
Anna let go of Adrain she looked at both Uncles:" Uncle's tomorrow will you bring the lawyer with you and don't let anyone come to the hospital either I have to do something no I need to do this I know all will object but trust me it's for the best I already promised my self years ago and talked to Yazhe about it he also agreed to it too so he won't be angry when he comes back" she looked at her Uncle seriously she only could hope that Mu Ywzhe wouldn't be angry bug right would he be angry he was the one that disappeared with a trace she thought all sorts in her head.

Anthony, breathed in relief he was overthinking but he knew what she was about to do deep down he knew what it was but he still didn't like it but he knew it had to be done she was right and what she was doing was a great sacrifice for her family she was born with a big heart he wondered what great deed he did to meet this little angel/ demon:" okay baby, girl I will I understand " she smiled and ruffled the top of her head.

Adrian looked at the two and suddenly it hit him what his Missy was about to do he didn't like the idea but his other Missy also needed this too so it was the right decision but wrong timing.

Anthony and Adrain stayed at the hospital that night they both slept on the sofa he didn't want to leave Anna on her own. Anna also didn't want to stay alone she asked him to stay they talked till the early hours of the morning slowly Anna went to sleep she was not tired but the sake of her being pregnant she needed to rest.

Anna only slept for 2 hours she was up again Anthony who was wake and fresh had breakfast ready he had brought her porridge from home that the chefs and sis in law made.

Anna got up went to the bathroom cleaned her self up fresh pyjamas suit on and sat on her bed which had been changed. She eats the porridge quietly she wasn't to keen on the porridge but she knew she had to eat it for the sake of her children she wanted them to be born healthy she had neglected them while she didn't know.

Anna:" have you contacted the lawyer's Uncle "

Anthony" yeah. He will be here at 11.00 am" he looked at Anna to see if she had changed her mind but she looked determined.

Anna took out her phone and text a message[ could you both be here at 11.00 am please thankyou❤️] she placed her phone down. The phone pinked Anna picked it up and looked motionless no happiness no sadness.

Bang on 11.00 the lawyer and Amelia and Ting Jun all walked in they looked at the lawyer why was he here.

Anna smiled when she saw her sister she came over and hugged her tightly:" hey jade thanks for coming"

Amelia:" what's with the formalities why wouldn't I come you need to care of your self you know you had me worried when you gave me the address for the hospital" she frowned.

Anna:" I love you too jade" she gave a little smile.

Ting Jun:" how are sisi in law I told you we should buy your room here thus has become your second home" he chuckled.

Anna:" your so funny bro in law and that's not why I called you here there is something I need to do that's why the lawyer is here too" Anna looked at the lawyers:" can I have the documents " she handed them to Amelia.

Amelia looked at Anna then at the documents she started to read the document she looked at her sister and then read again she looked over with tears in her eyes:" your pregnant when did this happen and are you sure you want to do this it's a big sacrifice"

Ting Ju grabbed the document of Amelia and read them he looked at his sis in law:" for real you going to. Oh my God thank you so much you don't know to what this means to us oh wow you know when Yazhe said this I thought he was making me feel better but I had no idea that he truly meant it " he hugged his wife tightly and tears flowed down both of their faces.

Anna had known for a long time the struggle of her sister not be able to get pregnant she also was getting a lot of grief from the Amelia inlaws and their family. Amelia might not say but Anna could tell every time she looked at her children Anna also knew that Amelia in-laws wouldn't just accept any adopted children so this had to be their big secret but they work on it

Amelia:" I hadn't seen her in-laws for at least 7 months so this might work" she was beam at seams with happiness she was going to be Mummy

Ting Jun:" thank-you again sis while I am adopting the children can I also adopt you as my sister if I ever had I sister she wouldn't be like you your just amazing " he hugged Anna.

Amelia:" that's why she is my sister and no you can't have she is, one and mine alone" she growled at her husband.

Ting Jun:" easy another tiger I only suggest it she is still my sis in law okay" he smiled at his feisty wife.

Anna looked at them inside she envied her sister she had what she wanted no want she had with Mu Yazhe she didn't know why she couldn't find a trace of Mu Yazhe why didn't he want her to find her she was going tired of his cat and mouse chase.

Anthony looked at the reaction of all of them and knew Anna had done the right thing after all they had also brought up Amelia as well. It pained them when they first found out that Amelia would never be a mum but who to say what fate sends our away may she was waiting for these twins all long.

Anna rubbed her belly:" sorry babies mama loves loads but you are going to become Jade (Amelia), babies and she will love you even more oka be good for mama" as she spoke she felt a slight flutter in her stomach she smiled and then tears flowed down her face:" mama is so sorry she wouldn't keep you and love you like your brothers and sisters mama is sorry"

Anna fell asleep early that night Anthony stayed again to watch over her. In the middle of the night, she felt the most dreadful pain in her back and front of her stomach she was crunched into a ball she lay there and thought the babies are angry with here because they heard what I said they don't want to stay anymore he prayed they were born safely.

Anna whispered:" uncle call the doctors the babies are coming" then she scrunched into a ball the pain was getting stronger and faster Anna began to pant for air.

