

As Anna entered with Mu Yazhe behind her boys and shadow guards were all there planning how to rescue the girls. Anna frowned she thought to her self didn't I say to the boys she would sort it then she chuckled thinking love makes you weird things. She still remembers when Mu Yazhe went missing she went crazy following every little lead even the smallest one that she thought would lead her to Mu Yazhe so she could understand her son a little and the rest were eager to help their beloved brother, grandchild, nephew.

Anna walked over and listening to all of them having a debate about who was going in she chuckled thinking this a first normally one barks orders others follow but then again there was no Mu Xingyan (Little Blessing) here these boys were something she thought how do they even plan a mission when there planning is so hectic they should have a cool head.

As Anna listens to Mu Yazhe watch his Wifey pulling all sorts of faces he chuckled at her and thought about what is going on in that head of hers but she didn't interrupt the guys just listen even Mu Yazhe was puzzled to want was going on the cool-headed guys were all debating if who should go in the building. He was a bit confused at the plan as well he thought what are they planning a party.

As Anna was about to speak her phone pinged she looked at the message she smiled and then she looked at the boys and spoke:" hello guys what are you all planning" she smiled at them it wasn't the normal smile it was a little Demon smiled even Mu Yazhe was stunned into silence.

Benjamin looked at his mama he knew she had a plan and it was better to listen his mama would in and out within a blink of an eye:" mama we were going to rescue the girls and we do sort of have a plan but it won't be as good as yours but it's a plan" he smiled.

Anna looked at his smile she knew she had to teach these boys how to plan better she only knew too well there was always some times when you had to wing it but most times you did need to plan and sort of stick to it especially when you would be responsible for the rest of the team as well she chuckled to her self she only knew better how many times she has gone off plan driving everyone crazy:" okay baby boy you carry on I will be back in a minute and I will help you okay we go and save the love of your life and you to be sis in law" she smiled she had a surprise for him.

She walked out of the room with the smile still plastered on her face she walked to the ground floor parking as she walked outside she saw Jimmy her Ghost shadow guard with two scared girls with him. They reminded her of when they first found some of the girls from the orphanage who had been abused she didn't want her to think what these two had been through but whatever it was the nightmare ended here and now that we're now Anna responsibility.

Anna looked at the girls they were still shaking:" hey are you ok don't be scared I am Anna Benjamin mama you know who he is don't you" she smiled at the duo she was only too familiar with the fear of these two had in their eyes.

The elder girl Amanda spoke anxiously:" yeah I know him he is my boyfriend is he here is he okay I saw a fight breakout and lots of people were injured and the police came too but we were locked away we screamed for the police to hear us but they didn't, could I see him I need to see him they told me they killed him is he okay please help us we are in danger" she was shaking as she held Anna's hands.

Anna walked over and bugged both of them she realised these girls were terrified with everything that's been going on with them it was not only with the where we're taking just now but it was at home to she could feel it with the just the look the girls had in their eyes, she smiled:" come with me everything is going to be okay and you will meet Benjamin too" she winked at Jimmy as she guides the girls in, they used the back exit so nobody would see them she took up to the room they were all in she walked in the room with the girls they boys were a busy hurdle in circles working out the attack without alerting the people around or it would big commotion.

Anna:" hey look I got something for you Benjamin" she stood in front of the girls so he couldn't see.

Benjamin looked over and so did the all guys in the room they wanted to knew want Anna had up her sleeve. Benjamin noticed something behind his mama he couldn't believe it, he knew that hand anywhere he ran over and pulled his girlfriend from behind his mama and hugged her tightly:" thank the Lord you are okay how did you get here, are you okay oh my God I can't be you are here in front of me " he looked behind to see her little sister stood there she was shaking like leaves. She was looking at her feet she was ashamed they all had to see them in this pitiful state. She wasn't an arrogant child but she wants anyone to pity either she felt humiliated like she was worst than the beggar on the street even their lives were better than theirs.

