

Author Note[ than you for waiting for me to write again I will try and release a chapter week] thank-you.

[18+ read at one, own risk].

Mu Yazhe smiled he knew she was joking but he would oblige her:" okay then" he smiled and kissed her on the parts she pointed at he sucked and left his mark there then he finished by taking her breath away after giving her long kiss. He smiled:" any where eles" he looked at her with a smile as he chuckled.

Anna was out of breath smiling like fool she enjoyed the kisses very much she was not tired just yet she could do with one more round so she placed her ear close toMu Yazhe ears and whispered :" he also made love to me could mark me there too" she giggled a little, she her self didn't know where this confidence was coming from she knew he wouldn't deny her so that's why she dared to ask.

Mu Yazhe was surprised but happy to oblige he got started he took Anna to the stars back again she enjoyed every moment with him she knew now how much she had missed him.

Anna sqeeled in delight not be able to see had its advantages because she couldn't see the reaction on the other person face so she could be more courageous and do things she wouldn't dare never dream of, her moans where telling Mu Yazhe that she was enjoying very much, her hands wondered all over the place she had never moved her hands from one place before, everywhere they landed it send wave after wave of tingles through Mu Yazhe body, he looked surprised but very happy, he couldn't believe that his wife could make him feel any more excited.

Anna pulled MumYazhe towards her and whispered" let me straddle you I want to be on top" she chuckled she dared to ask but she like that position she felt like she was the domineering one.

To Mu Yazhe delight he was more than happy to help, he pulled her on top and waited for her to do what she wanted. Anna first felt every part of his body she wanted to know which part of his body was more sensitive to her touch and soon discover that he turned more when she love her hand down to ward his groan but she wasn't gonna touch him there she wasn't that brave enough just yet.

Mu Yazhe realised she was feel her reluctant so he grabbed her hand and he move her down with his until she touch him, as he helped her feel him, he mourned and grwol at the same time, her hand was electrifying him, then he help her move her hand up, and down showing what needs to be done, which Anna did she started to her hand movements fast which send Mu Yazhe over the edge he didn't know she had that ability in her to bring him to his peak with her hands. But she did and it was amazing, he brought her in for deep,kiss while he released all over her hand he felt guilty for doing it but didn't regret it because he lost control of him self, for the first time since they had been married, he pulled her back in for another kiss this time it was soft and slow.

Anna was bright red after she finished what she was doing, she chuckled to her self as she imagined in her head then she smiled like silly fool, when she hurt his mourning with growling which she never heard form him before which was a good sign for her she was doing something thing right so she carried on until she felt the sticky liquid on her hand she knew what it was, she chuckled that she was able to do, this to him, he helped her clean her hands and the mess they made, Anna stayed saddled as she wanted her pleasure too.

Her movements told Mu Yazhe what she wanted he wasn't gonna let her down as he was heated again just thinking about being inside of her, he placed in position then slowly let her drop, on him earning a loud moarn form both of them. They moved in synch with each other Anna like this position better she felt like she was in control but little did she know that Mu Yazhe was still inncontroll he was guiding her in and out while holding on to her hip to get speed he wanted her to be in.

After they reach their climax Anna dropped on Mu Yazhe, and chuckled against his chest making Mu Yazhe heat up again, her breath was on fire, he didn't know what this little Demon was doing to him today, he flopped her over and went in without asking Anna was now too exhausted to protest so she let him take control which she secretly admitted was better, she let him finish before she trying to tell him she had enough please she couldn't take anymore she was exhausted.

Anna whispered in her tiredness :" I love you Yazhe" it was whispered very quietly but it was heard he wrapped his arms around her an whispered:" I love you too Anna Jaden Isaac Yazhe" he smiled.

Anna liked the sound of her name coming from his mouth only he could make sound sexy when her Uncles or Grandparents used it usually meant she was trouble.

Mu Yazhe:" let's get washed up then you can sleep okay" without waiting he lift her took her to, the bathroom he placed her under the shower and turned it on then he took the shampoo and washed her carefully then conditioner, then he soaped her whole body as he did he rubbed her intimately rather well then be placed his finger to bring her to her climax while in the shower he kissed her to muffle the sound she made while climaxing.

Anna was shocked and surprised as well that he could make her come just like that her memories were coming thick and fast she could remember how he had her under his control every time it came to them making love she could see this was still the case.

She was tired now so she leaned on him and let him finish what he started after another two sections in the shower he finally brought her out and cleaned her dried her then placed her in bed she was asleep before she hit the pillow and there she was still sleeping like squid.

He chuckled as he lay next to her he smiled from ear to ear as he finally lay next to his beloved.

