

As she wallowing in her pain she didn't notice that Benjamin had walked back sat by her lifted her face to face him he wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead shocking Amanda now:" hey when I said I love you I meant it I love with all my heart I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it I accept you as you are I love you not your body or that stupid brain that rarely works although I admit it is a dam sexy sorry poor choice of the word" he chuckled a little:" so Amanda will you do the honour of becoming my wife to have and to hold in sickness and stress that I will be given you and to loved and be cherished as you should as the beautiful as you are and protect you for the rest of my life " he took out a ring held in front of her.

Amanda lept into his arms crying:" I thought you left me, I...I will if you will have me with all of my flaws" she hugged him tightly if this was a dream she never wanted to wake up it was beautiful.

Amanda was brought back into reality quickly when there was a big cheering crowd behind her. She turned around to see a lot of people she didn't know but assumed they were something to do with her to be husband. She was burning bright pink now she had tears and snot on her face which she had now wiped on her husband to be.

Anna walked over she wiped her face with a tissue then hugged:" well come to the family as

Ramaono's mama let me the first to congratulate you on becoming my daughter in law " Anna hugged her tightly.

Then Mu Yazhe walked over he shook her hand they were all given strict instructions not to hug her by Benjamin so they listen they had been enough situations to understand when the men were told not to hug a female there was the reason:" congratulations well come to the family I am Ramano's father and if this cheeky brat gives you a hard time you can tell me I will ring his ears" he smiled.

Ramano looked at his father and thought he has changed his tune quickly he changed parties this was so unfair I will deal with you later he presents to look hurt.

Then Mu Xujui came he signed:" hey sis in law well come to the madhouse:" he chuckled.

Amanda looked surprised she didn't know what the signs Ramano interpreted for her:" congrats sis in law he said well come to the madhouse" he chuckled.

Amanda smiled and thanked him she liked Xujui as she worked in the hotel so she had seen him around and he was very nice she knew he was Benjamin brother. But she was still oblivious to the fact the Mum's owned it.

Then came Ed:" hello congrats I am this young man's grandpa" he patted her head.

Anthony:" congrats little one, I am also, his grandpa if he gives you a hard time let me know I will whack him" he chuckled as she patted her head too.

Adrian:" hey congrats I am also his grandpa welcome to my family" he patted her on the head.

James walked in he chuckled:" it's about time congrats buddies and to be wifey the granddaughter in law"

Little James:" hey congrats both of you I am tho brats Uncle" he shook Amanda's hand.

Harry:" hey congrats both of you I'm also the Uncle the good-looking one" he chuckled as she shook Amanda's hand.

Jade came in and smiled:" hey congrats you did it you proposed I am his Auntie" he walked over and hugged Amanda.

Jackie came barging in:" I heard and came as fast as I could congrats Beaney and daughter in law to be welcome to the crazy family " she went and hugged Amanda taken her by surprise And head locked Benjamin who was chuckling at his Auntie's antics.

Leaving a shocked they had never seen so many people happy people in one family before, Amanda and Samantha thinking how many grandpa's s does he have how are they all related to him they would soon find out since they were coming part of the family.

The next day was busy with was a fast track wedding to be arranged. The couple thought they would have to do a quick wedding at the local church they would have a big event when they would sort the custody if Samantha, Anna and his family was going to surprise them both, she was going to get all the family together. Anna rang Father Mark to see if he could do the vows she knew they were doing it in a hurry but she still wanted Amanda to have the white dress walking down the isle been given by and father figure and saying her vows in the presence of the Lord expressing their love saying I do for Anna it was very special every girl should experience this. Deep down she still believed the fairy tales of prince charming coming on a white horse and wishing you away to have his wicked away with you, After talking to Jimmy about get the bride ready they would all be headed back to the orphanage they would use the church there.

Anna was very excited she knew she had a lot on her plate but she would deal with everything one at a time and she protect her family as well.

She also had seen a few dodgy people hanging around she thought they arrived early the old man hasn't called them off some wants war he will receive it she would show him now what happens when you cross one of the children if you cross Ramano then you have to deal with his mother the dark knight or the blue-eyed beast only time would tell want would happen to the old man and his daughter in law?

