Click Click Beep

"Have you modeled before this?" Joey finally asked me after studying the photos that we took earlier.

"No." I answered honestly.

"How can you be that comfortable with the camera then? You're a natural!" He exclaimed. 

"Really?" I asked, feeling awkward while internally asking myself over and over, 'How did I end up doing this?' 

We accidentally ran into Joey at the entrance of the station earlier.

"Are you two eloping?" That was his first question upon seeing the two of us with our bags. 

Craige became rigid like a totem as soon as he saw Joey, but he politely answered him. "No, we're not." 

Joey put an arm on Craige's shoulder and bombarded us with questions, while slowly maneuvering Craige towards his SUV. And I had no choice but to follow them because Craige was holding my bag hostage. "Then what's with the bags? And why are you coming out from there together? Are you two dating?" 

'Dating?! How did this escalate that quickly?' 

But my mind was blown when Craige answered him with no remorse. "Yes."

I sharply turned to him with wide eyes but he just smiled at me and held my hand. My eyes snapped downwards as my heart rate went erratic.

'What the heck is going on?!' 

Craige then turned to Joey. The other guy was half a foot shorter than him so he had to look down. "Can you please keep this from Auntie?" 

'How did Teacher Kimmy get into the equation? What does she…' 

Then I remembered that Joey was really close with Teacher Kimmy and we could not risk him running his mouth. And knowing Joey, that was likely to happen. But more than that, what bothered me more was the fact that I totally forgot the very reason that Craige and I became friends in the first place. We made a deal to keep our relationship… I mean the fact that we're in the same class… a secret from her. 

I looked at Craige with amazement. 'Wah. He's an incredibly quick thinker.'

Then I peeked over at Joey to see if he was buying Craige's excuse. And he was grinning from ear to ear as he stared back at me which sent shivers down my spine. "Of course, baby boy. On one condition…"

And that's how I ended up taking pictures with Joey despite turning him down multiple times. In exchange for keeping his mouth shut, he wanted to do a camera test on how I would look from different angles and see which would work the best for me. Then he asked if I could let him do my portfolio when he learned that I was aspiring to be an actress. Not to mention that he offered to do it for free in exchange for agreeing to work with him on his projects where I would get paid handsomely as well. Joey was one of the most renowned photographers in the industry. And I'd bet that his smooth way with words played a huge part in his success. And I ended up falling for it. 

"Two weeks from now, we'll be shooting Red Is Passion Project. We'll be preparing the costumes this week so I'd like to know if you want to give it a try." He was practically beaming at me. 

'Two weeks?!' 

Craige looked at me then interjected. "What about Clarisse? Isn't she doing it?"

Joey turned to him with a frown. "She's not. That ingrate came two days ago to terminate her contract because she got scouted by an agency to be an idol."

"I see." Craige sounded disappointed which piqued my curiosity as to who this Clarisse was. And as if reading my mind, he briefly looked at me and ruffled my hair. "It's not what you think."

Joey clamped his lips together, trying to suppress his smile. 

Craige turned to him again. "You said that the concept for R.I.P. Project will be quite matured. Isn't that too much for her first shoot?"

Joey waved him dismissively. "Look at you acting like a really protective boyfriend! But don't worry baby boy, my baby girl seems to be really gifted in this area. And since you're both 'close' with each other already, I don't think a little intimacy would be a problem. As long as you're up for it, baby girl."

'How do I refuse?'

Joey smiled at me so I hesitantly smiled back at him. "Sure."

Joey clapped his hands like a seal then gave me a big hug. "I love you baby girl! I'll tell Maria to adjust the costumes and I'll see you both next week for the fitting!"

On our way back to the condominium, Craige asked me several times if I was sure about doing this. It was probably at his 6th or 7th attempt that I finally snapped at him.

Hands on my waist, I glared at him with irritation. "Seriously! Do you have a problem with me doing it?!"

It was bright at the mini park of the condominium but there weren't many people around.

"It's not that. I'm just worried about you easily agreeing to this. The concept is very different from what you usually see me do. We'll be taking a lot of intimate shots together and the costumes prepared for Clarisse are a little... revealing."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Your standards of 'revealing' or mine?"

He thought about it. "Probably yours."

"I doubt that. As long as he won't make me wear a bikini, I'm good." Then I eyed him suspiciously. "Or is this about something else? You're against me doing it because you want to do it with that Clarisse, right?"

'I haven't even met her yet but I don't like her already.'

"Zee!" Craige's eyes rounded in surprise and he immediately pulled me by the hand when he noticed that a passerby with a kid was looking our way. On our way towards the elevators, he was muttering loudly. Definitely for me to hear. "God! I can't believe you just said that with those people around. Don't you have breaks? Didn't anyone ever tell you to be careful with what you say? I can't believe you."

I snickered. "That's really rich coming from the guy who shamelessly asked about 'sanitary pads' inside a crowded train."

