

She continued as she saw the faces of everyone shocked but her twins Amelia and Anna smiled she couldn't see the anger on her mother's face but she could imagine what a sight that would be" what is so funny hey you think this is a joke, you think my life is entertaining to you, all of you here are to blame but you find it amusing, I heard the way my father treated you because he knew I hated you two and the reason why mine and my father's relationship broke down, I was at least happy to know your life as miserable as mine, but when I met my father the hate rose to a new level as I told him to kill you two or I would and stupid fool chose to protect you two instead of siding with me, I hate you ugly bitches you think that you are something special but your nothing without your titles one belongs to the Isaac's and the other belongs to the Kang's oh yeah theirs one more for you isn't there Anna the Mu's you have nothing of your own" she yelled angrily.

Anna was shocked at first but she calmed herself down what she knew in her heart already was spoken by this woman, but she didn't feel at all sad right now she felt more sorry for her brothers who looked shocked and very sad at what their mother had just said.

They didn't know who this woman in front of them was and what had they done with their mother Isaac Jayden?

The boys looked at their mother they couldn't believe that the loving woman, caring and they loved unconditionally just said she hated them they were the biggest mistakes. They refused to believe it and she couldn't hurt a fly these sisters must have done something to react like this.

Jun Rong turned to his sister" what did you two do mama for her to be like this" they looked angrily at his sisters.

Anna couldn't see them but she could feel the anger dripping from them, she great some more enemies, and she wanted to chuckle that since she became blind all she has managed to do is make more enemies than friends.

Anna finally spoke," well dear brother we were born did you not hear what your mother just said we were a product of someone's lust and dirty deeds ask your father over there he knows better" she smiled.

Jun Ro turned to his sister and was wondering why they both were smirking instead of being shocked and upset like they were did they already know this" sis did you already know this is why you came today! when you already knew why could you have just left it, it's been so many years already what you possibly gain from this now look at mama she went hysterical, just leave here, for now, we will talk later okay" he couldn't see his loving mama like this he saw her like this she is always so warm and welcoming, he loved his sisters but he loved his mother more.

Amelia lost it her anger was at the boiling point, she didn't care who the other person was anymore, she always respects the elders and loved the youngsters and never spoke rudely but today what this woman said " Hey you two did you not hear she doesn't hate just only us two you two as well or is a shock for you two you need time to process that this lovely mother of yours has tried to kill you two as well umpteen times not only us, for the sake of that bastard Beng, I am glad he is dead otherwise I would kill him with my own hands, that bastard deserved everything that came his way" she screamed.

She turned to her father angrily " and rape or no rape you still made us okay our lifes weren't great growing up but we are who we are today thanks to that mess you created, and today we stand before you as the biggest regrets of your life, you are one selfish woman who only thinks about her self, and my father isn't any less, and boohoo you didn't get the man you loved and you got this great plonker next to you, but you would prefer the rapist Beng who didn't even leave his own blood related sisters alone, do think that man loved you, your one stupid women, if he did he wouldn't have left you die in the first place, he wanted to use you to kill your family your father, brothers, and your loved one, the ones that would give their lives in blink of an eye, you selfish women,but you didn't die that day, thanks to this stupid man next to you, who loved you stubbornly came to save your sorry arse, he stood by you protecting you from that evil bastard but what did you do the minute you gain your memory is to pine over the love that was never yours he only used you and for the smart Jayden Isaac was to stupid to see that, she let her lust lead her to the destruction you face today and the destruction of your family, wake up women there is still time to,see what is right in front of you " she was still speaking when she heard a scream.

They all turned to see their mother on the floor on her knees saying " no your all lying he only loved me, he told me he would take me with him he just needed time then we would be happy after, Jun raped me it wasn't Beng he loved me only me this is all lies he told me you all would try to fill my head with all sorts of lies, and look you here pretending to my daughters your nothing but bastards, I hate all of you, I will kill all of you " she took the vase and threw it at Anna.

Anna dodged it and smashed into the wall behind her, Anna smirked at her mother as she saw how well she played the victim card now she was confronted with the truth and thought not bad aim Jayden Isaac you still fight you well let's see how far you can take this too this madness you call love" well, well, well, he taught you well I know you wouldn't believe me so I want you to watch this video of your Beng, I never thought the day would come where I would use this video but here I found this where you lifeless body was when my so-called father saved your sorry arse" she sighed heavily as she plugged it to large t.v in the living room they could all watch it. She knew what was wrong with her mother which meant that someone out there was controlling their mother but the question that was eating Anna up, was who the mastermind bet his and time was running out.

