Instilled With Some American Virtues

The following morning, Yamato during breakfast had been teaching some Ueno students American sensibilities & manners, when Junpei appeared with his arms cracked open and gushing blood.

"-need healing." he panted; a strand of Boudoir shot to his arms, new Boudoir-given flesh healing his wounds as he slumped down -

"( - what happened?)" said Daishi, rushing over; Junpei leaned on him for support.

"(I got civilians out, so -- some time -)" - he coughed - "( - minute, please.) Thanks, Marisa."

"Yeah - of course, yeah." nodded the fashionista. "What's going on?"

"Thirty - thirty people dead, over in Kaisei - think it's an ice Revenant - I got hit while I was getting them out -" - he winced. "(Apologies. Thirty people dead in Kaisei, but I evacuated the rest. An ice Revenant, I think.)"

"(An ice Revenant.)" Daishi nodded. "(Rin has not returned yet, but--)"

" - Mia." said Matoi. "Set out with Junpei. (Swarm is immune to ice.)"

"(That would be best, then. Junpei, can you help guide her?)"

"(Yes, Daishi.)"

The two set out.


The two arrived at the start of one suburb in Kaisei, houses and sidewalks where expected, trimmed lawns next to cars halted mid pull-out.

"Alright-io." nodded Junpei, sticking close by Mia, shared elemental resistance in him now. "Rest of the town's still got civilians - but I'll evacuate them once we find the dude."

"Of course." nodded Mia, sword drawn as they walked down the road, straight line of houses beside, and in the next instant -

- she felt a presence behind; with the speed of light she turned -

- and a single sweep of her sword cleaved the serpent behind in half, blue head having sprouted out of the road; she ripped her eyes back -

- and saw her foe three hundred feet away, seven serpent heads swaying out of the ground beside him -

" - that's the guy!" shouted Junpei, Tyrant's throne forming -

- and he was gone. Mia started her charge forward, sword&scarabs outstretched as she rushed down the road, and in the next instant -

- a serpent burst out of the ground right -

- and its gust of wind blasted her with the strength of a thousand left, window of one home approaching as she flew -

" - Worldwide!" she shouted as she came near the window, sweeping her sword down; a pole of ice formed, stopping her mid-flight as she swept down, landing on the lawn now. A new serpent burst before her, and as its teeth shot to her sword -

- her sword disappeared -

- a gust of wind blasted her in to the home, glass scraping her body as she flew, no sign of stopping as she came through the living room -

- but a swift gust of fire&ice scarabs formed a counter blast of water, sword reappearing in her hands as she slowed, landing and standing again. Sword readied, she felt a new presence behind her -

- and turned, blade that was rightfully her's meeting with another serpent's fangs. In a whirlwind of blows they revolved around the room, Mizuchi in her mind, and as a single sweep sought its neck -

- it swept with the speed of light back -

- direct in to a wall of ice; a dozen icicles burst out and trapped the rabid beast, thrashing rapid as she swept again -

- but the next scene was instant. A new serpent appeared behind the wall, breath of fire melting the wall of ice -

- and her strike caught only air as both swept back&away, grunting as she spun to meet the third. Its teeth shot to her sword again, and her blade disappeared again -

- and a bizarre scene met her stare as she ripped her eyes the way she had flown, sword at its position twenty seconds before and flying towards her -

" - Worldwide!" she shouted, swift swarm of ice scarabs forming a frozen shield behind herself, and as her sword flew close -

- a swift geyser of water blasted it up in to the ceiling -

- underneath three sweeping fangs she dodged, wall melting behind -

- and the next scene was instant. Her sword fell from the ceiling's hole, wires hanging out of the aperture; a swarm of electrical scarabs flew above, yanking at the cords and pulling them down to one serpent -

- and a billion volts charred the serpent to ash, two still at her back as she rushed ahead, leaping up to catch her sword, wires still hanging off -

