They didn't know he had a whole family his children were married and he was a granddad. Mu Yazhe thought he would explain it to them that his memory was back after he got his little Demon back. Now was a good time as any?why dosn't he show them instead an idea popped in to his head, he knew Anna wouldn't be able to back away either he had alwast give it try!

Anna notices his sharp gaze on her it wasn't the usual hatred one it was a loving one the one she missed so badly! she felt weird because she didn't know what she should feel and why did he hug her before wasn't he angry he pushed so hard she landed in a tree, OH my God!!! she just remembered how could she miss the biggest clue he called her little Demon she heard it or was she imagined it, she was so caught up in the moment it slipped her mind so does he remember everything does he remember her. Should she be happy or sad, upset her heart was pounding so hard she thought it you jump out of her chest, But if he did why did he ask her for evidence, he didn't believe her? It didn't make sense she thought it's better to keep her distance for now? She was unsure how to read this whole situation until he could figure out ht was happening?

Anna wants so hard to believe that she heard Little Demon now! she so wanted it to happen she wanted to hug and kiss him like they use to. Wait she thought chucking to her self, she was getting ahead of her self how could she forgot what he said last time they met he told her he hated her so much, she just wanted him to say "l love you so much little Demon " but she wouldn't get that wish.

But her heart so wanted to forget what happened and go back to the way things were before he was lost for all the years and memory wipe out the in-between, he became a blank slate for people to use to their advantage. And did they use and abuse him he played into their hands like a puppet, could they go to, the way they were? after finding him and been ridiculed in front of his girlfriend and children the bodyguards and brothers-in-law from not one family both were there? She should be aware and not jump to conclusions no matter how badly she wants it to be.

She so wished she could turn the hands of time back to the moment he walked out of her life and just pin him to the ground and straddle him so he couldn't move. It was all Anna's wishful thinking but for what where you could call them a power couple they turned heads when they went out together, even if it possible to go back from years ago would he still choose his mother a girlfriend over her? would he still hate her so much to the point where Anna couldn't breathe anymore, also he was there when she was told she isn't a Mu there was no room for her, how could there be he was her home, and then when she was a mission he thought she was flirting for God sake she was his wife if she wasn't going to flirt with him, she was flirt with the tree, she did save the dude's life but she got the insulting and it got ridiculed the damage is already done you just can't wipe the slate clean as nothing happened!!!

And are they supposed to carry on as nothing happened she couldn't do that to her self anymore, she had to think about what she wanted for once, she wasn't a Mu-so she had obligations no responsibility any more, all her children had grown into a wonderful human who had married and had children of their own and nobody needed her?

Anna want to scream and stomp her feet but couldn't she was on a plane Anna was so confused now. She needed advice she walked back where she was sleeping rung her sister the phone was answered on the first bell.

Amelia:" hey blue rose what's up where are you!!! when are coming to see the kids they keep asking about there cool Auntie " she chuckled.

Anna:" wow that's a lot in one go first I will be coming this weekend, I miss you all, secondly, I am on a mission, thirdly I need your advice please" she pleaded.

Amelia:" okay ask away then blue rose" she was super nosey she wants to know.

Anna:" well the thing is I ended up on a mission with Yazhe and he hugged me and I fell asleep in his arms because it was so cosy, I think he has regained his memory and I miss him so much, I am still angry the way he treated me, but I want to hug him and kiss him among other things I want to do to him I tell you about them later, I am so confused right now what should I do my mind is saying one thing my heart completely disagrees they have run off in opposite directions what's with it ahhh" she stopped.

Amelia:" okay that was a lot of and's you said he has regained his memory that's good isn't it so why the confusion isn't that what you wanted just whatever you decide to take it slowly baby steps okay listen to your heart blue rose" she smiled she wanted her sister to find her happiness, she was also worried that if everything went pear-shaped how she would cope, Anna when emotionally upset she is a train wreck.

