First Date

"Zee? Wake up. Come down for breakfast." Arthur softly knocked on the door three times.

No answer.

He tried knocking again. "Zee? Zeanne?"

Still no answer.

"Zeanne!" He started hammering his fist on the door, because he knew that it would take at least that much to wake me up if I was still sleeping.

"Ugh." I stretched and shifted under the covers before pushing myself up. But my body was refusing to leave the bed so I slumped back face down.

And because my brother was a very patient person in the morning, he didn't bother waiting for a few more seconds before hammering the door again. "ZEE!!!!!!!"

"Wait!" My voice cracked and was hoarse because I didn't sleep until it was around 2AM to finish watching a drama with the most handsome alien that I've ever seen in my life. "Why is he shouting so early in the morning? Does he not know how to knock?"