
The men looked at her like she had gone mad but they knew if Mu Yazhe is alive he will be dead when Anna gets her hands-on him. Did they felt sorry for him now? what a tyrant for a wife he had.

Anthony was imagining Mu Yazhe digging his grave climbing in covering himself just to hide from Anna he sighed poor kid what was he thinking when he said I do to this Demon baby girl of his. He shook his head at the thought he looked at his baby girl he could see the anxious face he knew deep down she was really worried. He also knew she was never worried so this was something to be worried about.

They all headed to Milan now. This country Anna new well she had been here umpteen times she also knew all the mafia groups that lurked around they allowed her favours so she ask for help anytime but she wasn't gonna need it she had the best team behind Anna was very own robin hood and merry men( a classic outlaw story of Sherwood Forest in England).

Anna and the team made it to Milan they checked the airport footage. She then pulled out all her resources and searched everywhere she broke into the police traffic system to follow his trail she traced it to outskirts then the trails go cold there is no surveillance here it was a guessing game now as to where the people who picked him up took him the thing Anna couldn't understand was he looked like he went voluntary they trace the vehicle to an abandoned road and then nothing. Even Anna was puzzled what to happen. where was he why had he dispose of all his things and why was his tracker in his body off why he hadn't got in touch with them.

Anna had a very bad feeling the anxious and gut feelings were all kicking in now she knew her gut feeling was never wrong. But why did she felt like she was losing part of herself at this time? Was Mu Yazhe abandoning her but why? Was he upset with her? Did she do something wrong? Well, there was a lot she did and never told Mu Yazhe but she couldn't pinpoint at this moment? But he had her questioning herself?

As they drove to where the siting of Mu Yazhe to see if any clues were left Anna had all sorts of flashing in her mind she had to stop thinking logically, at this point. They reach the spot that they last see footage of Mu Yazhe the trial went complete cold like he just disappeared into thin air. But this was Anna she wasn't going to sit back she would pull every rock to find what she was looking for.

For the next 6 months Anna was back and forth to any tiny clue she could find of Mu Yazhe she would personally come and check it out she stops sleeping properly she would have 40 winks here and there when her body was exhausted in between running the hotels, the business she was going crazy looking for Mu Yazhe she forgot that Anna existed.

Everyone just watched on the sideline there was nothing they could do to stop her she had turned in to a walking, talking robot she didn't laugh, smile or cry she had no off button. Anna had everyone around her but she had closed her self off her one focus was to find Mu Yazhe alive. Everyone just tries there best to keep an eye on her making sure she ate and rested and travelled with where Anna decided her next little lead took her.

Anna was feeling very exhausted and had been having dizzy spell she just put it down to fatigue because she pushing herself too hard she didn't pay attention she also had a board meeting in weeks she had to prepare for it. The worst thing that Anna would be doing she hated the office or anything to do with sitting behind a desk she wasn't designed to be indoors she was designed for outdoors. Anna remembers how she would make silly excuses so she didn't have to come here and now she was dealing with all of this want a dilemma.

Anna worst nightmare was the Elders on the board but Anna being Anna prepared everything down to last detail she managed to locate all of Mu Yazhe friends and you get the second generation of elites who owned shares with the company and got on board with her so they would side she offered them a deal that they couldn't refuse she needed them with her if the Elder tried any tricks which she was sure off.

They always had some sort of obstacle ready but this time was Anna turn the tables around on them she would shoot them if they tried anything funny she meant what she was thinking. Even Anna knew she also practically she couldn't do it.

They always tried to undermine Mu Yazhe all the time out he had them where he wanted them Anna had to the same she dug all their dirty deeds just in case. Anna wasn't going to take any messing around from anyone this was her family's companies and her children, future so she wasn't going let anyone meaning anyone plays with them.

Anna was very aware of the way the business world worked she was trained by Mu Zain he showed the cold ruthless world of business and the underhanded deals that happened so she had the upper hand being from the underworld but she always found the underworld was ruthless merciless but the business world was whole another ball game luckily she knew what tricks were coming her way.

The hotels we're owned out rite by the family's so they won't come under scrutiny or bid for taking over by the greedy board members they always had a lot of business and collaboration that weren't anything to with the board so they were safe too but now they needed firm hands to run it wasn't for the soft-hearted sometimes decision had to made that was tough but it had to be done Anna only know too well how it felt so she wasn't cut out for the business world she was happy in her little world.

