Anna and Mu Yazhe travelled back together they went on a detour they had a lot of things to discuss or Mu Yazhe had a lot of things in his mind so he dragged Anna off. They got back from a different mission Anna whole body felt like it had been doing rigorous training. After a nice shower, she walks into her room to see Mu Yazhe had disappeared. Everybody is out too they all went to eat out.

Anna wonders around the empty house then she heads in the office thinking she would finish off some work that has probably piled up she opens to her surprise Mu Yazhe sat on the chair doing his work he looks up and is also to surprised to see Anna there he gets up walks over and hugs her tightly.

Mu Yazhe:" hey little Demon your here hmm" he kisses her with no warning.

Anna is taken by surprise but she likes the hug and kiss she missed him too. The kissed is long by the time Mu yazhe lets go she lost all control he realises this the way she stares at him like a lost lamb he picks her up princess style take hers upstairs and kicks the bedroom door open then once he enters the room he closes the door with his foot he throws Anna on the bed and jumps on top the clothes disappear one by one there is steamy action. Anna thought he didn't have his fulfilment back there he at it again not that she was complaining.

Anna has improved in the bed she has lost all he senses she tends to slithers around more sometimes Mu Yazhe thinks it's not a good idea because she escapes from his grasp but Anna is ready to try to different positions she likes on top she feels she is in control little does she knew she just tires herself out then she is all Mu Yazhe prey do to as he wills she is too tired to riggle way so she lets him do what he wants she always worst for wear he leaves his marks all over the body she feels like she was just done an intense workout she has fallen asleep when she wakes up the next morning Mu Yazhe is not in bed she looked over at the time it almost 8 pm she has been sleeping a lot lately she thinks she needs to go see the doctor to why she so tired.

Anna wakes up has a shower dress comes downstairs walks in the kitchen and Mu Yazhe is making breakfast she walks over and hugs his back.

Anna:" smells nice for me hubby is spoiling me at this rate will never have to cook ever again and I will become fat " she giggled.

Mu Yazhe:" that's right I am making you fat so nobody looks at you expect me that's a really good idea why didn't think of it" he chuckled.

He laid out her plate kissed her forehead:" hey little Demon I have to go on the business trip to Italy want to come with me we can stay for few nights after the merger is done what say" he smiles at his thoughts.

Anna:" no can do I am on a mission with Mu Shinn tomorrow so I will be gone for two days did you forget you approve it" she smiled at her forgetful husband.

Mu Yazhe:" are they tomorrow I forget okay you deal with that when I finish I will ring you if your free head over okay" he wasn't her of the hook that easily.

Anna:" okay hubby I will " she knew she wasn't getting off the hook anytime soon.

After breakfast they both headed out in their separate vehicles they head in different directions.

Anna waved then pulled you tongue at Mu Yazhe he looked and shook his head as he chuckled to home self and thought to wait till I come back I will punish you. The driver of the Mu Yazhe car smiled at his ma'am behaviour and thought the only ma'am can do that and get away with it everyone else fears Master Mu.

Anna headed for Mu Shinn headquarters where she would be briefed about the project and she could prepare for tomorrow. When she arrived Mu Shin. Looked frustrated he was barking orders at his team he was in a very bad mood. But when he saw Anna he smiled the whole room was shocked just a minute ago they were getting shouted at and now his mood has turned and he is smiling they thought he suffers from bipolar disorder.

Mu Shinn:" I am glad you're here the mission has been moved forward there's been a change of plan so we head out in an hour get your gear together and follow me you're on my team" she looked so serious he looked like he was in his element now bossing everyone around.

Anna had all her gear with her weapons we're different to the special armed forces they were designed and then tweaked by little Tiger. Anna was ready he had to wear the black uniform issue by the military. All of Mu Shinn's comrades knew Anna very well know she had been a lot of mission with them so they all got on very well.

Mu Shinn:" I will explain the details in the chopper to you" he grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her along to the chopper. Once onboard he explained what had happened they were going to sneak into another country and rescue some fellow soldiers and also they were escorting the Mayor's daughter with them she was being held there too.

Anna:" okay the lay of the building and what is your plan to get in and out and do we leave the place intact or total inhalation" Anna preferred the second opinion.