As the video played Beng was talking to another man there he disclosed how he manipulated Isaac Jaden into believing everything he told her, and he also told the man that he had drugged Isaac Jaden and Kang Jun then stuck them in the room after they had done their deed he told Isaac Jaden that Kang Jun raped her forcing to make her his, and he wanted to marry her, that's where Jayden Isaac started to hate Kang Jun from, and he told the man that he is gonna kidnap Jayden Isaac and force her to marry him only so that so that he could infiltrate the Isaac underworld and kill Master Isaac and take over as the king of the underworld he explains in details his plan and how he would raise Kang Jun's daughter's and train them to become assassins to kill the whole of the Kang's family, and the Mu's and then anyone that opposes them, that last part disturb everyone, that he would sell Isaac Jaden to the highest bidder every night just to humiliate her for loving a bastard like him and that chuckle left a creepy feeling in everyone.

Isaac Jaden just stared at the screen deep down she knew for a long time that Beng didn't love her, it was only one-sided but she couldn't help it, it had become an obsession that she didn't want anyone but him and he uses that to his full advantage, she knew she foolish and this time didn't think before she opened her mouth, she didn't know that Kang Jun wasn't trying to rape her she and he was drugged and it was all Beng's doing she had hated her children because of this, Beng was able to brainwash her, but she couldn't back down now she had come too far she had no option but to get out of here or they would kill her later she would make the Beng's pay for their part in all of this, this was all their fault, Isaac Jaden hated being wrong.

From day one Isaac Jayden was a spoilt brat of the Isaac's being the only girl she was doted on by all the family she was arrogant and full of herself, she didn't-like to be told what to do, she did things her way, and she like that bad guy vibe that Beng gave the thrill of danger that was her adrenaline, and what she couldn't have she wanted, she wasn't trained like Anna and Amelia so she wasn't all that good when it came to missions so on, she tended to follow and let the others do the work and then come back take the credit.

As time passed she became out of control that she wouldn't listen to her parents who tried to explain that Beng was only messing with her head and he wasn't serious about her she refused to listen, she was obsessed so when the chance she got to run away with Beng she took it but it didn't turn out well when Beng realised that she couldn't give what he needed, he didn't want her on her own he wanted her family so he could carry out his plan.

She looked a round Kang Jun still looked at her doting eyes as to say he wouldn't hurt her, he wouldn't let anyone hurt her either, he would stay with her no matter what she had done, she couldn't believe that after all she had done he still wanted to be with her, she was stubborn to believe that someone could love her this much, she thought only she lives obsessively, but this might be her way out she wanted to, leave here he might be the key?

"Jun tell me what happened then why were we in the same room that night how did I end up in your room, I was in the restaurant I was eating a meal with Beng and his sisters, so how did I end up in the room with you, in a hotel, I don't remember travelling anywhere and the truth don't you dare lie or hold back to save my face" she didn't want to believe but something was nigling inside of her for a long time now especially when she looked at Kang Jun.

Kang Jun looked at her then his family hinted to them to leave but nobody was going anywhere, they all wanted to know what happened to them and what was happening now, and so did the children they wanted to know why their mother hated them so much.

Anna and Amelia wanted to know how they came about, they needed to know did their father take advantage of their mother, we're they made from their drugged selves and then thrown aside like garbage by not one parent but both.

Kang Jun sighed" well all take a seat then we could do with a breather I will tell you from the beginning and let you have a drink of water before you pass out, you know your body is very weak " he looked at his daughter who was stood froze to their place they knew he had abandoned them to take care of Isaac Jayden he should have taken responsibility for his daughter's but he chose not to, he didn't have an excuse for it he was being selfish that's all, he couldn't face them anymore he turned to, his wife ready to, explain everything thing.

"I met your mother on one of my missions I fell in love, it was amazing she was perfect but she wasn't interested in me at all, she loved someone else I tried to forget her, but couldn't so I checked into who she wanted to marry when I found out that it was Beng I couldn't let her make that mistake but I didn't want her to think that I only did it because I wanted her, I wanted her to love me as much as I loved her, anyhow after I spoke to her parents they agreed into me marrying her, it would be a better option than Beng, too, which when your mother found out, your mother was angry with me, she even refused to acknowledge me" he sighed.