He had missed her since he woke up at first he was told she had died in the explosion but his heart refused to believe it. He looked for her every where then he got information that she was safe with her Uncles, he was relieved but he wasn't going to find her just yet he needed to find the Beng's youngest's Beng Max and Beng Katie they were born from different mothers due to their father's affairs then again they didn't how many more were out there all,he knew that this Uncle of his had all his children under his wing and they where more like there father ruthless tyrants and the only place for them was six foot under resting so they couldn't cause any more destruction.

He had finally found there ware-abouts when his little Demon came to rescue him he wasn't really kidnapped they where just keeping an eye on him but when Anna came he couldn't tell her and after seeing her he wanted to go with her, he couldn't stop himself, he missed her too much, And now he found out out that's his wifey couldn't see he didn't want her to know anything that he wanted to do, he knew she would want to go after these siblings.

He didn't know how she had survived all this time and brought up two children he knew everyone around her would have helped but seeing her independence made him proud of his Little Demon, but he couldn't help feeling protective to wards her, he had always been protective to wards her but now he was passively protective.

He needed to talk to the rest without Anna but he didn't know how to distract her a thought had come to his head and he finally exhausted her out she would sleep peacefully so he snuck out.

He already told them all to meet him in the main office. Little did he knew his little Demon ears where extra sharp now she could here typing a meassage and him receiving multiple reply's, she knew he was up to something so she waited before he left and followed him she could smell where he had gone from his scent he smelled like her, since he used her shampoo and soap.

She hid where she thought she couldn't be seen so she could listen. She heard everything she knew they worried about her but she was upset that they didn't want her involved she knew it was her eyes she so wished she could see. She hated not having her sight she knew it was a burden to all around her, although they never made her feel like that, she deep down knew even now with her husband.

She loved Mu Yazhe but this wasn't what she was expecting she didn't like to keep in the dark about anything, she felt like a loose cannon a waste of a human, who couldn't even do the mission without the help, of her teammates, she was their leader and now she had turned in their nuisance.

Anna decided to go back and distract her self ,she rung sister Amelia she complained about what had happened. Amelia explained they loved her and didn't want her in any danger that's why they did what they did. Anna understood but it didn't make her feel better. She hated not be able to see right now she so wanted to take her bike and feel the wind in her hair while she vented her anger.

Her stomach growled from hunger she fancied a burger from Mc Donald's she hadn't had in one in so long, and lately, she had been reminded of it so much, as she had been seeing a lot more of Mu Zain around even when she was in her coma she spent a lot of time with him and his mother, she wasn't alone in the dark, she had company in the form of her first husband, but she wouldn't dare tell anyone in case they decided she had finally lost her marble and locked her in a mental hospital.

She loved it but she knew she had to get back to reality, Mu Zain had promised to stay by her side. She would see him every so often at first she thought it was because she dreamed of him may that's why that image was lingering in her head, then she thought she might be a little crazy but this wasn't the first time she had seen a ghost, but then when she was small Grandma Maarika told her sometimes people are born special and can see the unseen but she warned her not to tell anyone or they think you are crazy.

Anna knew from Avery early age to hide these kind of feelings and experiences because even when she was telling the truth about her mother she was punished for it, so she could only imagine what would they do to her if she told them that she was seeing ghosts, and she in time learned to completely ignore them, like they didn't exits, she didn't need to be addressed as a freak at the time it's not like she was grandfather Isaac favourite person.

Her believe was broken when the one person she wanted to see she couldn't see her mum, she pushed it to the back of her mind until Mu Zain died she was seeing him from time to time but he mostly came when something bad was happen. She always survived because of that. She started to believe that a guardian angel was looking after her, yeah that's what it was what else could be an explanation she was too scared to ask anyone as they would think she was slowly losing her marbles.

But after the accident she saw more of the ghost which to her didn't make sense she was supposed to be blind so how was she seeing this, until Mu Zain explained that he has always been watching over them and she was the only one that responds to him so he bugged her that much more, Anna had read that when a ghost has unfinished business they tend to hang around like a lost soul.

But after they murdered Beng then his son she should have stopped seeing him but that now just felt like a myth . She looked in to this side of her life as she was too busy dealing with the other secret life of hers, it kept her busy so she didn't have to dwell on the crazy side of her, Mu Zain would always show when she was in trouble he had become her secrat eyes it was good to have sometimes.

She only saw Mu Zain mother sometimes, so she thought it was her imagination she had this in her mind when she feared something or she was worried or scared he would come to her, because in her darkest hour he was there he brought her from the dark to,the light, he give her life that she couldn't even dream of, she had everything in this life she wanted and more, and most of all she found a friend that always stood by her no matter what and how much trouble she caused he would just smiled and shake his head.

Just then an idea came to her, she needed to be distracted from her crazy moment, she went out of the room she found her twins:" hey kids want to play a game called running away from home to Mac Donald's what say" she smiled.

The kids cheered they where up for it no problem her princess asked:" is daddy coming along" she was excited.