206: the king of the under world (3)

The leader:" kill me I still won't say" he chuckled he wouldn't tell her.

Anna:" huh! Then the person is close to you may be family I will find out one way or the other but I will make them pay double over because you refused to tell me to have it your way then " she smirked.

The leader panicked how did she know who his was family was would she go after his wife and kids too:" it was my cousin brother it's his wife and child and in-laws please don't touch my family" he pleaded.

Anna was surprised she thought he wouldn't give his relative up so easily there was no loyalty:" when you were having your men violating your sister law didn't you think of your wife and children then what if that was your wife, huh or that was your child being sold on the black market !" Anna was disgusted by the two-faced man.

Anna lifted her gun and shot him in the head she didn't want to see him pleading while doing the deeds he was doing. He pleaded for his family while violating other family's Anna wasn't that cruel she wouldn't go after someone's wife and children.

Anna took the duffel bag with money in it and walked out what! it was money they did need it now they could give it to all the victims. she knew it wouldn't make up for what they been through but it would help at least. Back at the main hall where they had all finished the mission they all walked out one after the other and Ed placed a remote in Anna's hand she looked at her Uncle he winked at her.

Ed:" do the honours" he smiled gently at Anna.

Anna pressed the button the whole place blew up in one go. They all walked away as nothing had happened if one watches from a distance then you could say it was like watching a movie.

With all of them walking away forward the building blowing up behind them.

They were ready to go home Anna told them they would have a company they were taking people back with them. They weren't surprised this wasn't the first it be the last.

As they all made it back to the orphanage Anna got the family medically treated she also had a therapist on hand for the children she had rescued. Anna explained to the therapist and the doctors the circumstances she found them so that the therapist and the doctors had a head's up and knew what she/ he would be dealing with.

To Anna surprise, the other team's also brought back victims as well they all need medical help too. Anna was only too happy to oblige to their needs. They were all sent to the medical centre the doctors were alerted from the hospital they needed extra help they were always available to help out when needed. They all looked over at each other and chuckled they all knew each other better now to know they couldn't leave the injured or the vulnerable and victims behind. Anthony came over and huge Anna.

Anthony:" Hey baby girl long time no see we're so busy now I can catch up with you later okay!" he smiled and hugged her shoulder as they walked to the main hall which had been turned in to the main operation room for now.

They all walked in to see the rest of the teams to get an update on what was happening they all had accomplished what they set out to do the whole underworld was shook with fear they had not known that the defiance of the king of the underworld held such a heavy penalty it was a good warning for any of them who wanted to declare open war on them that the whole syndicate would be wiped out no matter where they were in the world. They were not hidden in the king's eyes.

Anna looked at all of them and thought this is the kings and queens and knight of Master Isaac he was the true leader of them all. Anna now understood his training for them all it was so we could survive in the underworld. You had to have a cold heart to do the things they did otherwise it would hunt you in your nightmares you could not unsee what you see out there Anna to this day is always shocked and grieved by it all but you carry on to the next mission. She understood It was a hell of training it made them who they are today. Anna was grateful now to Master Isaac. But she still wishes he could have shown a bit of love to them too while they were growing up it would make a lot more sense, or tolerable. She busy in her thoughts have didn't see

Att had been stood in front of her for a while watching her every frown he knows why she was thinking it was the same face when she thought about her childhood and Master Isaac.

Att came close and kissed her forehead she whispered:" a penny for your thoughts sprout" he chuckled.

Anna was startled by this she looked up to see Att and smiled Anna hugged him she doesn't know why she just needed a hug what better than her brother. Anna stayed for a while they chatted about everything.

Anna know this was one of her comforts this was special no matter how far they lived there love was always still strong it was a bond like no other Anna didn't understand the love relation between husband and wife but her love for brothers and uncles, sisters were very special for Anna she could explain this no problem.

Att could hear Anna steady breathing Att chuckled he knew she had fallen asleep Anna could find anywhere to nod off when she felt safe no matter where she was. He lifted her Princess style and carried her to her room place her in her bed covered her up kissed her forehead and whispered:" sweet dreams my little sprout" she was middle-age women but for him, she was his baby sister. Att looked at his sister for a while and thought you sprout are a mystery to me you feel troubled but you still manage a smile brightly how do you do it.