He looked at his mama:" mama thank-you so much I love you mama I know you would be able to do this without hell breaking loose" he smiled at the little girl behind his mama she was clinging to Anna clothes she was very sacred.

Benjamin:" hey snotty are you okay I am sorry I didn't get to in the time I promised to protect you and I didn't I am sorry so sorry snotty" he looked at her with great regret.

The little girl was called Samantha spoke in shaken voice:" it's okay we're safe now thank-you for helping us, those people that rescued us were nice to us they even had clothes ready for us and they said that someone was eagerly waiting for our return I knew it wasn't my father so it only is you, thank you toffee nose bro they were sending us to be sold" she whispered the last but she tried to smile but burst out crying.

Anna hugged her and held her while she whales her head off Anna patted her back gently like a mother consoling her child until she fell asleep in Anna's arms. Ramano walked over and picked her up princess style took her to one of the bedrooms and placed her in the bed covered by her. He looked at the little girl and thought she is too young to be going through all this poor thing he whispered:" sleep well little one you are safe now" he sighed.

Outside Benjamin girlfriend was telling them about how they ended up being sold. Anna listen and was very disappointed in their father who was supposed to protect his daughters he ended giving them in place of payment for the debts he owed for his gambling. Anna wanted to kill him for doing this but they had one big problem Samantha was still underage even if they wanted to keep her here they couldn't if her father found out that his daughter escaped and he came for her she would be taken back and may be sold again they had to something she wasn't sure what yet?

Anna thought about it and would contact the police commissioner tomorrow to see what they could do to adopt this child so she wouldn't go back to that vile man.

It was bedtime Anna walked into the room where the girls were they were talking among them self Anna asked:" do you two need anything before I head to bed there are clothes for you to change in to have a nice soak it will help you relax and if you were hungry there is plenty of food in the fridge and need anything just call me okay" she smiled and walked out.

The girls were a little stunned by how nice everyone was they had never been treated like this before they either bullied or abused them, their mother ran away with her lover leaving these two girls behind with their father who was either drunk or gambling they lived in hiding because they were always hunted their father always owed money to gangsters and loans until Amanda was able to work. She got a job at the Mu's hotel where she met Benjamin who took a liking to her.

He was always nice and take time to get to knew her he did tell her that he was shared owner of the hotel he wants her to like it for his personality, he still hadn't told her that they owned this and other business around the world he was a billionaire, Amanda was always scared that he would find out that she was very poor and leave her she liked him they worked to gather at the hotel he shares his lunch with her he also walked her homemade then later became his girlfriend he was going to tell her who he was when she was sold and send to the red district.

Amanda was reluctant to open up to him at first but slowly he invaded her heart he even helped her out secretly he thought she didn't know but she knew everything she was very grateful this he was the first person who came to help them, what she hadn't realised that Benjamin already knew about her situation at home and liked her regardless. She never accepted his gifts or try to get money out of him she didn't like to be a burden to him with her problems she always came across as happy, and cheerful when inside she was worried sick, she only rang him the day they been taken away because she was worried about her little sister, she needs to save her always she wasn't worried about her self, they were being sold and didn't know what to do?

Amanda whispered:" Auntie thank you we will leave once we find a place of our own" she smiled a little.

Anna turned around and smiled:" hey what do mean you will find a place of your own you called me Auntie so shouldn't you let me take care of you as your Auntie, and your boyfriend is here too so technically I am sort of your mother in law so you have to stay here and do what I say" Anna smiled.

Samantha spoke:" Auntie can we stay with her and we don't have to go home anymore we will be free from that miserable old man he only finds a way to sell us again " she looked at Anna for an answer.

Anna looked at her and thought what the hell have they been through that they so eager to get rid of their old man:" of course you can stay here and don't have to go back there ever again I promise will take care of it " she smiled. Anna had decided they would get the old man to let her adopted Samantha, Amanda was old enough to do what she wanted but this little girl should be growing like everyone 15-year-old teenager she would talk to the girls properly, in the morning they need a good bath and sleep for now.