

Felicia Ramano let her tears flow she had never been spoken nice words in her whole life she was told she was useless and just shouldn't have been born, she was a curse, whose father died the day she was born. if she had known her brother was this nice and his adopted mama and family was so nice she would have run away and come to live with her brother she wished she would have come to him earlier than taking their abuse but she thought as the he wouldn't want to know her because her mother tried to kill him and had killed his mother and she had killed her father but she was so wrong he was the sweetest person she had ever met:" thank you, I so glad you are my brother you're just like I wished for! brother, as I told you earlier I don't know anything about the business what will I do with all of this I barely finish school they wouldn't let me go to college or university I never left the house as I was an embarrassment to the family" she smiled sadly as she slowly started to believe what they said may she was the bad luck.

Ramano replied:" hey don't ever say that it's not your fault that dad died that day he was killed by the very people cursing you they're the bad luck and the child that they flaunting around the world is going to be the curse for them! And don't worry I will send our people, with you they will teach you what you need to know and more I will check on you from time to time and I know your smart you will pick it no time okay! After all you all the great businessman Ramano's daughter and this Ramano's sister so I know you will make us proud:" he chuckled.

Ramano knew his sister was nervous right now a lot has happened she needs time to take it all in, she never had anyone to praise her so right now she was cloud nine he wanted to leave there for a bit until she faced the cold hard world, he continued:" I have given half of what father left me which is rightfully yours according to his will and it's time you take charge and once you have learned the ropes I will give you the rest too! as I don't need it I have plenty of my own okay! as for education I want to take night classes and completes college and when you finished then university part-time to do business studies that will help you look after your fathers business okay" he smiled.

Ramano knew she was nervous he knew she lacked self-confidence He had been crippled by these people he would stand behind his sister and guide her he would always there, for now, he wished he stepped in earlier but anyone tried to harm her he would personally kill them.

But it looks like she is going to get additional help from the Giovannies as she is part of their family, and by looks of things, Master Giovannie seem to like his sister a lot so he is hoping he will take care of her so Felicia didn't need to worry about everything she would be looked after one way or the other he was relieved he looked at his mama who smiled and winked as to say you've done a great job well-done baby boy. He smiled back he knew he got his confidence from his parents they had taught him well.

As all the gesture was going on nobody notice how the oldman was being exposed one after another was now at the boiling point he was sweating he couldn't understand why his plan was failing one after the other this boy in front was bad news the quicker he died the better,

The old man was getting angry all of this should be his and his daughter's it was left by his son so he should be the right full owners if the meddling old board members didn't have a copy of the will and then find Ramano he would be enjoying his life instead he was begging this bastard for what was his:" look enough I am talking so listen tome right now " he banged his hand on the table hard to everyone attention:" that is my son's shares and property's and I have been looking after it since my son died so it is rightfully mine so I demand it back just sign these papers right now and you can all leave here alive others wise?"He stopped to look at the duo's:" you " he pointed his finger angrily:" young lady I will deal with when you get home and home you will be going you won't stay here you will give me your shares too you two don't deserve anything your not worthy of being part of the great Ramano clan your just a stain that needs to remove do you hear me" he frowned as he waved the documents in front of him.

Master Giovanni had been listening to he understood what was going on now and he had to say he was impressed with his wife, he had to make a deal with this old man for one of his building to get this old man to agree to the marriage he had seen Felicia Ramano at a gathering hiding in the corner she caught his eye her simple but yet elegant style she looked cute and naive and when she caught him looking at her the way she blushed and looked at her feet was amazing normally the women and the girls throw them dels at him just her sister did but he didn't know why but he fell in love he found she was a lot younger than him but he only wanted her so he talked to her greedy grandfather who agreed at the right price he will pay anything asked for to make her his!

But now seeing this, his wife owns most of the Romano's empire he quickly calculated how much she owned now and she was 20% shares of the companies after her brother had given his shares too she would have 40% shares and she outright owned the hotel which was in a good location and financially doing well and the mall he was preparing the negotiations for from the Ramano's he was ready to offer triple the price but now his wife already owned it. He owned his wife, so was in a favourable position. He looked at his frightened little bunny and she was scared but she was amazing she was so cute he wanted to hug her but refrained he manages to take almost everything from this old man he wasn't going to go easy on her alter as well but he would protect her now she was his responsibility.

He agreed to the marriage quickly after finding out his father and Felicia father had made a pack that their first son and daughters would wed each other they were engaged before they were even born their parents had exchanged tokens to this effect, his father told him from when he was young he would be marrying Felicia, he wasn't happy about the idea but he didn't hate her either he compromised with himself if by 30 he didn't find the one he wants to settle down with then he would consider Felicia.

