Home Of Hamburgers & Mecha

They would later see Rin again that night while having dinner at Ueno with Ueno's students, who were generally happy to speak with them in their English ranging from horrific to Junpei's full fluency. Rin's English was middling, but she asked several questions of & about Matoi, until she was interrupted by every Ueno tablet vibrating.

She offered to take it, then looked excitedly up at Matoi. "Who will come with me?"

Matoi glanced up from her meal. "Marisa, go with her."

"But I can't speak Japanese."

"I can teach Rin some English on the way there." Junpei stood up, as did Rin & Marisa.

"Are you going to teach her what you said in the elevator?" said Mia.

Tyrant's throne formed. "No idea what you're talking about. Anyway, lemme just--"

--he appeared at the wall and bounced off of it like he broke his nose running at it, groaning, shouting "FUCK!"; the entire table laughed, sans Daishi, who sighed and covered his own mouth: partially because Matoi could see him smiling a little. "(Go, before any civilians are hurt.)"

Rin nodded and ran out with Marisa; Junpei disappeared.

Now, why such a dismissal by Matoi only increased Rin's attraction to her, one declines to venture. To be blunt: Rin was no virgin, and she enjoyed fucking women who were dominant and rough and vulgar, even as she otherwise filled her head with fantasies of romance & mushiness. Every Ueno student had seen Matoi's kills & knew her general press-given personality, and if Rin took the individual pieces apart, perhaps she could call them ugly, but she found the whole attractive.

The three arrived at the start of the countryside train tunnel, two set of tracks leading in&out.

"And run, is… hashiru." said Junpei.

"Run." Rin nodded and said something in Japanese; and the translator was gone. She stepped a distance beside the tracks, outside the entrance of the tunnel, Marisa coming up beside.

"Sekisetsu." said Rin, and in the next instant -

- a red wall of ice blocked the tunnel; she took her tablet out, nodding at Junpei's message.

"One minute."

The two waited half a minute, hearing the rumbling begin further outside up the tracks, and in the next instant -

- they saw a train screaming with the speed of sound left&down the tracks, blocked tunnel entrance up ahead, and as it passed by the two -

" - Sekisetsu!"

- a dozen icicles burst out of the ground and shot through its wheels, more ice forming as it smashed in to the barrier -

- and the two sighed as the barrier shattered in to hundreds of shards, no apparent damage done as the train kept screaming by, caboose pulling in to the tunnel -

" - Boudoir!" shouted Marisa, glove quick on Rin's torso -

- and a strand yanked them up&on to the final carriage, new strands forming to keep them balanced, train screaming a hundred miles an hour down the tunnel. With no time to waste, the two rushed right and hung their legs over the carriage, windows down below. Marisa's leg kicked at one window -

- and she sighed as it refused to break, far more durability than expected; at her side, Rin sighed, encountering the same indestructible entrance.

"Revenant - strong and weak." said Rin, and Marisa nodded, sweeping back up.

"Gotta go - here." she said, and the two rushed back down the carriage, seeing the back door opened below; the two leaped down and swept inside, running in to the carriage proper -

- and a bloodied scene met their stare, civilian entrails around, bullets and knives left in torn bodies. With a curse and a wince, the two started their rush up -

" - wait." whispered Marisa, yanking Rin back quick, careful web of Boudoir dulling their footsteps. "Shoes?"

Confused, Rin gave her right leg out, and Marisa slapped a patch of Boudoir on her sole. She nodded, giving her other leg out, assuring their footsteps were quiet as they rushed up the aisle.

The two kept their silent run going up another three carriages, and as they came in to the next -

- there, two carriages away and in the conductor's cabin was their oblivious foe, four hundred feet separating them and he, and as they started their run up -

- a hand shot to Marisa's ankle; she shrieked involuntarily, eyes ripping down to find a wounded man, feather poking out of his head, saying something in Japanese -

- and his body shattered in to a thousand pieces; on the distance, their foe turned fully aware now, and in the next instant -

- the floor shattered in to a thousand pieces, sudden feathers falling out and on to the track below -

" - Boudoir!" shouted Marisa, aiming her palms separate ways -

- and a strand tethered Rin to her as she was pulled up to the ceiling, safe as they hung, and as they readied to swing -

- the roof shattered in to a thousand pieces; the two shrieked as they fell, shards falling for another shredded death -

- but the next scene was instant.