The large company business they had to collaborate with other larger companies would be under a magnifying glass. She also had Mu Yazhe's father pulled out of retirement and Mu Zain's father she needed all the help she could get. If it was possible she would drag Grandfathers from retirement as well but she thought that was too much although they were more than willing to help.

Mu Yazhe mother had lashed out Anna few times she was blaming Anna for her son disappearance the children didn't like it they asked their mother to bark back but Anna didn't she thought this lady has lost not one but two sons so she needs to release her anger somewhere.

The day of the board meeting arrived quickly the Elders was hyped up they had brought the son's and grandson's thinking they could put them into CEO position by throwing slanders at Anna. But Anna was also prepared to shoot back she best and strategies and counter-attack so she was looking forward to it. Anna was angry that she been the best in the underworld couldn't find a trace of Mu Yazhe on top of these elders so she was going to vent her anger somewhere.

Anna had wanted to bully these Elders for a very long time so now was her chance. Anna had watched these elders bully first Mu Zain and then Mu Yazhe so it's payback time.

As they arrived Anna and Mu Shinn and Mu Yanis and the shadow team walked in they all had shares in the companies so nobody could stop them attending all though they had tried there best to keep them all out.

Anna sat at her usual place on the side which surprised the elders they thought she would head straight for Mu Yazhe seat. They all looked at each other. Then all of Mu Yazhe friends and second generation of shareholders came in them just to the slight acknowledgement of Anna and took their seats. To the elder's surprise, they didn't think these second generation didn't want anything to do with the board.

What the elders didn't know was there was always a second board meeting which the second generation was part off they all discussed all there upcoming projects and collaboration. Anna also was part of this board she was the one that fixed the projects that failed with the elders then the second generation would take on the projects that they passed. All the projects that the Elders through to the side they didn't want to invest in the second generation also took on board many of them brought large profits which were distributed among the second generation.

By all of their arrivals, they quickly made up more than half the board members even the foreign board members had arrived including Uncle Jack the board members didn't know Anna and Jack were related yet.

Even Anna father, grandfather, and brothers all the male Kang's we're here they also owned shares in the older companies. At this point, none of these elders was aware that Anna was the daughter and granddaughter of the Kangs they had heard that they found their granddaughters but they hadn't seen them yet.

But if they looked carefully they would see that Anna and her brothers looked alike. And they all looked like their father. They would be in for a shock to see that Anna was part of the great five family's. Grandpa came over and hugged his granddaughter tightly then took his seat. Then her father and brothers did the same. The elders that we're paying attention they notice they all looked on in shock. As it hit them how there was an uncanny resemblance between the siblings.

Then with the biggest shock to all, the Elder board members Mu Yale and Mu Dachi walked in the board members didn't know they had signed the shares over their children and grandchildren. And finally, the Anna children little Tiger Little Rock, little Blessing, Li Jun, Benjamin all the older siblings walked in they all took seats at the front of the table. The Elders scoffed looking at them they thought what these children doing here they think they are fit to take the position we will fight tooth and nail to make sure they don't even get a foot in the doorway.

The meeting began Mu Dachi spoke first:" As you are aware there have been some circumstances in our household and we have to choose our CEO and we are here today to that I am hoping everything happens above board and underhanded tactics will not be used I am putting my grandson forward Mu Musin(little Rock) he is young but despite his age, he is more than qualified he has worked with his father on the number major projects that you all have profited from tremendously he also before you ask has degrees in business and law and he has done his Masters and his PhD which he only took a year doing what can I say they are born geniuses" I smiled at his grandchildren he had never said it out aloud before he felt so good saying it out loud.

The Elder board members looked at each other gobsmacked they had heard that the Mu's children were clever from their children butyney didn't believe it but this clever was even beyond their expectations. But that wasn't going to deter them, even more, they want their heirs on the Ceo seat.

Mu Dachi spoke:" everyone needs to vote and decided and any objection please be free to speak one by one " he knew once he says that they will be an uproar of Elders wanting to put their opinions forward.