Mu Shinn:" we can't leave any evidence behind so the second opinion" he knew it wasn't the done thing but they were firstly sneak into another country secondly they were holding the Mayors daughter hostage thirdly his fellow officers were there too he had trained with them he knew them on a personal level and fourthly the reason the man as they had killed two of the two of his fellow officers they were made to watch they were all very angry and fifth the other country should happy they were going eradicate the malicious group that had caused havoc in the country.

Anna looked at my ageing in deep thought she suffers next to him and whispered:" hey bro we are doing the right thing we can not leave any evidence behind to say we have been in the other country or we will course an uproar of two superpowers and you know the saying no evidence no case to be adjourned" she looked at Mu Shinn

Mu Shinn ruffled the top of her head he thought she always something stupid to say.

They arrived at the place they were been drop into the country so avoid the enemy suspecting them. Anna was attached to Mu Shinn parachute she loved this falling from the sky was the best it gave her a thrill.

Mu Shinn thought that she was crazy he took his wife she screamed her lungs out as they landed his wife puked her guts out she never wanted to do this again and then there was his little crazy sister who loved it. As they landed they prepared themself for the attack. They all moved in position waiting for the order from Mu Shinn.

Anna had her equipment with her links we're with little Tiger so he had an overall salite view of the place he noticed some abnormalities with the image the earth was moving around so he zoomed in to discover the enemy was more devious than they thought this was not going to be a simple extract and terminate.

Little Tiger sends his mum the site link he was looking at Anna was at first puzzled seeing this then she quickly realised that the enemy was hiding under the earth so it would be surprise attack this was something they had seen in the jungles to camouflage them elf Anna chuckled:" clever well, we'll where else are you hiding" Anna linked in too little Tiger system and turned the infer heat sensors on she realised the enemy was way smarter no wonder they evaded there own military for so long but then again you need the Underworld to track the other underworld you all think alike.

Anna grabbed Mu Shinn and showed him what was going on the smiled:" it's like that then let's give them a surprise than" he smiled almost as sinister as his sisters.

Anna:" let's all hide and seek then" she smiled just like her brother the other soldiers looked at each other they could tell these two were related they enjoyed their cat and mouse in this case rats they were looking forward to the hunt. Through the comms, Anna could tell each one of them where their target was and in the trees as well they had to move all together so not to alert the one enemy inside on the count of three they all attacked taking out all the enemy in the jungle they moved forward surrounding the empty abandon building.

Anna checks her equipment again she could tell where each one was and the all the tired hostages where. Anna then informed all the other of each of their targets. Anna usual was to climb the building to be able to bird's eye view as she made to the top she could see clearly what was going on this terrorist weren't expected company so they were pretty relaxed she could see some men crowded around and she heart screaming.

Anna insistently looked for the mare daughter she was sat in between the solders that were captured they were all surrounding her to protect her so who were these men raping. She would find out when she got down there. Anna waited for Mu Shinn order once he gives her the order she came down like a bat out of hell she managed to take out all the thugs to surround the soldiers they were untied and ready to attack.

Anna then moved forward she decided to the girl that was screaming as she approached she was surprised they weren't raping the women was having she was having a good time with her comrades. Anna thought how many men did she need wow that's a first for Anna but she didn't have time to sit and watch the porn she had to attack they no time for one on one combat she used out her gun with a silencer attached she aim and fired in no time she took out all the men and women it was one hell of a blood bath.

Mu Shinn was not surprised when he walked in he was expecting as much they had their team and rescued the hostages they could leave they had to be at a certain point for them to board the chopper to go home as they left bombs all over the placement we're on a timer and would go off once they were out of the country they didn't want anyone to know they had been as they left they took their dead with them.

Anna looked at then she remembers Mu Shinn saying no man left behind dead or alive they would give their men honourable funeral.

As they left the country they heard a very large bang the place was probably burned to the ground and body would be unrecognisable which was good for them because they had one woman with them that she had similar clothes as the mayor's daughter if they had any accomplices they would assume that the girl was Mayor's daughter. Hopefully, the Mayors was safe now they thought she side in the explosion.