- and another serpent appeared within the aperture, teeth shooting to the wires, immeasurable swiftness yanking the cords around her neck and hanging her. A fourth serpent appeared below, grip shooting to the wires; the noose swelled -

- but she gagged laughing as the electrical current entered her body, swift blue flame out of her nostrils disintegrating her prison -

- to at last fall back to the ground, rushing up to the wall, feeling new serpents form behind. A sweep of fire scarabs cleared her exit, and out to the lawn she she swept, wall of ice blocking as she felt the serpents pursue behind -

- but a new serpent appeared ahead; a glob of acid erupted from its maw -

- but a geyser of water blasted the projectile to the air, keeping her safe as she started her rush forward & right, veering along the lawn, still seeing her foe three hundred feet away down the road. She felt a familiar presence behind and turned -

- her sword met with one serpent's fangs again, eyes readying for her blade to disappear -

- but a gust of fire erupted from its maw, flame claiming her body and setting the entire lawn alight -

" - no, try again!" she laughed, swift ice scarabs extinguishing the burning grass around, and in the next instant -

- another serpent sunk its fangs in to her back, sudden acid starting to corrode her skin -

- and out of her back burst a hundred icicles, woman turned hedgehog trapping the beast behind. Feeling it fall rigid and disappear behind, serpent still ahead, her sword swept again -

- but caught only air as it swept with the speed of light back. Disappearing before her eyes, a new serpent appeared -

- and its immeasurably swift fangs met with her again, grunting as she clashed, eyes only focused on her singular foe -

- and unable to notice the new serpent appearing ahead -

- and its gust of wind blasted her with the strength of a thousand away, flying off the lawn and over the road; a swift blast of water threw her to the ground -

- and surrounded by five new serpents, heads swaying as she stood again.


- a blue ring of fire claimed the combatants, shaking and still only half-harmed, and as five set of fangs shot towards her -

- the next scene was instant.

A pillar of ice burst below her feet, launching her up and in to the air, fangs catching frozen meals below, and as she fell fifty feet above the road -

- a swift platform of ice formed in mid-air, scarabs below slowing its fall as she rushed in pursuit of her foe, two hundred feet ahead and fifty feet below; but she had no time to rest.

A new serpent formed in her platform ahead -

- and a wall of ice grew ahead; and in to the sudden barrier she stumbled, source having not been her own. Staggering back, she stifled her laugh as she saw the four serpents chasing her behind on the platform of ice. Knowing her water wasn't pure, an electrical scarab swept below -

- but a gust of fire claimed the entire platform, melting it in an instant and throwing her feet-first to the ground again; sudden counter too quick for her, she saw the globe of acid shooting for her ahead -

- and her shield of ice took the hit head-on -

- and the acid corroded a hole clear through. She winced as her sword reformed again, hole burnt clear through the golden blade -

- and a second later, the damage reflected, carving a clear hole through her stomach, wincing and grunting as she staggered back. A new serpent appeared in her face -

- and swept back from her vicious sweep, scarab woman grunting as the two clashed again. In a whirlwind of blows they revolved across the street, gleaming blue sword seeking its neck as they fought.

'The other ones -' - another sweep underneath - ' - they're not fighting me - what is it doing?'

- and fear filled her heart a second later, seeing her wound gushing blood on to the road; turning its head, the serpent shot for one pool -

- but a swift sweep of scarabs disintegrated the crimson pool, wound still dripping, sword desperately keeping the beast at bay. The serpent disappeared, and as she felt it reappear behind, touching another pool of blood -

- she felt her veins swell, blood pressure doubling as her lost blood returned to her body -

- but a swarm of internal scarabs disintegrated the excess blood, saving her as a swarm of ice closed her wound, no excess crimson left as she staggered and stumbled forward. Head pounding with no rest, she started her rush away and across the road again -

" - fuck off." she groaned, seeing a serpent appear ahead, and in the next instant -

- the wind blasted her back -

- a ramp of ice formed midair, launching her up and away -

- and a new slide formed midair, curving and yawning to set to the man's line, still seeing the prodigal foe two hundred feet away. She slid down to land a hundred feet away, new sheets of ice forming her feet as she ran and slid. A new serpent formed ahead, icicles suddenly growing out of her road -

- turning her to a woman of laughter as she melted every last, man backing away as she rose to her feet charging. Only fifty feet separated them now, and as she cleared the clearing in a single bound -

- the next scene was instant.

