
The old man saw her glare he doesn't know why but his whole shivered he felt like somebody put a cold bucket of water on him he had lived along time he intimated people to their knees but what was this just now he muttered to himself:" what the hell was that how did she do that? who is she why did she hug my grandson is she his girlfriend or maybe his wife but who cares once I get him on the side I will get him to kick her out or just make her disappear like his mother and marry the girl I want for him I wish I did need this bastard but want can I do his stupid father transferred everything into his name before he died and we can't access anything without him this son of my as bewitched by this bastards mother he didn't even leave anything for his own daughter" he needed to find out who she was he didn't know Anna personally so when he saw her he didn't know that this is the women he was looking for and this is women he hated the most.

Anna looked at him and thought stay away from my son you're the reason his father is dead and his mother has been in a coma for the past 15 year's they never told Ramono this they wanted him to grow and have a normal childhood, she wanted to grow with carefree life to make his own choices in life not to be dictated by silly old fools like him. Anna promised his parents she would hide him from his fathers family if they would only kill him if they found him.

His father hadn't married his mother she fell pregnant but the stubborn family didn't accept her because she came from a simple background and no benefit to them. Ramono mother still chooses to give birth secretly they were well hidden until they were caught one day by this same elder together with the wife of Ramano father gave the order to kill mother and child. Anna was on her back from a mission and was heading to the second mission which was to kill two people until she discovered that she would be assassinating a mother and child she refused and was heading back when she heard the commotion in the fields and Anna being Anna went to check when she saw what was about to happen she stepped in and tried to save at least the child the mother looked like she was dead. Anna did know who she was until she turned her body around it was a woman she met back when she was on a mission Anna needed to hide and this woman helped her.

Anna remembers that this was the woman she made friends with, and she made Anna promise she would look after her son if anything happens to her. Anna met her while she was pregnant she became the godmother of the unborn child. Anna never in her wildest dream thought she would ever meet this lady again to see she had her baby who was 5 years old now he was the cute Little boy she had ever seen, and it was time to uphold a promise she once made and be his godmother?

They were still in the middle of a tug of war where Ramano's father was passing him to Anna when the bullets came flying out of nowhere Anna ducked with Ramono in her arms, his father took the bullets his last will and wish was to Anna and told her to hide his child. As she was leaving Ramono mother grabbed her leg as Anna saw she was life too, she was just about holding on so Anna brought her back too. Anna couldn't leave her behind.

Ramono mum was treated but the shock was too much she fell into a coma that's where she has been. Anna never thought the day would come where she had to tell Ramono about this she didn't mind telling him about his mum and dad but tell him how he ended up an orphan was more difficult, after all, his father family wanting him dead, but what would the consequence be her son was an emotional person how would he take it? How would react knowing his father left his mother and choose to live with the stepmom his grandfather wanted for their legacy to continue. Ramano grandfather didn't want any riffraff to walk in and claim his throne. Although Ramano wasn't riffraff he was the grandson of their family just he was illegitimate who fault was that this old man's.

Anna was dragged by Mu Yazhe went to the room which was located on the top floor it was the pent room her sons design this so they could live here, Anna sat more like pin down by her husband he was afraid she would kill the old man in braid daylight Anna was waiting eargly for her sons to come back so she could tell him what happened that dreadful night, Anna struggled to breathe she didn't want to lose her son. She had a fear that Ramano would hate for what happened that day?

Mu Yazhe sat next to Anna he cuddles her:" everything will be alright okay he has to know the truth it will hurt him but we are all here to support him so don't worry okay and he is our son he will understand like he said before he wasn't easily swayed" he smiled but deep down he was worried too he watch this young boy grow up in front of him and become the man he is today he was proud to say he was his son Mu Yazhe Ramano he was worried how his son he knew he was sensitive too he also knew he only showed his true emotions in front his mama but for the world, like he was cold and hard to approach that's why he didn't have a girlfriend he would scare them away but he was aware that the old man had bad intentions if he harmed a hair in my boys head he would personally kill him.

After the longest wait of her life her sons Ramono and Benjamin, Mu Xujiu( little Tiger) walked in from the meeting sat down opposite their mother and father, Anna quickly spoke she couldn't hold back any longer she asked:" baby how much do remember about your childhood" she looked at him she didn't want to miss the reaction on his face. She knew him well he would hide anything that he would feel hurt his mama.

