

Uncle Jack:" hey my baby girl looks cute in everything even her Uncles clothes too sorry baby girl for chuckling at you come on I will dry your hair and give you a haircut as promised" he smiled.

They found her a chair while they sat and watched Jack Give Anna a haircut she was going short they were worried a little but When Jack finished it was very nice it suited Anna she looked the part of a rebel.

Anna asked:" well Uncles what do think is it alright short back and side and a little long on the right side I like this my head feels lighter too thanks Uncle Jack" she turned and hugged her Uncle's waist.

Uncle Jack tightens the hug:" Baby girl would you be able to get us out of here I know that with you what that saying you always use I've likened it (when a plan comes together) with her so may you get a plan to get us off the island" they all looked at her with hope.

Anna smiled:" bring me a laptop then" she smiled.

Jack ran away and came back with his laptop he didn't know what she could do that! She can't see but then again it was Anna who made the impossible possible. They all sat on Anna bed as they watched Anna do her thing they were shocked! how did she know the codes when did she became a hacker they knew her computer skills were good but how good they were seeing she typed so fast was right but for some reason, it seems to work? In less than a few minutes the phones all man had started to ping with messages that weren't able to get through the last couple of months they were all getting signals they looked at Anna they smiled she was surely lucky for all of them.

Anna smiled as she continued she had learned most of this when she was stuck in the dark cell but and she had to work in the dark so Grandpa Isaac wouldn't find out she was on her laptop when her Uncles and brothers and sisters were ban from seeing her this was her companion but all of this was now coming in handy but it was still inconvenient as it would take time to adapt to her knew life.

Anna looked up and asked:" the was signal blocked place over the stile above us it's clear now and the nearest to us is a British military ship if we ask they can collect us it will take us to England and then from England, we go where we need to go what say" she waited for a response.

Anthony replied:" yeah we are British citizen anyway so that shouldn't be a problem so do it baby girl" he looked with excitement they finally getting off this forsaken island they could go home.

Anna sends the sos and they need to wait for them to come and get them they were roughly about a week away they were on a mission as soon as they completed the mission they would come for them. In the meantime Anna asked them for headphones she wanted to complete her other stuff on the dark web and she wanted to know about her kids so she could catch up on what she missed she knew there would nothing about them on the social media being from an elite family she would have to have into the their direct database to retrieve the relative information she had hacked into the Mu's database.

Little did she know her smart-alec son Mu Xinjui had her traced since she unlocked the signal and now he gave her access into their system and from her codes, he knew only one person could to this his mama she was alive he knew deep down she was alive, he jumped up and down in joy. He screamed very loudly to get the attention of his brothers, they came running after hearing him they never hurt him yell they were scared out of their wits.

They never attended the funeral he already told them that she was alive but he couldn't understand why his father was in a hurry to declare her dead it wasn't like he would benefit from her assists they had already been shared between the siblings. His father should have already known that he found his father behaviour very weird since the arrival of these women.

He did his investigation of the women and discover something very shocking but now wasn't the right time to reveal it to everyone now he knows his mama was alive and well he could find what was going on and would let the rest of his siblings know too.

The only thing that bugged him was the leacheress women attached to his father had stopped talking to them all together he wouldn't talk to them about her with saying it was his business they didn't need to worry about him so they left him to it Mu Xinjui had broken all relations with his father after having disputes with him he had moved his wife and children to Italy he hadn't been back home either so had Ramano and Benjamin.

The others didn't interfere in their father's affairs but they didn't acknowledge his girlfriend and she was allowed in the house their father had in his apartment where he lived with his girlfriend. Not that she hadn't tried to get close but she wasn't able to the kids had warned her to stay away from them after they caused the rift between father and his sons.

Mu Xinjui had informed his brothers Romano and Benjamin about the hacker being his mum and also, tracked her to the island the only thing he could be a salite picture to confirm that it was his mama but so he would know he wasn't going to rest until he got to the bottom of it he was beaming with joy.

As Anna typed she got in not a problem because her son allowed her to get in she couldn't read anything she couldn't see so she had to devise a new system, she makes her self a new programme that would speak to her it told her about each of her child and their children she found them very amusing it was like she predicted her children were smarter than her.

Mu Millie was very proud of their achievements she then looked into Mu Yazhe and found things to very strange it mentions his lady friend living with who went to university with him it took her back to her dream may that was it that a was what she'd seen so she knew her marriage was one of convenience but why when she looked into Mu Zain she realised why he was dead and it said it was camping accident she knew that wasn't the case but what happened. She would find, out later from her Uncles.

What she heard next shocked her history she was claimed to be dead and the there was even the funeral where her biological parents came and her sibling's her twin brothers she gasped at the news.

Anna yelled:" Uncle Jack Uncle, Anthony, Uncle Adrain" they come running.

Uncle Adrain was the first one in:" want to happen are too okay are you hurt little sprout" he looked at her up and down.

Then Anthony came in he asked the same as he looked up and down, then arrived Uncle Jack looked at her:" what's up baby girl are you hurt where does it hurt " they looked puzzled as Anna looked at yhem with a shocked expression.

Anna:" Uncles do you know my parents are alive they came to my funeral did you all know that they were alive and didn't tell me" she looked puzzled.

What puzzled the men was she wasn't concerned that they had a funeral for her but that fact her parents were alive they didn't know whether to laugh or cry this girl was something.

