

As they all entered the house, Anna headed to the kitchen to help prepare the food for the hungry hordes that had walked through the door and mourned like they had not been fed in weeks.

Amelia followed Anna in; she wanted to ask Anna something" hey, blue rose, what did you make of them people today? They looked; like they had inner turmoil going on; the younger man, in the end, wanted to say something but the older Master Ming wouldn't let him speak; but something was up," she spoke as she looked at her sister.

" hmm, I got a feeling the atmosphere was tense, but I don't know why it felt off too, but in a bad way, like they were mixed emotions when they saw us; some were worried, and some were angry that's why I didn't understand then they say they didn't know what happened with mother and father, but then they say they very close to father so how can that be they don't know, there something more to them people my gut says we can't trust them at all" she sighed.

" Well, your gut is saying then I believe it to be true, so what should we do about it? I was thinking of asking grandma what she knows and what she is willing to tell us about these people," Amelia asked.

" Leave that to Musin; he wants to do it. We will go with his decision; he also wanted to talk to grandma to find out about this family, " Anna explained.

Amelia chuckled " okay, leave it to my nephew to deal with; speaking of nephew, where's Li Jun? I hadn't seen him since I arrived: she asked her sister.

"Oh, that he is on a mission. He will be back in two days" she smiled as she remembered her baby boy, the new ruler of the underworld.

" and Li Na, how is she doing? She is still a professor at university; I thought she would join the family business. She only wanted to be out for a couple of years," she asked; it had been a while, so she didn't know what the kids were up to.

" little madam is finished at university; she joined the office couple of years back; she is in Russia at this moment in time she is helping establish the business that has been expanding there; she said she should be done at the need of the month and will be home with her new partner " Anna smiled.

Amelia perked her ears up when she heard her partner" oh who, when did this happen? How come I don't know about it " she flew her question one after another.

Anna chuckled at her sister" okay, okay I will tell you; well, Li Na met her Russian boyfriend when she first started the collaboration with the over sea's branch; they got on well and also had the Russian bratva background well, the rest easy to guess and we will meet him when she comes" she smiled.

" oh wow, I can't wait. I never thought that girl would settle down; she was always so fussy with the men that I thought she might swing the other side, but I see that's not the case. I'm so happy for her one day that, she will be worrying about the twins finding partners for my two" Amelia smiled at the thought of her twins.

The door opened and walked Tung Jun" I told you my daughter would not date until she is 30 at least, and then I will have to vet him out first before he goes anywhere near my baby girl," he frowned.

Anna laughed loudly" that's what Mu Yazhe said, but he still got three sons-in-law" she chuckled again.

Mu Yazhe heard the conversation as he walked in" that wouldn't have happened, but Anna didn't allow me to interfere; she is a tough cookie to deal with, and when she is angry, well, the lord can help you "he smiled.

Mu Yazhe came over, held her waist pulled as he sat her on his knee" I came to find you; we know what the Ming Tung Jun family was looking for us; those imposters have kidnapped their children; they needed our help but couldn't say among them were the kidnappers sat too, we have tailed the kidnappers to were they are keeping the children, but" he was going to say something but stopped.

" Yazhe, why did you stop but what," she asked; she could feel the tension.

" they split the children. They are trying to ship the other half of the children to some unknown destination to use as liverish over the Ming Tung Clan. As you found out, their families are big, they married into other influentials families; they want to use that to take down anyone to do with us, starting with the Kang's, as you saw that day, your mother might have worked with them, but your father wasn't he was just trying to find where the kids where being held" he sighed.

He continued, " that day when we went, they were going to rescue all the children, but the gangs found out through your mother, and you saw the warning they give that's them telling them to try anything; it will be the kids" he sighed again angrily.

Anna asked, " what's the plan then to save the children and get rid of these imposters? It will be a big operation, and it will have to sync with everyone, so they take all the trash in one go" she sighed; that's a big mission just like when they had clean their home offices and businesses of those pests that infiltrated it.

Mu Yazhe " well, the plan is not in place yet because first, they have to fish out the imposters in the Ming Tung Jun Clan, then they move forward with the rescue of the children," he explained.

Anna sighed" don't leave it too late; you know the Bengs, are not people that won't harm children; they are despicable people" she looked at nowhere in particular.

