

Anthony hugged her back he could tell a lot was going on he knew she always had something to worry herself about the would she learn she can share the burden:" care to share with this old man of yours he has a good set of ears baby girl" before he could finish.

Adrian butted in:" ahh but this old man has a big should for you did I mention big hands to hug you with" he smiled as he walked over he could see she was tired but she was fighting her sleep she hasn't changed a single bit since she was small she rubbed her eyes the same way it made her so adorable.

James walked behind him:" hey Missy how about a nice glass of milk with cookies" he smiled he knew she hated milk but she loved cookies so she would compromise he also knows she doesn't take off her eaten if it was up to her it would be it sweet dishes for all three courses for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Ed walked in from his room he heard his little princess:" hey boss what brings you here this late he rubbed the top of her head she was still snuggled in Anthony she smiled to see all her Uncle doted on her so much still she always felt like that little girl when they happily in England:" well the thing is I broke the boy's laptop today they were watching something on it, I came in wanting to see what it was they closed the screen fairly fast making me suspicious want8ng to only see and my stubbornness we got into a tug of war and it flew across the room and broke, they seem okay at the time but when I went back in just now they were asleep, but! they have been crying so I don't want to go with them I don't why my boys were upset so if it's the laptop I need to fix this for them" she passed it to Uncle James to look at.

All four men look at Anna then at the laptop then at each other they knew that the boys didn't cry over the laptop it was something else has happened they would get to the bottom in the morning now was late they were however worried they all now knew about Mu Yazhe and the women they thought that the boys may have found out too that was the only thing that would make these boys cry if was something to do with their parents! They would deal with it in the morning but they still wanted to talk to their princess it was rare they got this opportunity.

Adrian spoke:" sprout we were going to talk to you in the morning but since you here we will talk now from tomorrow we all take over the wedding arrangements while I and Anthony will help with Ramano's old man okay" he smiled while he walked sat next to Anna.

Anna was still snuggled up to Anthony:" okay I agree I do have a plan for the old man I will tell what I m about to do" she smiled.

They all knew this smile it was the Dark Knight smiling before she went into the demon mode they all shuttered wondering what there their baby girl was up

Anna told them her plan leaving them all shocked it wasn't like the usual self she never interferes in this, kind of weird situation but she gives a low blow, but they understood it was for her baby boy Ramano, after all, she would go to the ends of the worth to defend her children whether related by blood or adopted there were very dear to her they had come to learn that Anna would go the extra mile when it was to do with one of her own, they would have done worse she was still being nice.

After they finished talking she fell asleep she was cosy in her Uncles arms they were big a felt safe she's always felt safe in them since she was young they have protected her throughout her life and comforted her in her time of need she didn't realise how she dependent she was on all whether shadow guards or ghost shadow guards they all were extended family that she loved dearly.

Ed whispered:" she has fallen asleep she was tired but like always she was fighting it " he chuckled.

Adrian stood up:" where should place take her back to her room or she can always crash here " he smiled at his sleepy sprout but he wasn't going to share the bed with the squid he loved her but he also likes to have his body parts in tack in the morning, she beat the person sleeping next to her up even when sleeping she didn't go easy on them?

They all looked at Anna and thought the same, they all spoke at once: "send her back to Yazhe he can have his squid back" they chuckled.

Adrian picked her up princess style and walked out of the room back to the floor above he walked in to see Mu Yazhe walking out from the shower and with his towel around his waist Adrian chuckled to see his sprout asleep or she would have other ideas about the husband and his abb on display, he lay her on the bed was walking out when Mu Yazhe asked:" hey Uncle everything okay Anna went to see you so late" he looked at his sleeping beauty who was settling into squid position.

Adrian:" oh yeah, she came to see if James could fix the laptop that she broke" he didn't say any more they could talk in the morning he had seen something disturbing earlier when he was walking back to the hotel he needs to talk some sense to this man opposite before it was too late and his little sprouts broke even more. It scares him to see his little sprout like last time he couldn't see her go through that again he walked out.

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna and then he thought about what happened with his friend he thought to himself, she did come on a bit strong he told her he was happily married and had grandchildren she was a bit upset but told him that he had feelings for her otherwise he wouldn't let her kiss him, even he didn't know why he let her kiss him but he didn't feel anything that he felt when his little Demon kissed him she was the only one that stirs him just by thinking about her.

He was guilty that he let that women near him he even let her kiss him but he was very clear when slid on to his lap and tried to kiss him again she was too much he had to throw her off. Even though she landed on her bum and winced and he didn't felt sorry for her she shouldn't have crossed the boundaries of their friendship.

She even tried to justify that he had feelings for her although none of it was true he only liked her as a friend nothing else. He didn't want to hurt her feeling so he tried to be gentle as possible by explaining clearly he was happily married and h had a beautiful family.

He got in the bed tickled Anna to get some space for himself then he pulled the blanket over them he whispered:" this is the only women for me she is my first and last love I couldn't love another not in this lifetime Anna had control of all his heart. I love you my little demon with all of my heart I hope you love me too the same way I know I have let you down in the past but I will make sure that I repent the rest of life" he kissed her forehead as he settles to sleep which today was not happen he couldn't sleep knowing that if Anna found out a woman had kissed him she would get upset he was scared that she would leave him he didn't want to lose her.

Mu Yazhe was struggling with his conscience whether he should tell Anna or not the more he thought about losing Anna the tighter his grip became until he heard a groan com8ng from her he realised he was holding on to her as his life depended on it. He looked at his sleeping squid and kissed her forehead and smiled he whispered:" your mine I will stick to you like a Leach sucking your blood dry " he chuckled thinking if Anna was wake she would come with a counter-attack it would be stupid but that was her she calls it (Anna logic) it made sense to her so it didn't matter if you understand it or not.

He didn't realise he was thinking about all the stupid (Anna logic's) he had read from Anna he was asleep dreaming about his favourite girl.

In the morning when Anna woke she felt like something had squeezed her like someone squeezing the juice out of orange. She looked over to see her husband hands tightly around her waist she tried to move but the grip became tighter she wondered what the hell is framing about that he keeps tightening his hold she wiggled around a bit she was hot and flustered she decided it was better to stop and lie there until this stupid hobby of hers wakes up and then find out what he was dreaming about? She thought it better be bloody good or she will wring his neck like her waist.

Anna felt much better this morning her Uncle had taken over the wedding arrangements and others were helping with the plan for the old man all she had to do today was watch her son sign the shares over to the old man then he would be rid of the old man and his vile stepmother as well. She smiled at everything falling into the place she turned over to look at Mu Yazhe then remembered his conversation with the women on the phone then him telling her he was go8ng to be late but he came back quickly. She smiked she was worrying for no reason her brain was playing tricks on her she tapped her head chuckling at her stupid thoughts.

Anna took her phone she text everyone instruction to the day's events and to the surprise that waits for the old man and his daughter in law in the board meeting tomorrow it would be very interesting, to say the least. Anna was planning this major event she had planned on hacking in the surveillance cameras in the board room to watch the events unfold.

Anna chuckled to her self about bring popcorn and chicken popcorn to watch the clip. She did know Mu Yazhe was awake watching his wifey funny face and chuckles that had been going on for a while and wondering what goes on in that little brain of hers.

Mu Yazhe decided to ask:" morning why are we so happy who's life are you ruining today that you smiling like Chucky " he chuckled as well.

Anna looked shocked she thought how long has he been awake she probably did look like Chucky at the moment after she struggles with Mu Yazhe to get lose and her hair which always liked a crows nest and she probably still had drool on her face from last night and she was smiling like a fool it would make one wonder if this was same Anna you saw last night?