To Each Their Own

"Trix, there's a new cafe that opened in front of the arcade. You're in?" Mia asked Trixie as soon as we got dismissed.

Trixie discreetly glanced my way then shook her head. "Sorry but I'll pass. We have a scheduled mock test in the academy today. So I'm going now with the other kids to catch the bus."

'Other kids...He.'

"Ok bye~" Mia sadly waved her goodbye as Trixie got her bag and left to follow the 'other kids' outside.

We quickly organized our stuff because Labyrinthos Cafe will open at exactly 6PM and the drinks and desserts will be free for the first fifty customers. Mia already booked a taxi beforehand so when we reached the school gate, our ride was already waiting for us conveniently. That's why we got to the cafe earlier than I expected and were able to avail the promotion.

We grabbed a cubicle and squatted down on the cushions. I looked around the cafe and it really looked different from your usual coffee shop. The interior was designed as if you're in a labyrinth with cushioned walls that separated each table and instead of sitting on a chair, customers sit on low couch-like cushions.

"This place is definitely for kids. I don't think my grandma would appreciate sitting on the floor like this. Her knees would break." I muttered as I appreciated the makeshift cherry blossom trees that accentuated the dark grey walls.

Katherine giggled. "I just imagined your grandma complaining about having to sit on the floor. She'd be like 'I came to have coffee not sauna!' and she'll storm out while grumbling all the way home."

"Your grandma scares me." Mia said honestly.

I laughed. "Even if she's that grumpy, I do miss her a lot. It's been so long since she last visited."

'Most probably because she felt uncomfortable around Arthur's dad.'

Our order arrived and we all gasped in surprise because of the visuals. Mia quickly took out her phone to take a picture of the cupcakes. "I swear, even if this doesn't taste good, I'll keep coming back for this."

As soon as she finished taking a picture, I dug in and immediately shivered when the rich flavor of cheese melted in my mouth. "I think you'll be coming here everyday from now on."

The two of them also tried the cupcakes and squealed in surprise that I had to silence them. "Shh!"

"Oh my gosh!" Katherine slapped my arm. Her weakness has always been desserts. But I've never seen her this excited about food before.

In our group, I've always been the big eater. Katherine just eats a little of this and that while Trixie has constantly been on a diet. Mia just likes asking us out to eat but I'm actually the one who does most of the eating. And that's saying a lot about how little they eat because I do get an upset stomach when I eat too much.

We finished the cakes in no time and chatted while enjoying the drink that was just as good. They ordered different kinds of frappe while I ordered a chocolate shake. Then all of a sudden, Mia chose to change the topic. "She and Craige became really close lately, don't you think?"

Katherine and I didn't have to ask who she was talking about because it was so obvious.

"That's because she kept following him around like an obsessed stalker." Katherine brutally pointed out to my surprise. Usually, when she doesn't have anything good to say about other people, she would keep it to herself or tell it only to me. I didn't expect her to talk about Trixie like that in front of Mia.

Mia was also taken by surprise. "Aren't you being a little harsh? We all know that she likes him. We can't really expect her to just sit around and do nothing, right?"

Katherine shrugged and gave me a side-glance. "I don't know about you guys but that's just my honest opinion. There's a huge difference between expressing your feelings to someone you like and forcing yourself onto a person."

"You do have a point. But Craige doesn't seem to mind it when she sticks to him all the time." Mia was in deep thought for a while and suddenly slammed her hand on the table then moved closer to whisper to us. "You think they're going out already?"

Katherine shook her head as she slurped her drink to the last drop. "Not a chance. Arthur told us that Craige likes Ameera."

"You're done already?!" Instead of reacting to her words, I was more surprised by how fast she finished her drink, so I quickly tried to catch up.

"He said what?! I'm against that pair up! I'm shipping Craige for Zee." Mia's words made me choke on my drink and I immediately regretted drinking fast. The cold liquid made its way up my nose and I started coughing badly.

Katherine gave me the tissue box which I hastily took. "Are you okay?"