Mu Yazhe heard what Anna said, and he also knew what she meant, so they would have to speed up the plan now; he kissed Anna on the cheek and headed out of the room; he needed to talk to the boys and see how fast they could put the teams together.

Anna, in the meantime, had contacted her ghosts shadow guards and the shadow guards closer to the children; she asked them to keep an eye on them and, if they found that the children's lives were in danger, then to issue the rescue signal; it was impeccable that all the children were safe, at times like she wished she could see at least she would more to help.

At this point, Anna wished she could see; she wanted to help. She didn't know why but she had a bad feeling in her gut that something would go wrong; she didn't want it was. Still, she knew she was right. She worried for her family; it made her think that every time she went on a mission this, she family worried about her this is terribly; she didn't realise what impact she had on everyone, especially when she wondered off alone and panicked everyone, she was feeling guilty for the first time in her life, she didn't like this feeling.

Anna knew she was wrong; she would apologise for her behaviour after they had completed the mission of rescuing the children. She knew that this wasn't a casual rescue; it involved the Beng nothing was straightforward when it came to them; why did she feel that they set this trap?

Anna wanted to talk to the rest about this, but then she thought she was overreacting, but still, they should know what she felt; she slowly walked out of the room to find where everyone was, as she had guessed they were in the kitchen around the table discussing the plan, she heard everything the plan was perfect they were no flaws, but still she wanted to stick her opinion in because she just had to.

" hey everyone, that's a good plan but have considered that this might be a trap for us to come in knowing that they might know who we are; you need to plan your escape in case this is a trap set by them; after all, they are the Beng you're dealing with, they're unpredictable," she told them.

Mu Musin" mama, come sit down; you right? We didn't think of that; we put that into the plan as well, just in case " he smiled at his mama; he knew she was the original blue-eyed beast and why she was giving the title of the underworld king as well, now he knew why, she thought of everything, she had taught him everything, but he didn't have the patience to go through things thoroughly, that's why he always got himself into problems, he knew that's his weakness. However, he was thought they can no weaknesses that's what gets you killed.

" Well, the plan you have is good, but would you mind if I tweak it a little here, next there, as well as putting in escape plans as well in case something goes wrong, you have plan b as well; don't you, just in case I mean your all amazing at what you do out there should always plan band c where possible, but in this case c should be just because we have children," she asked.

Mu Musin scratched the back of his head; he didn't have plan b, let alone check, they didn't even have an escape plan in place; if his mama didn't come in, he would have put his whole team at risk" no mama I would wing it, but right there kids involved so what do you suggest " he let his mama take over.

Mu Musin's team listened to his mama and was impressed with the plan; it was almost flawless; they knew that their madam was good, but they were seeing it now; they thought their boss was amazing, and now they knew who their boss's Master was,; they were amazed.

Mu Musin smiled at his mama's plan, he then had learned everything, but he knew he hadn't half of what his mama had" brilliant mama as well as for the bird's eye view. I this, my wifey, would be good; she like being on top and the planned band c are good as well as the escape plan that's why your my mama" he smiled as he was thinking of something else.

Leaving Zhu Laquan glaring at him, she understood what he meant; she wondered why his mind always ended in the gutter; we're all men the same was it just her shameless husband?

Anna picked up the vibe in the room she knew what her son meant she smiled and like father like son they were so alike" well it's not that I didn't teach you this,. Still, hands-on experience are always good too, but when you lead a team you've got remind your self that your responsibility is more significant because you have to make sure you your people are safe too, Reiner we leave no man/women behind dead or alive" she sighed.

Anna knew she would have to retrained this son of hers who needed to head out of the gutter and concentrate on the task at hand" healthy son, the plan is complete; now let's get you to the training ground; you need to run some laps to cool you down" she chuckled she didn't want to embarrass him too much she could see his cheeks turning red.

He followed his mother to the training ground as he knew there was no getting out of this; his dirty brain was getting him in trouble and that from his mother, out of all people.

Mu Yazhe followed" hey, little Demon, he was only joking around; he doesn't need to run around he needs exercise, you know, the other kind; let Jim go and find his partner, hmm", he chuckled.

Anna sighed" well, you can join him at least 30 laps to start with then", she smiled.

Mu Musin sighed" dad is not helping at all" he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Mu Yazhe wished he hadn't spoken; now he was done, for he marched himself off to the training ground as she knew Anna wouldn't let him off the hook.