Oedo, and Takedas Grand March

I went back home and waited until Elize came home then prepared and departed to Ishen again.

The party consisted of Yae, the Elsie-Lindsey sisters, Yumina and Kohaku, and also Rin and Pola.

Guided by Yae, we left the forest and the sky which had slowly started to open suddenly came into full view.


We let out a voice of admiration. What appeared before us were rice fields extending from a village on a small hill. A castle had been built there as well. It looked like a castle from Himeji or Osaka. Though it seemed rather small.

This is my hometown, Oedo~degozaru

Oo, its not Edo but Oedo. At a glance it was easy to tell that it was different between this town and the one in the historical dramas.

In the first place, it was a fort town. There was a large moat in front of a tall white wall that refuses invasion. There was a sentinel that stand on the rampart, I hear that there were Bow soldiers along the walls in places. Although there were houses around the rice fields, the majority were built up inside the rampart.

Ishen is not a big country at all. There tentatively seems to be a king, but it is in name only and local lords seem to be having their own way.

There are nine feudal lords to govern the provinces (though there seem to be skirmishes) and through the management of the figure head king, the country seems to retain its form.

As for the feudal lords there were Shimatsu, Mouri, Chousokabe, Hashiba, Oda, Takeda, Tokugawa, Uesugi, DateHey wait, Oi.

Those names were so familiar to me I just had to retort to them.

What is this? Is Ishen in the Warring States Period? I asked Yae but she told me there had been no large scale wars for the past several decades.

Is it a coincidence? A coincidence?

Oedo, where Yaes families home is, is in eastern Ishen, in the territory that Tokugawa family governs. He seems to be a gentle rich lord who governs the territories people.

So, Where are the ancient ruins that you want to go to Rin?

Even if you were to call it small, Ishen is a decent size. We cant just go looking around randomly.

I dont know the place. Just theRuins of Niruya

Do you know about them Yae?

Niruya?I havent heard of them. Father may know about them though

For the time being, Yae guides us to town. We cross over the wooden bridge, lowered by the solders, and enter the ramparts.

Upon entering the town, the town is absolutely like an old Japanese one. The houses were almost entirely single-story wodden houses, with tiled roofs. Doors were pasted paper sliding doors and the shops all had curtains with signs hanging at the entrance. (The characters on the signs above the doors were not Japanese though)

The people were wearing kimonos as they walked to and from, there were even casually dressed wandering samurai. Unfortunately no one was sporting a topknot but rather they all wore ponytails.

Uwa, what is that? What are people carrying?

Elise who was looking down the street, was flabbergasted as she watched two people come this way.

Thats a rickshaw. People pay money to get pulled by other people. They take the place of a horse drawn carriage

I answered, and Elsie and the rest kept staring at the rickshaw. There certainly isnt any of that culture that theyre used to.

Why do people have to go out of their way to pull them? Horse drawn carriages are easier and faster

What Lindsey says is justified. Oh yeah why is that? The difference in culture is the only

As for Ishen, the roads are not as maintained as they are in Belfast. There is a lot of uneven parts where it makes it difficult to drive a wagon, there are also steep inclines and declines so it is difficult for horses to traverse ~degozaru. Also horses are considerably expensive ~degozaru

I see, so thats why. The land here and the land there have lots of differences dont they.

Touya-san, that person, hes wearing wooden shoes?

Wooden shoes? Aa, the clogs

That tower over there, why is there a bell hanging like that?

Thats a fire alarm lookout tower

What a beautiful sound Huh, what are they selling?

Windchimes. They bring enjoyment when the wind blows

For someone who wasnt born in Ishen, youre well informed, Touya-dono

Well of course. I was quite influenced by Jiichans historical dramas you know.

But what is it. The towns people dont seem very happy. Or rather it looks like theyre scared of something, something toward insecure?

Yae guided us to Shrine archway across the road from the bamboo forest, it opened up into a large residence.

Kokonoe Mana Style Fencing Dojo Mansionwas written on a splendid sign board that we saw as we passed under the gate. As we arrived at the door of the house, Yae yelled.

Is anyone there?!

After a short while, the beating of feet could be heard from within, a woman a little over 20 years old in a maid uniform with dark hair came out.