Then he saw Felica at the party he finally found the one he wanted to settle down with her, little did he know that the girl who stole his heart was the very same one he was betrothed to before he was even born when he found out he was so happy that he went to a gathering of one close friend's wedding where he saw her he fell in love at first sight at the time he didn't know she already belongs to him, when he found out he pushed his father to get wed as soon as possible he did want to lose her. He had waited his whole life for his better half to come into his life. He smiled to himself as he looked at the girl in front who was trying to hide in between Anna and Ramano she was as cute today as she was then he couldn't wait to make her his in all the ways that a husband and wife should be?

He looked at Ramano and remembered that his sister like him is betrothed too but he had an idea in order Felicia not to run away from him since he was tied to this relationship when he wasn't even born he thought Ramano should also know this as well and what he had seen of these Mu's and the restaurant business Ramano had all around the globe he was impressed and knew he would take good care of his sister, he knows his sister would be happy with Ramano for both families, on hand he the Ramano's empire on the other the Mu's empire it was win-win he praised himself in his head at his brainstorm. He would talk to, Ramano later and hopefully he would agree? He had to make sure he didn't have a girlfriend first.

While he was busy in his thoughts the old man was arguing with Ramano and he had stood up walking to wards the brother and sister he was about to slap his granddaughter when Master Giovannie stood up and stood in front of Felicia, Giovannie he took the slap for her then spoke abruptly:" hey grandpa that's uncalled for you can't hit my wife in front of me please restrain yourself and remember who you are and where you are your lucky your Felicia grandpa otherwise you would be dead" he turned to see Felica hiding in her brother's arms he sighed. He so wanted to pull her in and hug her and hide her from all the cruel people who had only treated her horribly up til now.

He turned to the old man and asked:" I thought you said that they were bullying my wife and I needed to come and save her they were stealing her shares her father had left her! so far I haven't seen any evidence of the bullying her but learned my wife has a brother who adores her, I didn't know he existed but I have seen you abuse her with your mouth and now your hands I heard rumours of how you treated Felica, but I thought it was people gossiping but now it might be not rumours ànd if her brother wants to give her whatever father left behind legally for them why are you getting worked up it's between them, and as for my wife going to your house she won't be I came here to take her to her home with me and that's what I will be doing okay " he looked at the frighten bunny he felt sorry for her he was told she was abused by her mother and grandfather and sister but he didn't believe it! but he wouldn't let her go back to abused now, they would force her to give her what her brother gave her he knew he was looking at the bigger picture but this was also his wife it was time to fulfil his husband duties.

He spoke gently to Felicia:" hey bunny I am sorry I should have come a year ago when we signed the marriage contract I am sorry I should have got to know you better rather than listen to people perspective of you I should make the effort for that I am sorry but if you allow me I would like to take you now with me" he looked at her peeking at him she looked so cute and innocent he couldn't believe people like her existed.

Ramano looked at his sister and whispered:" hey baby sister do you want to go with him if you want you can and if you don't come with me" but right now to keep, you safe he needed to send herewith Master Giovannie he knew his grandfather had sent mercenaries after him he didn't want her to be in the firing line too so this was the man God sent to protect his sister.

Ramano whispered in his sister's ears:" sis trust me when I say you need to go with this man, for now, he will keep you safe and I trust him okay I will explain later " he smiled.

Felicia Ramano looked at her brother she knew he was hiding something and it was serious she trusted him too she didn't know why but she knew he wouldn't harm her, he had given no reason to not trust his judgment, why he wanted her to go but she agreed and she needed to see this husband of hers and see if she was okay with him being her husband, she turned to look at Master Giovannie and in low voice:" I will come with you " she didn't look at his face but at her feet.

Giovannie didn't need to tell twice he walked over to Felicia and smiled. In his heart it almost skipped a beat when she said she would come with him he didn't want to show but she was jumping for joy finally he was taking his wife home. He quickly took out his phone texted orders to prepare the house for the arrival of his wife he didn't want to lack in anything he smiled without trying to look goofy?

As he moved forward and placed his hand out for her to grab it he looked at her doting his heart was beating so fast this was the first time in his thirty years of his life he felt like this. He thought if this love he likes it very much. As Felicia placed her hand in his he could feel a tingle rushing up his arm he looked at the hand he was holding then at his wife what was happening to him. Want was she doing to him he wanted her body close to his but he didn't want to scare her.

When Felicia placed her hand in his she felt the tingling feeling going through her body she had read enough romantic novels online to know what this feeling was she burn bright red with embarrassment she looked at the floor but smiled as she felt her whole reaction to his thump rubbing on her hand. She replied that this man might be her other half he only hoped he was all she wanted from a relationship?