A gust of wind blasted her back; as she flew, her sword scraped the ground, digging in to the road as she still flew a hundred feet away; behind, another serpent's maw opened to received her -

- and only received a blue-flame coated woman for its troubles -

- that disintegrated it clear in half, Mia grunting as she finally stood again, a hundred feet away still.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" she shouted, six feet of blue-flaming-rage standing a hundred feet from her foe. Fissure she had carved as she flew ahead, a serpent beside the man ahead, a swarm of fire&ice scarabs flew ahead -

- and filled the fissure with water, conductive streak between her and the man. A swarm of electrical scarabs touched the water -

- and the serpent's head swept down to the fissure -

- repairing the fissure, electricity catching only herself, frustration and desire to Solar Beam growing as her plan failed -

' - no, nonlethal, nonlethal, nonlethal.' she thought, sword&scarabs drawn, two staring down. 'Lightning bolt if I need to.'

Seven serpents appeared ahead of her, and in the next instant -

- a wall of ice burst up behind her back, blocking the eighth she knew was behind -

- but her wall turned to steam -

" - fucking idiot." she grunted, single palm sweeping back to the watered serpent -

- and a single bolt of lightning charred it to ash, seven still staring ahead.

'I need to kill them all at once - they're regenerating otherwise. If I can...' she thought, two combatants still glaring. She took her phone out, muttering in to it. Man's eyes piqued, she turned and started her rush away and on to the sidewalk, sheets of ice forming as she slid and skid, homes still flanking her right, and as she passed by one -

- a gust of wind blasted her towards the home -

- and a swarm of scarabs cleared the window for her; in to the aperture she flew and landed, starting her rush in to the kitchen, grinning as she found the stove gas -

- and laughing as she turned, eight serpents surrounding her. A single fire scarab flew to the stove and lit the fuse -

- and the entire home was claimed by the explosion as if a bomb had struck it, walls shattering outward and smoke rushing out of the rubble, entire ceiling & home collapsing inward -

- and leaving eight wounded serpents bursting out of the ruins, seeing their foe encased in her icy-prison at the center; and as eight set of fangs sought her neck -

- the prison melted -

- and a flash of burning blue went through seven trunks, disintegrating seven serpents in a single sweep, not a single ash left as she rose out of the rubble -

- and feeling the lucky eighth serpent still remaining behind, immeasurably swift grip shooting for her neck -

- but she swept away and forward, ignoring it as she rushed out on to the road and in pursuit of her foe, her trick having brought her two hundred feet away. Sheets of ice formed at her feet as she slid and ran, and as she came finally fifty within range -

- a regenerated serpent appeared ahead -

- the gust of wind blasted her away -

- but a midair geyser of water blew her instantly back to the ground, swarm of scarabs ripping the zealous upstart's eyes out of its serpentine skull, finally fifty feet within range of her foe -

- and the next scene was instant. Her rage peaked as she aimed her palms forward -

" - Worldwide - Lightning B-"

- the ground swelled to a pillar at her feet and launched her up -

- and her ray of lightning caught only air.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" she shouted, slide of ice beginning her descent back to the ground, seeing her foe fleeing out of range now -

" - YOU'RE SCARED - NOW - AREN'T YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH?!" she shouted as she kept her pursuit going, swiftness sweeping between fangs flanking and seeking her neck -

' - where the fuck is the fire one -'

- a gust of orange fire touched her back -

- and her sword carved its master to mince as she spun, seven serpents surrounding Swarm again. A single serpent tapped the ground at her feet -