Anthony pressed the buzzer while holing her hand the nurse can to look when she saw Anna she can't back out to get the doctors and nurses. Anthony took out the phone to ring home Anna grabbed his hand:" uncle does not ring them ring Amelia and bro in law they need to be here to take over the babies when they arrive for Amelia in-laws it got to look like she gives birth.

Anthony looked at Anna in shock then he rang Amelia mobile and he also made the necessary arrangements for Amelia to have her room in the hospital so it looked like she gives birth. He looked at Anna he couldn't still believe she was doing this but he never questions her before and why would he start now because the other side was his baby girl too.

Anna was in absolute agony she wanted to go home she wants somebody to stop the pain most of all she wanted Mu Yazhe to be here he was not she also released all her build up anguish now she was losing control slowly by the time the doctor arrived and checked the baby head could be seen the doctor shouted at all the medical team to come over as the doctor turned to check on Anna again the baby had arrived it cried the nurse took it away then an Anna felt the second wave of pain it was even worse than the first Anna tears flowed freely all that had build up was released in no time the second can't have arrived they were silent then a weak cry came Anna sighed with relief that both babies we're okay they were early but they were okay. Anna burst out crying she missed Mu Yazhe she was hurt8ng and now she was in pain she let go and released all the pain build up over these past few months.

Anna was exhausted she looked over at Anthony who had tears he cried like a baby. Anna looked at him a smiled she never saw anyone look so silly it was like he had given birth what she didn't realise she had squeezed his hand arm that much that it might be broken. She spoke weakly:" sorry Uncle did I hurt you" she looked up at the sorry sight of her Uncle.

Anthony:" no baby girl you didn't" he smiled while wiping his tears.

The nurses helped Anna clean up take a shower when she came and lay on the clean bed

Anthony came over and hugged her tightly:" oh my baby girl you were amazing not one scream you were crying but it was all silent the doctor asked if you were mute because he had seen women scream the entire hospital down but not you. My brave warrior baby girl" he hugged her tightly because now they were going home with nothing Anna had only found out she was pregnant yesterday and today she was in labour and tomorrow they would walk away empty-handed.

Anthony now knows he had to keep a close eye on Anna because he was going to feel lost.

He knew he couldn't keep this secret from the team but for now, he had to say silent.

Anna:" I know what your thinking but it was for the best and it was always decided if it ever happened I would still give the babies to Amelia and for us, we are at the crossroad we don't even know which road we are heading down I was also afraid the would get neglected they need a warm loving environment with two loving parents who can give them all the time in the world" she hugged her Uncle tightly who was she convincing Uncle or her self.

Anthony:" what do we tell them at home " he was going to ring but he held off.

Anna:" they can't know we need to get the doctors on board and say that they made a mistake if we say it was a miscarriage you know the kids they want to see the babies were are we going to find babies from so we have to say they didn't exist and carry as though nothing happens it will be our little secret and also I'm informed them to have the babies moved to a different hospital and Amelia so they wouldn't know anything okay Uncle" she looked at very seriously.

Anthony looked at the baby girl he knew she meant every word she spoke so he to agree:" okay baby girl I will do it right now before any of the visits in the morning.

Anthony met Amelia and Ting Jun explain the plan then arranged for the helicopter to move them to a different hospital.

Amelia and Ting Jun decided to take the twins to America with them with the doctors on their private jet. Because if they stayed it would be hard to explain to Ting Jun parents how they came and didn't inform them and babies as well.

Amelia informed Anna of her plan Anna text her back then deleted it all from her phone now she needs to wipe it from the hospital system too which was child's play for Anna they were no trace left of Anna ever giving birth. Be course she only knew too well want genius her children were they could find anything just not their father.

The next morning when the family came to visit Anthony broke the news that the doctor got it all wrong and Anna wasn't pregnant they were all little sad until they all got a text that Amelia had given birth to twins a boy and girl this morning in America they even sent pictures of the two babies in their little incubators. Anna smiled when she saw the pictures they were her little Angel and prince. Mu Yazhe said if he ever has any more children with Anna he wants to call them Angel and Prince.

Anthony looked at Anna as she smiled at the picture he knew deep down she was still there mother and her maternal instincts would show themselves. He was glad because the smile she had was not one she for the world she was smiling wholeheartedly.

That afternoon Anna was allowed to come home and rest she went to her room took a long shower and went to bed she slept quickly she had a long day and she was feeling very weak. To hide the next day, she planned a trip to Italy saying she had found some clues and asked if only Anthony would go with her she informed them she would be gone a week.

Anna and Anthony flew out they stayed at a hotel while she rested she mainly stayed indoors she was truly exhausted it took the whole week Anna was well rested now she had her hubby to find she was more detriment she wouldn't leave any rock unturned or what was of point of being the night or the blue-eyed beast they would be just empty titles.

When Anna returned she had a whole new attitude towards moving forwards she helped Mu Musin take the rains of the companies in his hands he could handle the toughest of situations with ease he could do of all this because he the backing of his entire family behind him.