Also A Blue Blood

I barely managed to recover from the shock of learning that Craige belonged to a very notable family, when he suddenly gave me a call to set up a date to meet MY father.

'I guess he really wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.'

And I have to agree with him on that.

The previous session with my Mom and Uncle Argus, plus Arthur, was already so draining. So the sooner we finish all these formalities, the faster we can finally take a breath.

I don't even know anymore why I even bothered asking him to go through all this hassle in the first place.

Although, I'd have to admit that after learning what I learned that night, I started to understand Craige more and I actually felt bad for whining about how difficult my life had been when he's been through a lot himself.

'I must have sounded like a brat.'

I didn't know a thing about politics and I was never really interested in it. That's why I really didn't know anything much about our Governor, other than his name and his infamous youthful face.

Also, I really haven't heard of Hilary Clinton before. And aside from the fact that she had an early retirement like my mom, which my mom shared that night, I also didn't really know much about her too.

So I spared some time to actually search them up.

I could not believe that I was actually doing a background check despite myself, until I was reading the results of the search.

Russell Clinton, although advanced in age compared to Hilary, still looked so dashing as if he was 10 years younger than his actual age. The same goes for Hilary. I wonder how she managed to make people believe that she already had a child with that figure.

And while I was looking up Hilary on the internet, a name popped up that made my eyebrows lift with amusement.

Choi HyunWoo.

He used to have a dating scandal with Hilary before his dating scandal with my Mom erupted like wildfire.

Dad has been really busy painting the town red back in his days, huh?

I wonder what they all see in him?

But I guess that would be a mystery that would remain unsolved my entire life.

When Craige and I met up in the station, he had no idea where we were going. But as we rode the taxi from Cape Hallows' station towards my father's company, he started asking questions.

"Is your father working in the same company as Aunt Kimmy?"

"Haha. Something like that." I answered vaguely.

We've been to this place together many times over the past few months for my therapy with Teacher Kimmy, but we really have not been anywhere else except her studio. So I never really had the chance to introduce him to my Dad who was just a few floors higher.

'I wonder how Dad will react. Will mom win the bet for the first time?'

Craige followed me quietly inside Z.Entertainment's building and obviously felt uncomfortable when we encountered some trainees who ogled at us without reservation. And when I pressed the top floor button on the elevator, he raised an eyebrow. "He's someone that high up?"

I nodded awkwardly. "But he's not that special, really. Although he can be a little… spontaneous."

"What do you mean?"

I smiled at him and although I wanted to hold his hand as we went inside, I held myself back because I was afraid of how my father would react if he saw us like that. I didn't give my dad a heads up that I was going to introduce him to someone. I just told him that I was visiting.

So when we opened the mahogany door to his office, he came running to me with his arms wide open. "Baby girl!!!!!!!!"

I let him hug me to his heart's content because we haven't seen each other for almost a month. He's been away for the 5th International Concert Tour of the idol group, MMM, which he produced a couple of years back.

"I missed you so much! If I had known that your break already started, I would have sent someone to pick you up so you could attend the concert. I know how much you loved the girls and their music." He pulled away with a pout on his lips.

I caught his lips with my finger and pinched them while giggling. "It's fine. It won't be their last concert this summer anyway."

He nodded and I let go of his lips. That was when his eyes finally wandered towards the person nervously standing behind me and his eyes narrowed to a slit. He gave Craige that look that I knew too well. "What's your name?"

'Oh dear.'

Surprised by the direct question, Craige stuttered when he answered. "C-Craige Clinton, sir."

"Craige…" He circled around Craige like how a shark in an aquarium would circle the protective cage of its caretaker during meal time. "How tall are you?"

Although confused by this unconventional question, Craige still answered politely. "I'm 183cm the last time I checked, sir."

"Dad…" I tried getting back my father's attention through gritted teeth. 'I knew this would happen.'

But after seeing Craige, it seemed like he had already forgotten about me. "Do you know how to dance?"

"Not really, sir."


"Terrible at it, sir."

His answers made my dad shake his head while in deep thought. And Craige looked at me with confusion, probably wondering why my father would want to know if my potential boyfriend knew how to sing and dance.

My father finally stopped circling around Craige and stood in front of him with his hand on his chin. "How about acting? Have you tried acting before?"

"Dad… that's not what he's here for." I tried to explain but my father raised a finger at me, fully concentrated on scrutinizing Craige from head to toe.

"Ssshh. Just a minute, baby girl."

Craige looked uncertain but he still answered my father honestly. "I've tried acting in our school play before."

"You two are classmates?" Dad's grim facial features brightened at Craige's words. "Main character or side character?"

"Both main characters, sir."

Dad grinned and he finally turned to me. "How was it?"

He meant to ask, how was Craige's performance.

I massaged the bridge of my nose between my eyebrows because of a brewing migraine. "He's good. He's actually really good."

"Ah really?" He turned back to Craige with a huge smile. "You do know that that's a very huge compliment coming from my daughter, right?"

Craige absentmindedly nodded.

And his confusion just became worse when my Dad suddenly stretched out his hand and enthusiastically offered, "Would you like to sign up and become a part of my family?"

Craige looked at his outstretched hand, still processing my father's words. And before he could get the wrong idea, I stood between them and peered at my dad.

"Dad, that's not what Craige came here for." I finally managed to say.

This time, it was my Dad's turn to look confused. "You didn't scout him?"

"No." I answered resolutely. "I brought him here to introduce him to you."

"Isn't that the same as scouting?"

I chuckled. "I guess it really is something like that. But not as a prospective talent."

Craige moved and stood beside me then held out his hand to my father. "Sir, I'm Craige Clinton. And I'm here to request for your permission to date your daughter."

Dad's eyebrow raised in amusement as he turned to me for confirmation. And as soon as I nodded, he took Craige's hand for a shake without hesitation. "Okay. I approve."

"That fast?" The words left my lips before I could hold them back. I was just so shocked by my father's attitude towards this.

He gave me a disgruntled look. "My dear, at this day and age, it's very rare to catch a gem like him. I know because I've seen a lot who could not compare. So you better stop being difficult and hold on to him."

"Are you really my father? Uncle Argus had a more father-like reaction than you, although he was just messing around." I pointed out with disappointment.

"Then do you want me to take back my approval?" He was grinning from ear to ear like a maniac.

So, I quickly answered. "No!"

He chuckled and pinched my cheeks. "See? You really are my daughter. You know a gem when you see one."

"You're impossible." I moved my head away from him.

He teasingly stuck out his tongue. "But you love me anyway."

I could not help but laugh at his childish behavior. Who would even think that this guy, who has been running the largest entertainment agency in the country, was this childish and mischievous?

I caught his cheeks between my palms. "Yes, I do."

He put an arm on my shoulder and turned back to Craige. "Thanks for coming all the way here to get my permission. Please take good care of my daughter from now on."

"I promise to do my best, sir." Craige answered with a serious tone as well.

I suddenly felt shy at his words.

But that shyness was momentary and was quickly replaced by embarrassment when my dad again held out his hand to Craige with the brightest smile that I've ever seen him wear before.

"So, Mr. Craige Clinton, what do you say about signing up as an actor in my company?"


Dear Dairy Milk,

I have the coolest Dad ever, don't I?

Although he was a little embarrassing today for pestering Craige until he got a 'Yes'.

Still, he's the best dad that I could ask for.


So I guess that makes us official now, right?