The Elders want their voice to be hurt so they started to talk over one another it got loud very fast Anna got up from her seat came and stood in front she was nervous as hell she wasn't a great speaker but this had to be done she wanted to show them her family was not going to walk over.

Mu Yale yelled very loudly:" SILENT are we in the cattle market you wouldn't think that the elites of China are gathered in this room. I understand you want to put you, son and grandson, hoping daughter and granddaughter are there too so one by one out their names forward with a bit background information and then let the board cast its vote and I am hoping that today whoever is picked and will have this seat for the next five years all the new generation will also come on board too" they whole boardroom went quite they all looked at Mu Yale who had never spoken ever and what he said to give no room for the argument which everyone had a fighting chance or so they thought. Little did they know that this deal was already signed, sealed and delivered.

The Elders smiled and each one put the sons a grandson forward there was one Elder who brought their granddaughter forward.

Anna remembers she is very smart and wondered if they could bring her on board if she works with them in the company.

As they all spoke Anna admitted they sold the children, rather well. It was time to cast the votes they raised there hands for who they wanted and obviously, Mu Musin ( little Rock )won the Elders weren't happy some of them they wanted to sell their shares to others they said that company was going to go down now Mu Yazhe wasn't here they're as expected.

Mu Dachi t had already talked about the sales document and the lawyers arrived in they were all ready and waiting for them it's as though they already knew what was happening. Even the Elders that wanted to sell we're surprised at the preparation that was already in place. But they should already have known this here was the reason why the Mu's excelled in the business world.

Mu Musin stood up he comes across as cold as his father he didn't want anyone who would cause any kind trouble later on:" hell everybody" he bowed courteously at all the board members:" I am very pleased that you have put your trust in me I will not let you down and for those who have no faith, by all means, can sell and leave I don't have time for time wasters and the rest then can discuss where we go from here " he looked as cold as his father all the board members could see his father in him.

The elders were taken back his cold he was like grandfathers and his father before him.

The Elders sold their shares and sign the sales agreements and left all the rest that stayed looked at Mu Musin now he was going to make money for them. The second generation was more than happy to work with this genius they already had worked with him they were already impressed by him.

The Elder with his granddaughter stayed she, however, kept stealing glances at Mu Xujiu ( little Tiger) who was watching his mother he was worried about her she was running on adrenaline. Anna, however, notices this she gave a small smile she had an idea in her head.

Mu Musin:" now that everything is settled let's get down to business. First I will personally ( meaning that with the help of his family) complete all projects that my father started. Secondly, I would like to see the younger generation to see if they have any projects that they wish to submit the team that deals with managing the presentation will help make out their proposals so they can submit them to the board oh I would also like to say that they will keep all profits to the project they submit " he looked at all of them to say it's your time to shine.

The Elder that where left looked at there Sons Grandson they were all eager to share they put there hands up Mu Musin nodded to come forward and agree they were happy someone was listening to them as well. The youngster ranged from 18 to 25 they all were welcome. Mu Musin (Little Rock) made clear it didn't ' matter about age it what they brought to the table and the profit they could make from their idea.

Mu Musin discussed all the upcoming and the projects that needed to be completed they all made notes of all the Elder told him they didn't seem that bad all the trouble makers had disappeared.

As they all left the young lady that had been quiet all this time walked over and signed to Mu Xujiu signed:" hello my name is Mani Lilly and are you going to be working with your brother if so I would like to work with you if you want" she smiled gently.

Mu Xujiu signed back:" are you deaf" he had no expression on his face it was cold like his fathers.

Mani Lilly signed:" yeah I was born partially deaf but I want to work on some projects I have really good ideas if somebody will give me a chance" she looked at him in anticipation. She was shunned by family and friends because they always thought she was useless.

Mu Xujiu signed:" come on Monday to the office bring your ideas with you and we will go through them I will help you okay" he now smiled. He liked her shyness and the away she tucked at her dress when trying to sign as well he didn't miss any her expression she made he found her very cute his heart was missing beats he was wondering what was happening to him. This was the first time he felt this way it was a strange but nice feeling.

Mani Lilly grandfather came running over and pulled his granddaughter behind him he bowed:" I am sorry my granddaughter is bothering you I told her so many times not to bother people she doesn't listen she doesn't understand how the business works" he was so sorry.