

Amelia sighed " he's not dead. He is unconscious. If you want to escape, follow me or stay here up to you" she knew she should be more gentle, but at this point, she wanted to get everyone to safety and scold her sister for scaring her, she looked back they all exited the room, she grabbed her sister hand placed on her shoulder to guide her so she wouldn't lose as she also picked up the unconscious boy in her arms she also had yet to find the boy that was dead.

The girls looked around as they saw their brother being carried out by that women they got up and ran behind as they didn't want to stay here. They all made it out safely.

Amelia turned to Anna " what was that blue rose you scared me you know I nearly had an heart attack really Anna please don't ever do that again" she sighed with her hand on her forehead.

Anna was imagining her angry sister right now she was amused but didn't smile as it would trigger her already angry bear right now" sorry about that, but let's get out of here first and before we leave this place needs to blow so it looks like the everyone died, from what I gathered the men that was supposed to come haven't they would be arriving soon so let's give them a treat just enough to thing the other party has betrayed them and this was plan to kill them" she smiled.

" not bad blue rose but I'm still angry at you okay let's get you home and get that wound seen too hug before that I need to head back in to find the dead boy stay here do not move a inch or else? " she sighed as she hugged her sister.

She walked back in, it didn't take long before she located the boy when she checked the boy was unconscious and injured but at least he was alive she carried him about too.

When everyone was safely away from the warehouse, then triggered one of the bombs which blew and there started a train of explosions the aware house was demolished to the ground which surprising them all, they only thought that it burn they didn't think that it would crumple to the ground, they thanked their lord for getting them out of there before that had happened, they then head to the base where everyone was waiting.

As they pasted by there was cars heading to wards the compound, but had stop to see the explosions, then turned their cars around back where they came from, Amelia took their number plates down so she could check who they where and what they where doing here as promised she would deal with them as well but for now the children safety was important.

They only got of the dirt road and on to the high way when they notice cars where following them. Amelia text Mu Xingyan to inform her and the other drivers, they were being followed so be careful.

Amelia kept behind the vehicles in front so she knew they were all safe, she then contact the base and told what was happening they had already send out the teams when they found out that they were in trouble, she didn't tell them Anna was with her injured they would only worry.

Anna asked " were being followed aren't we" she already knew from the way the vehicles was moving.

Amelia had to answer" yeah they've on our trail since we got on to the main road, I think this part of their plan all along, but no worry's the teams are in they're way" she told Anna.

Anna asked" I know this is dangerous but we should hug it out and from your mirror you can tell me where to aim okay" she wanted some waiting action.

Amelia sighed she knew she had no choice as she didn't want these people to do something dangerous that would put the life's of everyone in danger" okay jump forward but no being a hero again okay" she sighed.

She pulled Anna arm swung her forward so she was sat hugging her sister she took her gun out and aimed waiting for target aim" okay ready Jade" she asked.

"First aim at 11.00 o'clock blow out the tire" she told Anna.

Anna aimed and fired they heard the car skid while they tried to take control they were good even with a puncture they were still following" I still hear them" Anna asked.

" hmm aim for 2 o'clock and blow the other tire out" she sighed.

Anna shot the other tire they heard the tire blow" dam they still following us he bloody good okay aim for the engine I didn't want to but they asked for it aim for 12 o'clock and blow the engine no engine no follow" she told Anna.

" Okay" Anna aimed and fired she hit the engine she heard the car skid out of control, then swivel around about then the explosion happened" that did it didn't it the other cars seem be slowing down are they still following us" Anna asked.

" hmm they have smart move but wrong aim for between 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock first then aim for 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock " she explained.

Anna did as she was told from the reactions of the movements on the cars she knew she had bull eye she heard 2 explosions on after the other then she listens she could hear two car engine and out of nowhere a motorcycle before she could say anything the car on her left exploded then the one straight behind them, she then realized that the motorcycle was one if there own, she wonders who it was.

They then drive in silence all the back to the compound Anna didn't speak she knew she was in trouble when she got back she know she was gonna find it hard to explain how she hit there in the first place but she would tell her like it is" hey Jade don't be mad I was safe I had help it's strange kinda help but help" she told Amelia.

" not understanding you stop talking in riddle explaining clearly what happen back there" Amelia asked sternly.

" well I can see Zain he guides me when I'm in trouble he was here today too" she tried to explain.

" hmm he almost landed you dead to join him today tell I'm not still happy anything could have happen today" she frowned still angry.

Anna " he is sorry he was telling me that man went all luny mode so that's why but I promise to take care next time" she pleaded.

" what do you mean next time there is no next time I will not put you in harms way you know you scared the life out of me today" she sighed.

" sorry Jade I wouldn't put my self in danger anymore" she pleaded as she hugged her sister tightly.

" too tight can't breath need to drive the motorcycle" she chuckled as he knew what her sister was doing.

