The Witch And The Hunt

The day after that little playtime with Nadeen's gang, rumors about what happened to us started spreading like wildfire.

"Did you hear?"


"Someone saw Zee leaving the restroom yesterday with her uniform soaking wet!"

"What happened? Did she spray the bidet by mistake? Hahaha!"

"True. Sounds like something Zee would do. Haha."

"No one saw what happened inside but some people saw Nadeen, Liam, and Crystal leave a little later. And I heard that one student tried to go inside before all that but the door was locked from inside."

"You mean… Ey… No way... Seriously?"

The next day it even reached the ears of people outside our class…

"Did you hear?"


"Nadeen and her friends have been bullying Zeanne ever since school started!"

"Who's Zeanne?"

"You know! That plain Jane who's dating Craige!"

"Ah! That girl who's always with that Katherine Leomord?"