Mia on the other hand was frowning when I looked at her after composing myself. "Wah*cough*cough* What?"

"Why are you so surprised? It never occurred to you? Are you not interested in him?" Her eyes were silently challenging me to say no.

I cleared my throat and lifted my chin in defiance. "Are you trying to intimidate me right now?"

Mia rose on her knees and towered over me. "I AM."

"GOOD! Because I feel intimidated." I chuckled and crawled behind Katherine for defense.

Katherine raised her arms sidewards and also started laughing because Mia was far from looking intimidating. She's too cute for that.

Mia pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. "You looked so great together in those photos. And even before that, when you played as a couple during the audition and Craige came running to you, the chemistry between the two of you were off the charts. That's why I strongly believe that you like each other."

Katherine's jaw dropped. "You've been shipping them since the audition?"

"Of course I was! Didn't you see how genuinely worried Craige looked at that time? It didn't look like an act. It was so real." Mia slumped back on her cushion. "And it was also my first time seeing Zee act seriously. She has always been robotic before that. Their synergy was perfect."

I shook my head because I felt dizzy with her words. "You're using very big words Mia. It's hard for me to keep up. You think that we like each other because we have good chemistry and synergy?"

Katherine chuckled. "Things like that can be faked with great acting skills. And just so you know, Zeanne's skills are top-notch. She's just trying to be modest about it."

My jaw dropped and I formed hearts with my fingers for Katherine. "Alabyu."

She winked and did the same. "Alabyutu."

Mia started sulking. "This is why I don't like going out with just you two. You keep making me feel left out."

"Ichdatcho?" I moved towards Mia and squished her cute round cheeks affectionately. "Our little Mia is not happy? This sister is so sorry. I will labyu lots from now on. I pwamis."

I hugged her tight and so did Katherine. "I will labyu too, lots from now on. This big sister is very sorry for making you feel that way."

At first Mia was shaking us off with her shoulders but she eventually gave in. If Katherine's weakness was sweets, then for Mia it would be affection.

With both her mom and dad working in the medical field, she barely had any memories of bonding with both of them present together. That's why, as her friends, we try to give her as much affection as we can. Before 'that' happened to me last year, I never failed attending the parties and sleepovers that she would organize. Even if all I did was stay in her room, watching television, while they party downstairs.

She hugged us back then we sat back on our cushions feeling warm. Mia looked at me. "So, it was all just an act? You really have no feelings for him?"

I studied her cute and hopeful face. "I can't answer that yet."

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "I don't think it's appropriate to go around telling people what you feel without even telling it to the person himself."

Mia's face lit up. "You mean you're planning to confess to him first?"

Katherine turned to me in surprise. "You're doing what?!"

"I'm thinking of confessing to him." I declared with a grin and Mia shrieked with delight.

But Katherine frowned at me. "Why would you do that? That is so not conventional."

"I don't know. I guess, I've started liking unconventional things." I shrugged then turned to Mia. "Does it not bother you that Trixie and I are interested in the same person?"

Mia froze. "Oh my God. I forgot about Trixie."

I laughed at that. "You're impossible."

"Will you be okay? Will you be fighting with Trixie over Craige? That would make things really awkward between you two." Mia shifted uncomfortably on her cushion.

"It already is." Katherine muttered under her breath.

Mia looked downhearted. "I don't want you to be awkward with Trixie. But I also don't want you to give up on Craige. This is complicated!"

"Will you please stop worrying? I won't be fighting with Trixie over Craige. That's just not my style." I chuckled. Even Mia was worried about the same thing that Trixie was worried about. "But after listening to you, I just realized what a bad friend I am."


Dear Dairy Milk,

Was I too harsh on Trixie?

Do you also think that I'm really that heartless?

Was there another way to tell her that she's free to like Craige without being conscious of my feelings?

I get her point. Really. I do.

Even I would not feel good if they both started going out.

But if they do... dealing with my own feelings is my problem.

Not hers.

There's really no need to make so much drama about it, right?