Ramano" mama remember whatever happens I love you the most okay, I remember a lovely home with a garden a swing where my mother sat with me. I had a happy childhood and I remember some bad men kidnapping me and my mother and taking us to the field I remember they did bad things to my mummy and they shot my mother and I fainted I don't know what happened after that mama I only remember waking up in your arms I remember you from the photo mother had so I was safe, I will be honest I did try to find out later and discover that both my parents died saving me but I tried to recall my father, I never met my father he never visited us I did ask about him my mother would reply that he was far away and couldn't reach us he will one day come and when that day arrived I don't even remember seeing him he died saving me so I think somewhere in his heart he loved me" he had tears rolling down his eyes.

Anna went over and hugged him followed by Mu Yazhe he spoke:" yeah he loved you, buddy, when it mattered the most he came you have to remember that no matter what anyone tells you your mother was a very beautiful caring woman who only ever loved one man your father, she had her reasons to hide you from the clutches of your fathers family you will soon discover their hidden agenda for you too! But no matter the outcome buddy you know we are your family and we love you very much" he hugged his son tightly.

Anna spoke:" hey baby I will tell you what had happened to that poor mother of yours I am guilty of something too, I don't know if you will forgive me but you need to know before you talk to the old man okay, you know most of what happy that day was due to the person outside and his daughter in law your stepmother, she is one evil bitch that weaselled her way into your father's life and stuck to him like leach I don't know how he knows your alive I thought I hid you well and what he wants with you now it can't be good that old man doesn't have a good bone in his body? so just be careful okay" she patted his head as she sat next to him.

Ramano smiled at his mother:" Mama I would like to say this that the only thing my dearest mama in the world would be guilty over too much loving" he chuckled he was nervous about what she would tell him he loved her the most in this world he didn't want his world to crumble.

He spoke again to cover his fear of losing the most serious person in his life:" don't worry I feel this old man needs something from me after he gets what he wants he is likely to kill me that much I know there is no love or longing in his eyes, when I see Grandpa's at home he has a warm vibe coming from him you want to hug him, but not this old man" he tired to smiled he thought when he found his family he would be happy but it wasn't the case.

He always wanted to know where he came from he had checked secretly with the help of Mu Xujiu (Little Tiger) to find out what his mama Anna was telling him now was true it was disappointed but at the same time appreciative of his adopted family more they loved him although he wasn't related by blood he was loved unconditionally he loved all his family, for him, these two standing in front were his only parents and the rest was is siblings, and his uncles and aunties and grandparents from both sides never once left out or he felt like he didn't belong.

Ramono didn't know why wait till now? what did this old man want with him? it did give him a gut feeling that he didn't like and he learned just like his mama Anna his gut was never wrong? He looked at the women who loved him like she had given birth to him and the fear in her eyes and love oozing out of her made his heart warm with the love he walked over to Anna who was looking out of the floor to ceiling window he hugged her from behind:" mama you can tell me an anything I will love all the same okay" they both stare into the very dark night in their thoughts.

Mu Yazhe and Mu Xujiu and Mu Benjamin stood as they watched they wanted to join the hug but they knew it was the right time they need these two to confront some demons. So they sat on the side as they watched the mother and son.

Anna took a deep breath and began her side of the story:" well my baby boy I was given two contracts to get rid of some people discreetly and you know sometimes we do take on those contracts too since they were close by I decided to carry them out on the same day since it was a quick in-out job your Uncles and Aunties waited for me at the place where we would all meet they had their contracts to carry out too" she was trying to justify something unjustifiable she was guilty ridden that from that day she refused to do any killing contract unless they had to when they were rescuing someone.

She continued:" When I got there I did my first assassination and left the second one when I made it there it was a very strange group of people already had arrived and there was a battle going on there was a couple and little child running the man had hold of his son in his arms while he gripped the women hand they were running towards me what shocked me was the women coming was the same one who hit me from the police when I was on a mission that got bundled up, at the time I met her she was pregnant and happy looking forward to her child being born but she did tell me that she could not be with the father of this child as he was marrying someone else she was heartbroken too, I saw a person who was happy that her lover was marrying this other woman she told me she was happy so long as he was happy I remember thinking this woman was either remarkable or very stupid either way she smiled so much although she was breaking inside, she made worry for her more I asked her to come back with me but she assured me she was okay the place was safe from prying eyes " she smiles at the picture still clear in her head of Ramano mother smiled while touching her stomach with Ramano inside she could believe that she had already met the child was t9 become this charming young man next to her she was proud to call him her son.