Line Of Support

Tok tototok tok~ Tok tok~

Our lips parted and I opened my eyes to see a pair of dark gray eyes looking at me and sparkling with amusement. 

'He really does enjoy making fun of me!'

But before I could deride him for his behavior, Craige turned his head to look at where the sound came from. And I followed his gaze with a frown, only to find Arthur standing at the door with a freakish smile on his face.

I gasped and pushed Craige which made him land on his rear against the floor for the second time today. "H-how long have you been standing there?"

Arthur whistled as he casually walked into the room. He then dropped himself on the bed and crossed his legs looking haughty. "A while."

Craige stood up and raked his fingers through his hair. "You should've informed us sooner."

"I wouldn't dare! You both seemed to be enjoying yourselves." He moved his eyebrows up and down then he turned to wink at me. "Besides, I also had fun watching."