It wasn't until we entered the elevator and I saw his flushed reflection from the mirror inside, that I understood what he was so flustered about.

'You're against me doing it because you want to do it with that Clarisse?'

And I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry! Hahahaha! I didn't realize! Hahahaha! That guy must have been so shocked with what I said. Hahahaha!"

"Definitely not as shocked as I was." He grumbled. "What's up with you? Are you feeling sleepy already? Is that why you're not thinking before you speak?"

That stopped my laughter in an instant. "How did you know that I don't think properly when I'm sleepy?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Let's just say from experience."

"I admit." I let out a sigh and raised my fist to admit to his accusation because I could not refute it. "But I'm not sleepy now. So tell me, why are you so adamant about me not taking on that gig? Is it because you think I can't pull it off? Is it because of the clothes? Or is it because of this Clarisse?"

He didn't answer until we reached the door to Teacher Kimmy's room. "Intimacy."

"What about intimacy?"

"Are you confident that you can be intimate with me without feeling awkward?" He studied me for a while then leaned against the door. 

"Why would I feel awkward?" I asked incredulously. "It's not like Joey's going to ask us to kiss, right?"

He raised an eyebrow at me. "This is why they say that ignorance is a bliss. Even if there'll be no kissing, what Joey had in mind will go beyond hugging and holding hands."

'Does he really think that I'm a child??'

I rubbed my neck. "Craige. I'm okay with it. Really." 

"Really?" This time he frowned.

I let out a frustrated breath. "Do I have to kiss you for you to believe me?"

"Zee!" He glowered at me disapprovingly.

'The heck?!' It was my turn to scowl at him. 

He just made it seem like he was being blackmailed with a kiss. I took a deep breath and patiently restated my words. "What I'm trying to say is that I can do this professionally so please stop treating me like a clueless kid." 

He opened the door and I followed him inside. And I bumped into Craige when he suddenly stopped walking. Although it didn't hurt, I whined because I was feeling crappy. "Ow!" 

He then turned to me and to my utter surprise, he suddenly grabbed my shoulders and made me lean against the door which closed behind me. "You think I'm treating you like a kid?"

The room was dark because Teacher Kimmy went out to meet Dr. Reynaldi for an emergency meeting and said that she'll be back before dinner. And with the door closed, it was just black everywhere that it took awhile for my eyes to fully adjust to the darkness. But as soon as they did, I glanced up at Craige feeling annoyed. "Are you looking for a fight?"

He chuckled then his voice sounded raspy as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry if I made you think that I'm treating you like a kid. But I swear, I'm not." 

"Your words and your actions don't match at all. You are aware of that, aren't you?" I did my best not to tense up because I didn't want him to misinterpret it and think that he makes me feel uncomfortable. That would be a disadvantage on my part with the current situation. So I clenched my jaw and ordered my heart to stop acting up. "Why can't you just trust me and give me a chance? What are you so afraid of?"

But instead of answering me, he tilted his head to one side and I stiffened when his lips touched my neck. It felt cold and hot at the same time. 'Shit!'

I felt him smile against my skin then he lifted his head to look me in the eyes. "This is just a sample of 'little' intimacy in Joey's dictionary. Are you really sure that you're up for this?"

'That was really underhanded!'

I wanted to protest and I felt triggered, but I did my best not to snap. "That's not counted. You caught me by surprise, that's all."

He put his hands on both sides of my head and peered down at me with intrigue. "Then are you saying that you won't stiffen like this as long as I give you a heads up."

"Of course." I answered quickly which made him smile in amusement.

"Ok, let's try this. If you pass, I'll concede and stop getting on your case." He suggested. Then with a tone that one would usually use while talking to a toddler, he explained to me the 'mechanics'. "I'll say what I'll do and I'll give you five seconds to prepare before I actually do it. If you think that it's too much for you, then just tell me to stop."

"Stop treating me like a kid and just do it." I gave him a smug smile.

He showed me his right hand. "I'll touch your face."

I shrugged and he stayed true to his words. 

Five seconds later, he carefully cupped my face and the warmth that I felt reminded me of that day when he first held my hand and we asked ourselves if we liked each other. I never got to know if he found his answer but I already came into terms with mine. 

"I'll put my arm around your waist."

Five seconds later, he pulled me by the waist and I studied his face which was just a few inches from mine. It's really curious because I was expecting for a 'replay' to happen like when I was with Teacher Kimmy, but it never came. 

With his eyes on mine, I felt grounded. 

It oddly fastened me to the 'here and now' which was really peculiar. 

I don't know for how long we have been staring at each other. But when I noticed that he was hesitating to speak, I beat him to it.

"I'll press my lips against yours."

Craige went statue-still when I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One…" 


Dear Dairy Milk,

I must have gone out of my mind!

What was I thinking?!

Damn it. I should stop thinking about this or I really might have a heart attack.

What do I do now?