- and she swept with the speed of lightning back&away, new serpents shooting towards her, blue flames disintegrating the sudden asphalt pillar. Seven sets of fangs shot for her -

- but the next scene was instant. A geyser of water burst up from her sword, forming rain above every serpents' head, ice scarabs following -

- and the rain of icicles pinned every last beast to the ground, rabid and thrashing against their prison. She left them alive as she started her final pursuit ahead, man still only two hundred feet away, ice bringing her within a hundred -

- a new serpent appeared beside her, still gushing in conductive blood -

- and a trillion volts charred it to ash; she came finally within fifty feet, and as her lightning readied to finally end the man -

- the next scene was instant.

" - Worldwide -" she panted, feeling unfamiliar presence behind; a swarm of scarabs flew below and disintegrated a hole at her feet, and in to the sudden burrow she fell -

- and the soundwave behind caught only air as she fell down in to the tunnel, fire scarabs disintegrating and tunneling for her as she fell a hundred feet below. With no time to waste, she started rushing forward & underground, ice scarabs keeping the tunnel from collapsing, fire scarabs digging a path for her.

' - a second host - are you fucking kidding me?' she thought, ripping her phone out -

- and sighing at the lack of signal, keeping her rush going underneath the neighborhood, hearing more music enter the tunnel behind -

- and starting to reverberate, growing in strength and speed -

" - fuck fuck -" she panted, fire scarabs clearing her tunnel back up to the surface -

- and a geyser of water blasted her out of the aperture; to at last land feet first in another section of the neighborhood, seeing her now two foes standing a hundred feet ahead again, newest arrival carrying a guitar.

'I have to fucking Solar Beam - I can't risk nonlethality here fuck fuck -' she thought, and in the next instant -

- a storm of stones hit her right arm; she shrieked in agony as she felt her bones snap back -

- internal scarabs mending her bones with ice, more serpents appearing ahead -

- and with no option left, she turned and fled, starting her desperate run away and down the road, daring not try her phone as she rushed. Behind, new soundwaves shot towards her -

- but a globe of ice captured the sound, ice scarabs reinforcing it as the globe captured the reverberating beats. Deliberate structural failures in it, it started to crack open away from her, and as a fissure opened up -

- the escaped music hit the road -

- and split the horizontal of it in half as if an earthquake had struck it. Ripping her eyes back, she saw her foes with no way to reach her now -

- but then saw with aghast eyes a serpent tap the fissure -

- and repairing it to twenty seconds prior. Three hosts rushing in pursuit, a volley of stones shot towards her -

- but a pillar of blue flame disintegrated them -

- and released the gas within. The cloud of yellow claimed her right shoulder -

- and corroded nearly clear through, desperate ice keeping her conscious as she repaired her wounds, seeing a fourth host appearing from behind one of the houses ahead. Her eyes went back as she readied to flee -

- but saw four more running towards her, a hundred feet away -

" - Worldwide - Worldwide -" - she panted, scarabs readying for a new burrow below -

- and she felt with doomed senses the ground turn indestructible, no escape left as new serpents appeared -

' - I have to r-risk this -'

" - Worldwide - Solar Beam!" she shouted, scarabs swarming her wrists as she aimed her palms forward -

- but fear filled her stomach as she saw a scorching blue beam erupt from the speed of light from it -

- and disintegrate one of her foes, not a single ash left; she panted, stress growing as she aimed her palms away, desperate to snuff her beam before it hit the housing -

- and saw every last lawn&home disintegrate, beam spinning and growing around, scarabs starting to rip the skin off her arms -

" - Worldwide -" she panted - another foe disintegrated, blue light blinding her as she staggered back; a single scarab erupted at her feet -

- and encased the entire neighborhood in ice; she screamed as unfamiliar chill scorched her legs, rest of her foes shattering to pieces around -

- more scarabs crawled over her face and began tearing, gnawing, ripping through her fingers as she screamed, and fell unconscious as her eyes disintegrated in purple flame.