Anthony:" baby girl we forgot you lost your memory we will fill you in and yeah Your Mummy and Daddy are alive and you also Twin brothers one looks like you and one like Amelia" he explained.

Anna looked over:" Amelia where is she she didn't come to my funeral is she okay" she was concerned she felt that her sister was hurting she tried to reassure her she was okay but she was too upset to pay any attention she will have to call her and speak to her and tell she is okay.

Uncle Jack spoke:" if you remember we have stuck on this island for a couple of months with no contact with the outside world so don't worry we will let her know that you are okay" he smiled.

Anna:" oh yeah that's right by the way I am not only one dead Uncle Adrain and Uncle Anthony is dead too so we need to think of what to do next and Master Yazhe has a lady friend so he probably glad I am out of the way so I thinking about returning to China is out of the question for now?"

Uncles looked surprised that was dead too so what now Adrian spoke:" well let's stick to the plan to go to England for now from there we will decide from there they need to get Anna medical help first" Then we will deal with the rest

They all agreed but they were also a bit worried about how casually Anna was behaving she didn't react to all of them holding a funnel for her Mu Yazhe having a woman by his side although in their world Anna was dead they all agreed they need to keep an eye on Anna they didn't know if this reaction was a good or bad one all they knew is Anna so far wasn't her self she is the 15-year version of herself which means she rough around the edges and to the point she was a cold-blooded killer that her Master Isaac had taught her to be! She was in her top form and she was ruthless so maybe this Anna was the reason they were not understand8ng her behaviour.

Anna was deep in thought she didn't mind Mu Yazhe having women because she was her 15-year-old self so he hadn't fallen in love she only heard the news not see anything so her heart didn't flutter at the thought of, Mu Yazhe he wasn't her home so she didn't have a place to call her own she had decided she would follow her Uncles she trusted them with her life she didn't know about anyone else at this moment in time maybe if she met them then she would have an idea of how she felt about all of the.

And she didn't want to go, Master Isaac, he was too strict to live with and she was worried that he was still angry with her so it was to hide behind her Uncle Jack.

Anna looked at her Uncle's:" erhm Uncles is it okay if we stay with Uncle Jack for now until I can find my bearings and will face my so-called loved ones who were very quick to do funeral for me ī am sure they are all aware of what business we are in and the rules are clear that 1; unless you didn't see the person died before you they are not dead 2; unless you didn't find a person dead body declared dead 3; it searches until you find least some clue of there disappearance or find they don't want to be found them you can declare them dead? But my family didn't even wait 7 months for me to return and just like that they summed I was dead this is the family that is supposed to love you unconditionally I certainly can see the love (not)" she said sarcastically.

The men all looked at her they knew she had a valid point and some rules were in place of this kind of situation that occurred they nodded in agreement like puppets their blue eye beast has spoken it was law. And remember that this was the 15-year-old Anna who was different from the older Anna.

Anna had to a lot of research on a lot of matters that had taken place around the world after the thought that the dark knight had died so she had to give them the warning to remind them she is still alive. She contacted the groups on her secrat webpage side that she has had since she was 12 years old and all the group list she would need as she progressed and she updated regularly this would come in handy now. She managed to discover she had a whole ghost team behind her she contacted them and from them, she discovered a lot of information about returning with her Uncle was good for her now she needs to teach some people a lesson in how the oath worked.

Even sat on the island she issued her orders to let the underworld she was alive and she wasn't taking the shit that they had spread around about her. She was making sure the people behind all of this also knew she was alive and she was coming after them they had to pay for their betrayal and being the 15-year-old Anna she was brutal her punished were was going to be implemented and she wasn't one to be soft there was a reason the underworld fear the nights.

After a couple of days she checked with all her shadow guards around the world she was happy they had carried out her orders she had shaken the underworld and there was panic everywhere she smirked at the way the ones who thought they were going to advantage of her being dead were now begging to be forgiven but in their world, there was no second chance for traitors in their game she wasn't taken any crap from anybody she made her Uncle Jack smile. This was the Anna who did her job well and scared the life out of whoever crossed her path she was the one who's didn't crap about the so-called loved ones didn't count and betrayal was punished with death!

Anna called her Uncles and his men she told them her plan and that she had already shaken the underworld by letting the sleep shadow guards sort those who were not falling into line to be terminated from the protection of the king and also to be executed.

They all knew the Anna spoke she was the ruthless cold-hearted gremlin they knew who would not show no met timely and those who betrayed her well those were tortured by yours truly then killed.

She then turned to her Uncles and asked if they wanted to follow her into the new are she would make or they could leave and do whatever they wanted she was giving them a choice but they were shocked that she even needed to ask they would go where ever their baby girl went they would hold their oath until their death.

Anna said at her Uncles as she hugged them tightly she wasn't sure of the future ahead but want she knew who she was wasn't going to defined by the title of Mrs she would rather divorce than be held back by this. She was always told that she was made for the underworld and the normal world would never accept her she always believed that too so she avoided all kind of gatherings and associated herself with the normal elite society she knew she would fit in she was more designed for the jungle not for a ballroom.

Many time when she lived at the Mu's mansion she remembered getting called a village idiot she would get angry but then one day she realised she was from a village it was a beautiful village but still a village so she was a village idiot but after that, she never got angry she got even she would do things to those lady's who called er that by jeopardising their business this was the the young Anna now she was back a lot of people were in for surprises and shocks.