Master Kai watched silently as Anna hugged her brother then went to sleep while leaning on her brother and the way Anna was carried so gently like she was so fragile. The love bond reminded him of the one he shared with his niece the only family could love you like this but for Anna whoever she met fell in love with her, she was just the kind of person that was loved by all you wouldn't think that this woman is also the most lethal human being around.

Master Kai knew that Anna just nice to him because that's who Anna was but he couldn't help how he heartfelt about her. Anna had left a footprint on his heart no matter how hard he tried he couldn't forget her so he decided he would let the secret stay deep in his heart he could have his one side of love.

The Anna he got to know surprises him every time he saw her. Anna would do things that left him stunned she had a heart of gold she didn't care who you were she would come and help just like that she would put her life in danger to help a stranger. When he saw Amelia for the first time he couldn't believe that the Lord had made two of Anna's. But quickly realised they were two different people with totally different attitudes they had different tastes there likes and dislikes were different on was the sun one was the moon. Anna was nice and Amelia was the fire. Together they compliment each other. But he did not doubt that the one he fell in love with was Anna.

Master Kai met with Mu Yazhe he hadn't seen in a long time so the chatted for a while. They talked about all sorts Master Kai told Mu Yazhe how Anna helped him and his family out and saved his business. Mu Yazhe smiled he know that was his Little Demon. Mu Yazhe explained that Anna was a sucker for a damsel in distress it was well known about her. Sometimes he thought she should have been born a man in ancient times.

Master Kai chuckled to know that Anna thought he was a damsel in the distress that night when he got kidnapped she came to rescue him he smiled to himself at the weirdness of Anna it just made her more loveable.

Master Kai told Mu Yazhe how he enjoyed working with all the team as they chatted Anthony came over he heard them talking Anthony suggests that he join the shadow guards in Korea and also a lot of the shadow already worked in an office so it would be appropriate for them all to get along. Master Kai knew that Anna replaced a lot of his office staff with trusted people but he found out they were part of the shadow guards he was well pleased he just found another reason to love Anna more.

As it got late everyone was already tired so they all headed to bed they all had to leave early in the morning to all go back to there daily lives.

Mu Yazhe walked in and seen Anna spread out like an octopus he smiled and thought there is nothing ladylike about her. He showered and got ready for bed he tickled Anna to make space to fit in the bed then as he lay down the octopus spread out again she used him as a human pillow she wriggled around until she found a comfortable spot. Mu Yazhe waited until she settles then he covered them both with the covers she manages fling them off he kissed her forehead and thought about the day the way she saved his life today and the fighting the enemy today she was one hell of women but she was his women all his. He just needed to woo her which was turning into an impossible task everything wanted to do went the opposite way. His thought became wilder and thought why don't I be a damsel in distress she would come to rescue me then beat me for getting kidnapped then train me severely for the next couple of months he shutters at the thought he rather not.

Thinking that he fell asleep in the morning he felt lightweight he opens his eyes to see Anna wasn't there she must be training he thought he got up showered change his clothes and went to look for the little Demon he was going to help her with the orphanage so he could spend time with her. Anna had been woken by the sister's there we're worried about some of the newer children who were still dealing with the traumas of what they had experienced.

As Anna headed towards the infirmary she saw the family she rescued hurdles together outside. Anna walked over to find out why they were up so early what they were doing sat on the bench like they didn't have a home.

Anna:" hello everyone are you all okay? why are you sat on the bench like this? is something wrong"?

The elder smiled:" that's a lot of questions in one go dear we are well and we sat here because we didn't know where to go and didn't want to disturb anyone and we are a bit hungry we haven't eaten in almost a couple of days" he still smiled.

Anna was shocked she fell asleep she was so sorry Anna thought the way to Anna you are losing your touch the people have properly frozen idiot:" oh I am so sorry to come with me let's get you fed first then I will show you to your room so you can clean up and rest again I am so sorry you spend the out here" she walked while they followed.

Anna took them to the main canteen she saw the chefs there they all greeted her. Anna told them to make food according to the preference of this family and when they finished to tell her she would and collect them personally and show them where they will be staying. The family was grateful she safe them but this kindness was beyond there expectation. They thank the Lord that he sent an angel there way. For them, she was no less she came when all looked like they would be tortured to death. But they still had to see there precious get violated they didn't why they deserve this but here and now they were safe.