cocky Young Master attitude so maybe he might be telling the truth.

Anna:" what your child what is she doing here why are we kidnapping her tell me what is going on a young man I won't help otherwise " she looked up at his face. She didn't know whether to believe them or not so she needed convincing but from the look on his face, he was not lying Anna was in two minds. What was he playing at she wanted to go back but something was stopping her?

Master Falong needed to persuade her:" babe once your in there when you see her you will know she is my little girl promise I need to get her mother git in touch and said my baby girl is in trouble she needs saving" he looked like a good little boy he was on his knees begging her. He had grabbed Anna legs so she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

Anna looked at him she sighed she would take a look and then decide whether she would bring the little girl with her or not:" let go of me then I will look then decide okay" she sighs deeply. Anna decided to take a look and see the situation first then she would decide want steps to take?

Master Falong:" I will explain everything on the way back alright" he smiled gently he was trying to coax her he was bouncing backwards and forward in front of Anna.

Anna:" okay get out of my face stay here oh by the way which country are we in" she needs to know in what language she needed to talk to the child in. And the other reason she needed to know which country they were going kidnap a child in and who's the territory being too obviously by looking at the house that wasn't ordinary people.

Master Falong:" were are in Italy" he sighed he was also looking at the expression on Anna's face which would show him that she would help only she could do this he had his reason for using her for this he couldn't explain it to Anna.

Anna looked shocked:" really oh boy we are far from home aren't we you owe me one hell of a story when I come back" she looked in horror at him.

Master Falong thought she would say favour but she only wanted to know about how his little girl came about what could he tell her should he tell her the truth or make some bullshit up but knowing Anna now she would beat him up without mercy if she found out he lied to her.

Anna observed the building then when she was way from Master Falong she texted Little Tiger and asked to check the layout of the building he was linked into the new watch he faces her it what brings a screen pop up so she would have a screen in front of her.

Little Tiger text back [ put the glasses I gave on and you see everything on my screen Mummy and what are you doing in Italy Mummy ]?

Anna texted back[ I will tell once I come back promise don't tell anyone especially your dad he will be angry] she was pleading with her son.

Anna put her glasses on and she could see the screen as have walked forward she could see everything Anna thought that her son is very smart to want will he design next Anna could see the layout of the whole building even the infer red body heat sensors so she knew where to avoid any people she climbed to the top from the outside of the building and broke the window she climbed in and into the room where the little girl was.

The room was dark with a very dim light it smelled of damp and it smells of another smell she could describe but did want to especially this was supposed to be the little girl's bedroom. It didn't look anything like a room designed for a little girl lived here what the hell was this place. It reminded her of the but she was sent to as punishment from Master Isaac. Was this little girl in the same situation as her?

Anna was horrified when she saw the Little girl how could someone do this she was only 5 years old for god's sake Anna was so angry she walked over to the little girl who was tied to the chair with her hands minded to the chair and feet minded to the legs of the chair she had a kind fold on so she couldn't see. From her clothes, it looked like she had them on for a while her hair was amess. Anna was shocked she wanted to first kill the people who had done this then take the little girl out but she was told by Young Master to sneak in and out they couldn't know they have been.

Anna whispered in Italian:" I am going to remover your blindfold and the tape on your mouth don't scream okay" she was trying to be gentle as possible.

As she removed the little girls blindfold and the tape on her mouth Anna stared at her she was definitely Master Falong baby girl she looked spitting image of her father. So this young Master wasn't lying she sighed with relief.

The little girl blinked her eyes to get used to the dim light in the room then she looked at Anna and smiled she had a most beautiful smile you ever saw she had the cute dimples and her eyes were green she was the cutest child you ever came across Anna's heart hurt seen her in this condition how can they be so cruel to her. Anna wants to go and beat the family up but she didn't have the time or the luxury of doing so.

The little girl spoke:" I want water Auntie, please" she pleaded with her face.

Anna:" okay little baby girl " Anna took her backpack off and took a water bottle out and gave her some to drink to Anna astonishment the little girl drank the whole bottle then she smiled at the little girl:" thank-you Auntie can I have some food as well please" she pleaded again.

Anna:" listen baby girl let's get out of this room then I will give you a big dinner okay how does that sound good would you come with me quietly. Anna looked at the little girl hoping have would say yes.

The little girl smiled:" yes can I leave this room want to see out there I am not allowed " she looked at Anna as though she didn't believe anything she said.

Anna:" be good now and I will untie you and then we can leave okay" she smiled.

Anna untied the little girl's arms she cut to see the rope marks on her wrists and ankles Anna then looked around the room and she couldn't find any clothes or shoes for this girl. Anna was going to climb down the same way she climbed up some needed to secure the little girl to her so she had her two hands-free she looked around and found the bed sheet she used it to make a sling to place the little girl in.

Anna was shocked this little girl couldn't even stand up and walk she just fell to the floor when Anna lifts her up to stand. Once the little child was secure Anna descended from the window and down she didn't even realise the child was attached to her because she weighs so little. Anna reaches the bottom in no time where Master Falong was waiting he looked at the bundle attached to Anna and smiled he had tears coming down his face he wanted to see his daughter.

Master falling wanted Anna to untie her so he could see her:" let me see her please"?

Anna:" wait till we get out of her first then okay" she pulled Master Falong from his slave he was frozen to the spot where he was stood.

Master didn't speak he just let Anna drag him to the motorbikes and she hit him on the head hard to bring him crashing back to earth he looked at her in shock as he rubbed the top of his head. Anna pointed at his bike he understood what she was saying in no time they were out of there. They quickly left the town and headed to wear the helicopter was waiting they boarded it and the helicopter took them to France when they landed there was a car waiting for them it took them to a hotel which was owned by Master Falong so they could easily access the back entrance they headed to the suite when they entered immediately Anna turned to Master Falong.

They didn't speak while they were travelling the little girl peaked at Master Falong every so often but hid in Anna. Eventually after her little peek a boo the little girl fell asleep. Master Falong could see her big beautiful eyes they were like her mothers her hair was also like her mothers he was reminded of this child mother and wondered how she was?

Anna:" get some food for her and medical help as well and clothes and shoes please" she was worried.

Anna slowly in did the bedsheet and place the little girl out and sat her on the bed the little girl rubbed her eyes she had been asleep this for some time she looked up to see Anna and smiled:" Auntie you are still here thought I saw you in my dreams but you here I am hungry Antie can I have some food, please" she smiled her beautiful smile.

Master Falong was on his phone when he finished he turned around and saw his daughter for the first time he froze he couldn't believe he was seeing her in this lifetime. He walked over and place his arms out to holder she saw him and hid in Anna's arms she was shaking and silently tears flowed down her face.

Master Falong stop his actions and looked at Anna wanted to know happen why was she so scared she wasn't like this when he saw her when she was 1 year old she was bubbly, smiley and really chubby why was she so skinny and scared what had they done to the baby his little girl he was going to make them pay now he had his baby girl safely out of their clutches. He couldn't do anything to them they had him over a barrel but now he would show no mercy.