At this moment it was Benjamin time to shine they would celebrate his engagement today, she would deal with all of Ramano's affairs tomorrow and get rid of the old man and eal within such a way that his enemies would know who he was and why they all facing problems the two-faced man would have to deal with the consequences.

Anna talked to Jimmy about the arrangements regarding the wedding dress and the groom's suit she knew he would be able to take care of all the clothes and whatever comes with the whole event.

Next, she rang Father Mark to see if he would read the wedding sermon and also use the church. Next, she rang the orphanage kitchen about the food and cake and the decorations eg the flowers and other things she had no clue about but she knew Jenny was there she would arrange it all.

Then she rang her family to tell them that the wedding would take place a week from today they had been there or else. They were more than happy to attend, the grandparents were overjoyed they were trying to arrange blind dates for him but he found his love himself.

Anna was busy on the phone since the proposal Mu Yazhe watched his wife get busy she had forgotten he was around and taken care of everything he couldn't blame she had been doing this on her own for so many years he wasn't here so she could handle the pressure. He still wanted to part of it even if it was just to annoy his wifey.

He walked over with a glass of milk and grabbed Anna phone replacing it with milk he knew she hated drinking milk unless it came with a couple of cookies. Place them in the other hand.

Mu Yazhe looked at shocked Anna:" eat you need your strength you can't run on fresh air! Then I will give your phone back and you can carry on with whatever your planning okay" he kissed the stunned Anna on the lips. As he ran away with her phone.

Anna looked in her hands and thought about what got into him today she munched the cookies as she planned in her mind the details of her revenge plan since she didn't have her phone or laptop she couldn't carry on the arrangements for the wedding. So the next option was the planning was for the revenge party she was throwing for the old man.

Anna was busy in her thoughts munching her cookies she didn't realise she had drunk the milk until she saw the empty glass in her net hand, she thought I am either stressed or really busy to have not even noticed I drunk the milk.

Mu Yazhe watched from the kitchen he saw she had finished her milk he walked over with the phone and laptop he heard the most enormous burp he had ever heard it came from his little demon. He was chuckling as he walked over to Anna who had her hand on her mouth as she giggled at what had happened. For Mu Yazhe she looked like a silly teenager who had done something embarrassing and was now looking around to see if anyone had seen her.

Mu Yazhe smiled:" I see you enjoyed that then your stomach is very satisfied then" he chuckled.

Anna who was looking at him smiled cheekily:" hmm thank you honey I was so busy that forgot to eat " she kissed Mu Yazhe on the lips surprising him she wanted to return the kiss from earlier and she was meant to wooing her husband but had to put woo her plan on hold because kids life was more important than this old man of hers, hopefully, he wasn't going anywhere, Anna chuckled to her self only if hubby knew what I was thinking he would be fuming inside he was sure to blow a gasket.

Mu Yazhe saw Anna expression as she was deep thought he knew it wasn't about him and wooing him but her plans either for revenge or wedding which had taken over his wifey's life. He knew he was taken a back seat until she dealt with both dilemmas.

Mu Yazhe knocked on Anna's head:" wants going on in there" he looked seriously at Anna's head.

Anna rubbed her head as she glared at him :" well for me know and you to find out isn't it" as she grabbed her phone and ran to her room.

Mu Yazhe left looking at the retreating back of Anna while smiling he thought you just headed to the wrong place your mine now I will have my way with you, he followed her in just as Anna was going through the cupboard he walked up behind her and slid his hand around her waist.

Because Anna wasn't expecting Mu, Yazhe to make such a move he was flung over Anna's shoulder to land on his back he lay there looking at his little Demon who was now sat on top to make sure he was okay but instead of saying that he was okay he was going to milk it as long as he could?

Mu Yazhe:" oo my back I think I broke my spine " he looked at Anna in agony.

Anna was stunned for a moment at what she had done it wasn't the first it wasn't going to be last but she extremely guilty she thought about how she had thoroughly tortured him over the year's and now again:" Oh I am sorry you of all people should now not to surprise me like that especially with everything going on did I hurt you badly let me help you to the bed so sorry honey" she sighed.

Mu Yazhe liked being call honey it gives a feeling he was special even for that amount of time it was enough for him. He was Mullen this to its fullest:" little demon how could you treat me like a rag doll I am deeply hurt " he sighed heavily.