In between the hugging Anna coughed as she did she spat aloud of blood out all over Amelia,Amelia was shocked she called Amelia no answers she had fainted on her she gripped Anna tightly so she didn't fall she didn't want to stop as there was no way she could call for help where she was she was panicked as well worried her heart was pounding out of her chest she needed to get to the compound asap.

Amelia rode her bike with spread passing the cars she was in a rush she tried calling it was going through she panicked even more" Anna Jaden Isaac wake up don't do this baby sister your scaring me please wake up" she started to cry she didn't want to do all she need was someone to help her.

Amelia tried the phone it wouldn't go through then she rung her husband it went through" honey Anna is bleeding she coughing up blood what do I do, I don't want to do there's way I can ask for help out here what should I do please help me I don't want to lose her please help" she sobbed.

Ting Jun heard what she said Mu Yazhe was close by he didn't hear why Amelia said but from the way Ting Jun looked he knew something was up he walked over to see what had happened" honey listen to me first stop panicking she will be alright you need to come to the compound we have doctors already on standby but first stay calm okay you won't help by panicking okay" he tried to clam his wife down he knew she would do something stupid if she panicked any more.

Then he asked" is sis in law injured anywhere" he needed as much information so could inform the doctors.

" yeah the boy stabbed her with a knife on her arm but the bleeding wasn't that bad, the went crazy thinking she was their to attack them, just now she was fine she was talking just now and now she won't speak " she screamed down the phone.

" baby it's fine stay clam just drive here as quickly safely as you can how far are you" he asked.

By this time Mu Yazhe heard Anna injured his heart was in his mouth" what happen how bad is she conscious where are they" his brain was not working.

Ting Jun was trying to keep his wifey calm so she could drive here safely now he had Mu Yazhe on his back wanted the phone of him he pushed away so he could guide his wife here safely" they coming clam down let's get them her safely okay" he shouted at Mu Yazhe.

Mu Yazhe wasn't calming down he was panicking now he pacing the room while Tung Jun stayed on the phone with his wifey who was still hysterical as she drove the motorcycle behind had caught up behind them and rode with them, then Li Jannan rung them at base saying he was with them and they were almost there open the gates they were coming in.

As they arrived the gates were already open they drove in and parked out side the infirmary the doctors and nurses were ready to Anna of Amelia, but Amelia was reluctant to let go, she was still hysterical Tung Jun and Mu Yazhe had just arrived they saw the what was in front they didn't know who bled as both were covered in blood, Tung Jun moved forward and patted his wifeys back he gently coax her she let go while Mu,Yazhe pulled Anna of Amelia he picked up his lifeless wife and walked to the stretcher the doctors took her in to be treated, while they all watched out side.

Tung Jun took Amelia in the other room to be treated only to find the blood belong to Anna but he couldn't understand how much blood was lost, now he was worried about his sister in law they both walked back to the corridor where every one had gathered.

As they waited, the doctor came out he called for Mu Yazhe who walked forward he stood in front of the doctor worried he was scared of what the was going to say.

" Master Yazhe how long has Anna been like this why has she not been treated for her heart she is very weak, it looks like she has been vomiting blood for a while and had treatment what was just a little problem has turned in to big issue, she needs to be treat for this too, why is she not resting instead she is on mission and she lost a lot of blood so I am going need volunteers for blood transfusion and she will be staying here until I finish other test on her" he sighed .

"Master Yazhe she is unconscious but she still saying your name she is babbling some other things I think it's best you come in while we finished stitching her up the wound isn't bad but she has very fast reflexes she can't be controlled " he looked at people out side, there were so many he smiled gently " blood please" and walked back in to the room.

Mu Yazhe walked in and saw Anna still unconscious she was however mumbling to her self, he walked closer to hear what she was saying, the doctors were still trying to work on stitches her arm he watched as he held her hand and kissed it.

Anna spoke" Yazhe I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just want to enjoy the time I have left with you, I want to spend every waking moment with you the man I loved as husband, lover and father of my children, my everything everyone has their place in my life but you have the most precious place and if something happened to me please find some one that you can grow old with, tell Jade I'm sorry so sorry I tired to explain that I was okay Zain was there he guided me " she sobbed the tears flowed down her face.

Mu Yazhe had tears in his eyes he looked at the injured women babbling on and on he bend down wiped the tears and kissed her lips to shut her up,she went quiet she smiled instead" l love you Yazhe " she smiled again.

" I love you too little demon" he kissed her lips again.

As the doctors did his work he held her hand and stroked her face Anna has stop speaking, she was fully unconscious now but she was okay she was alive that was the main thing.

The doctor walked over to Mu Yazhe who was busy watching his wife sleeping peacefully" hrm everything is done and we will move her in the vip critical room for now, and when she is out of danger then we will move her to normal ward okay she still needs to be observed " he smiled.

Mu Yazhe looked at the doctor and then at Anna " how is she what is exactly wrong she has has been hiding a lot I need to know to take care of her" he asked he know this little demon doesn't want anyone to worry but what about now she worried everyone.