Everyone gathered in the surveillance room. They were given their tasks in the mission by Mu Yazhe he was leading the whole teams but they were broken into smaller groups according to there ability everyone listens carefully the small shadow guards were surprised and excited that daddy was coming too. He had never been with so this was first. Especially Li Na she was hovering around her father since she found out.

As they all headed out Mu Yazhe made sure Anna was in his team. Li Na forced her herself in her daddy's team Mu Yazhe chuckled at her:" okay you come with me stay close okay" he wanted her to be safe.

Anna knew Mu Yazhe would be protective of whoever was on his team it was his little girl at the end of the day this was one hell of an experience. She was wondering how she would manage this overbearing protective leader. She was used to being able to sneak off and complete the mission but with Mu Yazhe would she be able to to this.

They all set off they were travel in a different direction they would meet in the designated place where they were told before they launched their surprise attack. As they drove down Mu Yazhe and Li Na and Li Ju we're discussing things they none stop talked to each other Anna on the passenger side near the right window she looked out and daydreamed like normal she dislikes to think beforehand only when she observers the situation would she act accordingly.

Anna knows there was a plan but as her everybody knew in the teams that it always never goes to plan then you need to improvise sometimes that's when your ability shines out. She was thinking does me dearest hubby knew this too. She sometimes broke away from one team and went solo would she able to do that now she was thinking a lot of what-ifs. Anna thought to leave it be and see what lies ahead and deal with as and when it comes.

Mu Yazhe was observing his little Demon he saw her staring out of the window and thought I wonder what she is thinking about is she thinking about me:" hey Little Demon what are you thinking about" he turned to the side looked at Anna.

Anna didn't answer she was busy in her little world. Li Na spoke:" daddy mummy is always like this before her mission" she smiled at Anna.

Mu Yazhe thought I didn't know this about Little Demon I have known so long and still don't a lot about her she like a box of surprises that always keep popping out:" and when your mummy gets to the place what she likely to do" he asked Li Na.

Before Li Na could answer Anthony spoke:" she will observe the whole place regardless of us telling her then she will find a point of entry on the roof she must have been a monkey in her last life and leaps down I always worry about her breaking something but she always fine then she attacks and doesn't get angry baby girl never sticks to any plans she makes her own up as she goes along" he chuckled.

Anthony remembers when they go mission the way Anna always disappears and always turns up at the right moment many times she has saved his life even when he didn't know he was in danger she was just amazing he was smiling like a silly fool again.

Mu Yazhe:" what happens to him" he looked at everybody for an answer.

Ed looked over at Anthony:" that's his usual self I wonder why goes on in that head of his he is just complete mystery" he smiled.

Mu Yazhe saw Uncle Ed smiling which made him smile too he thought to himself Ed is go8ng to be okay my little Demon is incredibly talented at consoling this bunch and she seems to understand their every emotion and act accordingly.

They all had arrived at the place where they all meet they were the first although they were on the longest route. Anna got out and checked her equipment and then checked the kids and the Uncles and then Mu Yazhe equipment.

Mu Yazhe watched as she checked everything to make sure they were working everyone was ready then without saying anything she went to look around. Anna went to observe their enter perimeter. Anna noticed that it was relaxed around here and the enemy wasn't expecting them which was a good sign.

Anna also notices that their cars leaving with people in suits and out of them one faces stood out. It was one Mu Yazhe men and one was his weird best friend she only knew this because she was had done a background check on all the people around her husband after the incidents with Mu Zain. She needed to ask Mu Yazhe about this she didn't want to be walking in to trap.

Anna was worried both shadow guards were her and one were uncles and brothers and sisters the other was her children they were more precious than her own life. She quickly walked back to see the others had gathered and was waiting for her. Anna didn't want to be walking onto ambush.

Mu Yazhe was breathing one last time as Anna approached she looked at the cool-headed CEO turned into one of the shadow guards. The way he carried himself with all the confidence and bossy nature he showed the cold aura he looked like an Emperor ready to battle. Anna shook her head what was she thinking about she had plenty of time after to think about these stupid thoughts.

Anna:" Yazhe can I have word with you" she looked at him.

Mu Yazhe:" sure " he walked towards Anna.

Anna asked:" have you got your people with Bengs son is that why you have your information from" she wants to ask him in a way that would not look like she was routing the mission.

Mu Yazhe looked surprised and shocked:" how did you know then if you didn't you wouldn't be my Little Demon would you" he answered without answering.

Anna thought that we're not home where you can give me half-witted answers peoples lives were at stake her nearest and dearest:" Yazhe answer me straight please" she wants to whack him over the head.

Mu Yazhe smirked and thought this is a new side this Little Demon he was seeing he decided to tease her:" what are you talking about I knew you're clever smart all though I sometimes I doubt that there is a single brain cell working on there then you always surprise me" he smirked again.

Anna looked at the man in front wtf was wrong with him is the time or place for this she wanted to pluck his ear she needed to know something before endangering the life of her loved ones.

And this man was talking weirdly when on a mission Anna was always uptight and now he was winding her up.

Anna shook her head at the frontman:" Yazhe stops messing and tells me otherwise we are aborting the mission" she looked at him seriously.

Mu Yazhe observed little Demon behaviour and thought it's best not to tease she will blow a gasket:" okay, okay they are my people I had to imbed them there so I could detailed information of what the Bengs we're up to" he smiled at Anna.

Anna looked at Mu Yazhe:" couldn't you say that in the beginning" Anna when on a mission she needed accurate information it meant the difference between life and death but her husband didn't seem to understand this basic principle.

Mu Yazhe looked at Little Demon she was not happy with him she looked so like she would beat him up.

Mu Yazhe pulled Anna into his embrace and whispered:" sorry just teasing I will tell anything you want to know okay" he didn't like Anna so worked up. She was unpredictable when she was.

Anna stayed there it was warm embrace then she remembered that this idiot was teasing her did he forget they were on a mission how could he leave out crucial information. Anna punched his belly and walked off. She knows that those people were Mu Yazhe she wants to be worried.

Mu Yazhe held his belly and smiled as he saw Anna retreating she was sexy in her gear and she looked he part of his little Demon. Mu Yazhe texted something on his phone and walk off in the direction Ann was going in.

Little Tiger was in the car with all his equipment out he was examining the whole building and checking how many bodies were present by their body heat. He explained to the others in their team where they were and all the entrance and exits of the building layout via text.

Anna and Mu Yazhe put on her glasses which connected them to Little Tigers screen so they could also see where all the people inside were positioned.

Mu Yazhe was amazed by his sons skills:" it's my son amazing" he smiled.

Anna smiled:" yeah thank the Lord he took after me others wise he would dump and stupid" she chuckled as she ran towards the building she was heading towards the roof.

Mu Yazhe was shocked did she just call me to dumb and stupid:" you! I will deal with later" he looked to see there was no Anna where did she go?