- the shards froze in midair, sudden pillars of red ice tethering the new spiked roof back to the carriage walls -

- and a strand of Boudoir brought them to the ceiling again, seeing a feather shoot out of the tracks and to the roof, and before they could react -

- the roof shattered again; as they fell, new red ice reformed the roof -

- but shattered instantly again -

" - Boudoir!"

- and a strand of Boudoir brought them to the right carriage wall -

- that shattered instantly -

- just in time for another strand of Boudoir to bring them to the tunnel's right wall, shards falling uselessly behind, train still screaming constant down the tunnel and disappearing down a corner ahead. With the balance of a fashionista, Marisa swung to the other wall of the tunnel, swinging down and down, trying to regain their former speed as they came around the corner -

- and screamed at the sudden train on the tracks heading their way; a swift strand of Boudoir yanked them up -

- and underneath them passed the second train, Rin cursing in Japanese, their speed lost as they came up to the ceiling -

" - Sekisetsu - let, let me use Sekisetsu!" shouted Rin, pointing up to the ceiling. Boudoir's winch brought them closer in, and as Rin tapped the tunnel's ceiling -

- a solid cylinder of ice appeared in the ceiling, replacing a section of the tunnel; a second tap, and the ice melted, leaving a clear burrow to the outside. Marisa swung higher to bring them up and out -

- to at last land feet-first on the roof of the tunnel, target train having not escaped yet.

"Hold - hold you!" shouted Rin, gripping Marisa tight, and as the two started their running -

- a pillar of ice burst at their feet and launched them with the strength of a thousand above -

- and a slide of ice formed midair as the two slid down for hundred and hundreds of feet; catching speed, they hit the bottom again -

- and a second pillar of ice launched them above, Marisa wincing as they flew for hundreds of feet again, needing to keep ahead of the train -

- and they kept for a minute longer, sliding and screaming at ludicrous speed until they saw the end of the tunnel below&ahead. A final ice slide brought them down, and as they were launched off the tunnel -

- a strand of Boudoir yanked them back to the tunnel -

- a pole of ice formed -

- and in to the sudden barrier smashed Marisa's skull, wincing as she gripped Rin too tightly, two laughing a second later.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." laughed Rin, and Marisa nodded, the two hanging before the entrance of the tunnel, hearing the train still driving within.

"It's - alright." she laughed. "Okay. Sekisetsu - can turn stuff -to- ice."

"Yes." nodded Rin. "I need a rope."

Marisa nodded, hanging from the pole with one glove, letting Rin rip a rope from her dress. She tied herself to the pole; Marisa dropped her down, and as the icewoman hung before the tunnel entrance -

- the train screamed in to sight, and as the cabin passed underneath Rin -

- the next scene was instant.

A tap of the cabin turned it to ice; sudden counter too quick, it flipped and derailed right off the track, river right and below as it rolled for hundreds and hundreds of feet down, man still trapped within as it dropped in to the river -

- and with no time to waste, Marisa severed the rope as Rin started her frozen slide down to the river, seeing him come out of the cabin of red ice below, diving underneath the water and starting to swim away -

- but as her foot hit the water's surface, the entire river froze solid, man trapped halfway in the ice two hundred feet left. She felt Marisa come up behind her, and the two started their assured charge down the frozen path, man thrashing desperately against his frozen prison. Only a hundred feet separated them and he now, and as Rin cleared the clearing -

- she tapped his nose, and the man morphed to an ice sculpture, leaving a laughing Rin and Marisa.

"He is not dead. Don't worry." laughed Rin, yanking out the ice angel. "In stasis. Safe."

"Good." grinned Marisa. Rin gestured back to the tunnel, and carried the frozen man back to where the calamity had begun.

"Thank you. Police." she nodded, setting the sculpture feet-first down. She tapped her phone, and Junpei appeared with two officers. As Rin spoke with them in Japanese, Junpei mentioned he could show Marisa back to Ueno if she wanted to leave now, and as she made to do so, one of the officers called to her.

"Before she..." He shook his head, laughed, and offered a pen & paper to her.

As Marisa handed back her autograph, the other officer looked over and wrote something in Japanese next to it. Rin noticed this and said something to him, and he seemed to attempt to play off a joke he had made. For the next minute, Marisa looked around uncomfortably as Rin bickered with the officer in Japanese. Eventually Rin called Junpei back over and he went off with them.

"Junpei, erm… handle it." Rin nodded to Marisa. "I will show you to Ueno."

"Okay. Uh, what was that about?"

Rin seemed embarrassed. "Erm, nothing."