Yes yes, here I amWell, Yae-sama!

Ayane! Its been a long time!

The maid called Ayane runs up with a presently surprised smile and takes Yaes hand.

Welcome home, Yae-sama! Nanae-sama! Yae-sama has returned!

Ayane calls towards the inside of the house, and more footsteps could be heard noisily headed this way, this time a woman in her late 30s wearing a light purple kimono appeared. She looks a bit like Yae.

Mother! I have just returned!

Yaeyouve returned safelywelcome home

She was Yaes mother after all. After reuniting after a long time, mother and daughter embrace each other with tears in their eyes.

Yea, who are these people?

Aa, these are my companions. They have taken great care of me

Well well, that is that is Thank you for caring for my daughter

W- well, we didnt really do anythingwe have also been helped greatly, please lift your face

Sitting on the floor, Yaes mother bows deeply and we respond hurriedly. She has great (parental) feelings for her daughter it seems. Nanae-sans feelings were conveyed from that posture.

By the way mother, where is father? Is he at the castle?

At Yaes words Nanae-san and Ayane-san glanced at each other, their expressions clouded. Before long Nanae-san stood, looked at Yae and slowly opened her mouth.

Your father is not here. He went with Ieyasu-samato battle

To battle!?

Yae let out an extremely surprised rough voice, she stares at her mother. Battle is nothing pleasant. Wasnt this country tentatively ruled by a king?

Just where on earth did they go!?

Takeda. Several days ago, there was a surprise attack at the Shrine of Katsunuma in the north, and they seem to be marching toward Kawagoe. To head them off master is going to Kawagoe fort

To Yaes question to Nanae-san, Ayane-san replied in her stead. Apparently an adjoining feudal lord suddenly attacked.

Elder brother is headed there as well? But I dont understand. Why did Takeda suddenly begin an invasion? I cannot think Takedas lord to be a fool

Recently, there is a strange strategist near Takedas lord. Yamamoto something they say. A person with a single eye with dark skin and uses a mysterious magic? Its possible that that strange person has something to do with it

While listening to Nanae-sans story, I think for a little bit. Takedas strategist is Yamamoto they say, it has to be him. Yamamoto Kansuke. One of Takedas 24 generals. If Nanae-sans story is correct, then hes become some kind of strange mage. Well, its not certain that that is the case huh? But there are some startling similarities.

How is the battle progressing?

Rin, who had been silent, suddenly asks. Pola who was at her feet tilted its head. Kohaku who was also close by does the same. They look so cute. Oops, to time for that now.

It was so abrupt that they didnt really have time to gather much war potential, and its only a matter of time before the fort falls, or so they say

Then father and elder brother are!

At Ayane-sans assessment of the situation Yaes mouth drops in horror. But rather than going pale with insecurity, in her eyes, burns the flame of determination. Yae is not the kind of girl that stands by silently while her precious family is in peril, we know that well.

Touya-dono! If Kawagoe Fort is on a ridge not far from here, I wish to go! Please!

Alright. Lets go


I grasp Yaes hand and nod strongly in agreement. I look at everyone else, Elsie, Lindsey and Yumina give a small nod in agreement as well.

I never thought we would go to battle. I understand your feelings so Im going as well

Rin shrugs her shoulders and gives a laugh. Her trusty companion Pola also gives off the feeling of being rearing to go, and starts shadow boxing. Was that movementProgrammedas well?

Yae, please imagine the ridge

I understand~degozaru

I grasp both of Yaes hands and place my forehead lightly on hers as she shuts her eyes. Because the situation was as it is, there was strangely no embarrassment like there was before.


The scenery comes into my mind. A large Japanese cedar stands and in the distance was a castleno a fort was seen. Thats Kawagoe fort?

I release Yaes hands and open thegatein front of the house door. Yae plunges straight through, then one after the other Elsie and the others disappear on the other side.

The two left at the house stare in blank surprise at the spectacle and I call to them.

We will save your husband and Yaes elder brother without fail. Everyone will come back safely, please do not worry

Just what are you

To Nanae-sans question, I am not really sure how to respond to it so I laugh in response, I also go through the Gate