Anna:" yeah and no all well said and done it won't be easy going back to the way it was, it will be hard it hurt too much last time it still hurts when I see him I have mixed feeling when I see him I want to cry and smile at the same time, do I sound crazy I certainly feel like I have gone crazy" she slight chuckled she didn't know what else to do.

Amelia:" that's understandable after you have been through a lot and the main thing is you don't need to go into the past to make memory's make new memories get to know each other again and take small steps and don't hold your emotions in release them I, am always here to talk to hug to be your comfort okay" she smiled she wanted her sister to make up with Mu Yazhe she wanted their relationship to recover because she knows that the person her sister loved was Mu Yazhe there was no room for anyone else she hoped they start over!!!

Anna:" thank you Mapa I love you so much I've got to go I will talk to on the weekend bye-bye" she smiled.

Amelia:" good luck sweetheart my blue rose to see you soon bye bye" she placed the phone down and sighed she prayed for the best.

Anna turned around to see Mu Yazhe behind her she jumped out of her skin she thought how much did he hear. She didn't want to give the wrong impression she would consider what her sister said she didn't know what she wanted at this moment in time. If he hadn't recovered his memory she didn't want to think about the consequences!!!

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna he didn't hear the conversation he had only arrived but he knew it was intense by Anna reaction, he thought who did she speak to why does she look the kid who stole a lollipop and got caught!! he knows he was pushing his luck but he had to he wanted his Little Demon back.

He smiled and place a hand in his hair as he stroke his finger through them. He watched Anna her eyes followed his every move he saw making, her gulping her saliva down he smiled he realised she was the same she didn't know how to hide her actions. What she wanted would show clearly in her eyes he could read her like a book, When she responded like this it gives him hope he could salvage his relationship with her.

Mu Yazhe stepped forward and pulled Anna into his embrace he hugged her tightly he whispered:" Little Demon I missed you so much I am sorry for everything I love you so much" he leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Mu Yazhe always knew how to control Anna he would kiss her she would lose control of her senses then she was all his. It was just the way he remembers the same sweet taste the smell the feeling he got from Anna was amazing slowly he watched Anna struggle then close her eyes he felt a wet sensation on her face he opens his eyes to see tears flowing down Anna's face he wanted to let go was he hurting her but he thought if I let go now he might also get hurt by her meaning (physically) but he was going to see how far he could take with his little Demon.

Mu yazhe closed his eyes and kissed her again this time he played her mouth open, he used his tongue inside Anna's mouths he fought with Anna's tongues wasn't fighting she was letting jim do what he wanted! his hand moved under her polo neck his hand near her skin her body was cold his hand was warm he had hold of her Waist tightly he knew she would collapse slowly, he moved towards her breasts he hadn't felt them in a long time as he touched her slowly, Anna let out a moan which made his little brother very happy her moan was like the okay for him to take things further he release her lips moved down to the neck, Anna was now his puppet she had lost all senses she let him do what he wanted. He smiled as he kissed her cold neck why was she so cold what had happened to her he would talk to her later if she didn't beat the crap out of him for taking advantage of her, he thought and chuckled to himself no pain no gain.

Just then there was a noise from behind them which brought Anna crashing back to earth she still couldn't supporter self, she collapsed on the seat and pretend to be asleep she was so angry with Mu Yazhe he knew her weak points, she wanted to talk to him first but this telling him everything was okay, it wasn't far from it she had to air her grievances she needed him to know he had already picked aside it wasn't next to her at this moment, she couldn't speak.

she was like a teenager getting caught by their parents she was bright red and flustered Mu Yazhe looked at Anna and chuckled she is a grandmother but still shy as ever but all this made Anna look so cute he could see the hurt and the sadness in her eyes, he had seen it when they first met he felt it too he wished he had understood at the time, he wanted to tell her he is so sorry he had let her down badly she was his whole life and he pushed her away so hard that if she didn't want him now who could blame he had caused blunders need to fix, he just wanted his little Demon back.

The soldier walked in. Mu Yazhe glared at him he had taken a perfect moment away from him the soldier gulped down his saliva hoped he wouldn't die today.